View Full Version : need help with weapons/gear

12-28-2011, 08:15 PM
So currently I'm a returning player after 3 years and decided to once again try making a FB. I'm just having a bit of issues trying to figure out what weapons to use. Atm I'm using a +7 redosm blade 26%CD and a +7 forc crystal 16%CD. Now I realize the game has changed a lot since I last played but what kind of weapons should i aim for if I plan on staying between150-160 for awhile atleast till honor rank 13.
my stats are as follows at 139 in my war gear.

my attack and amp will go up a bit once i do a few more wars and hit honor rank 8 so i can equip my bof+4's
i also need to switch out my +20attack gloves for 7%amp ones eventually but money's a bit tight as i'm not getting to lucky running eod/sod. I am barely making profit per run as i keep the uch's to try and +9 my gear.

any advice would be appreciated as gear sets have seemed to change since i last played.:(

01-07-2012, 07:17 PM
go with a 2 slot FC kat and get a high CDI crystal lapis/topaz preferred like 30% dmg atleast.

02-07-2012, 03:16 PM
agree with rowe 20 cd fc kata or blade and topaz 30 is fine or lapis 36

02-07-2012, 05:13 PM
Ok...about the amp gloves vs the 20 attack gloves....

with the gloves you have your base attack is 823....when you switch to the amp gloves your base attack will drop to 803...when you use a skill with at least 85% skill amp, the amp gloves will improve your damage by roughly 13 damage....if you use something like level 20 force slash which off the top of my head has about 35% skill amp...force slash will do about 23 more damage with the amp than with the attack gloves...

Basically the amp will improve your damage slightly....it's up to you to decide if burning a few hundred million for 13 to 23 extra damage is worth it....if the amp gloves cost about 100m, ok maybe I'd change to amp....but if they cost 200m or more (likely to be the case if it's 2 slot amp), then you'd be better off increasing your honor (preferably honor rank 10) buying +6 bracelets ...because bracelets not only come with the 6% amp each but they increase your minimum damage by 6% each (+12% means your close to capping minium damage) as well so that you consistently hit for higher damage.

Another option is you could save that money and get better sword and/or crystal as well....it would be much better to get 20+ base attack than 7% amp....but it all depends on what the price is of the items your looking to buy.

OVerall, it's up to you if you feel 13 - 23 extra damage is worth it....just thought I'd give you more insight on how changing the gloves will affect you.....it actually could help if your have high crit damage and get higher crit rate though...if you had or get 150% CD, then 23 extra damage would add 57 more damage to your attacks (higher or lower depending on many other factors)...not bad...so that something else to consider.