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View Full Version : best drop at ft1?

01-04-2012, 03:42 AM
since the drops got changed or whatever, whats every1's best drops since the drops changed, i havent seen a uchh in a while any1 else?


01-04-2012, 04:41 AM
Slot extender high, slot extender medium, osmium WI boots 1 slot 7% all amp, 3 belt of vital+4.

Ran some 200+ FT1's.

01-04-2012, 05:33 AM
this is after the drop change right?

01-04-2012, 06:29 AM
My best drop was a bike and osm wiz one slot amp boots

And everyone loves fch or fchh -_-

01-04-2012, 08:12 AM
4 bov+4s, 257 runs -.-;

Ive only ran 10-20 since they changed things so far. Think they removed uchh, sehh, +8 capes sg/tg grade armor from the dung...

01-04-2012, 08:21 AM
ah those were the best things :(

01-04-2012, 08:24 AM
Ran it 3 times and got a Slot extender high

01-04-2012, 02:21 PM
Ran it 3 times and got a Slot extender high

trolls started now?!!

01-04-2012, 02:42 PM
trolls started now?!!

While seh in 3 runs is not probable, its possible. who cares if its a troll, "DevilSpecialz" made in sept 2011? lol... Anyway its possible since its on the drop table, everyone knows it doesn't happen in 3 runs, I myself have done 250 on wa, and had over 250 on WI a while back when it was a bit more difficult mainly because everything was harder to come by, n m amp forci crafts from the ft craft place would go for like 700-800m; and i never got seh from ft, but I'm not going to call the guy out on the forums lmao.

I've seen people get 2-3 bikes, and some get none. Again its not likely, for seh in 3 runs but since its on the drop list its not worth even calling him out on it, especially if he was a troll cuz you just got baited. lol :cool:

01-04-2012, 03:41 PM
is there a drop table out for it atm?

01-05-2012, 09:58 PM
is there a drop table out for it atm?

There is on cabal wiki, but its not completely accurate, It doesn't reflect the most recent changes to the drop tables in ft1 with addition of the binding/non binding class specific epic craft drops... -.-


sehh, +8 capes are not on the drop list either which wouldn't make sense if that's where they dropped before the change. I'm 90% sure uchh don't drop in ft1 anymore, only ran like 20 ish in last few days but no uchh/fchh, or astral cores anymore.

01-06-2012, 06:11 AM
Dbl slot Topaz Fatal

01-06-2012, 08:01 AM
kind of change of topic, but are boss's even worth hunting anymore (etc) pf boss's and derk

01-06-2012, 02:45 PM
500 runs 10SEH

01-07-2012, 02:57 PM
While seh in 3 runs is not probable, its possible...
Again its not likely, for seh in 3 runs but since its on the drop list

kinda like merga ring before

qq player 1: how many runs before i get the raw ring? It's taken me 400 already!

proud player 2: I got it in 7:p

troll lolol player 3: I got it in 1 on all characters :p:p:p

btw, forget about opening the chests for ALL the 3 keys in a run...lol

http://img715.imageshack.us/img715/2104/ft1treasures.png (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/715/ft1treasures.png/)

on topic:

best drop? this

http://img11.imageshack.us/img11/8107/meba.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/11/meba.jpg/)


and these

http://img37.imageshack.us/img37/9546/secretshop.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/37/secretshop.jpg/)

haven't crfted there in a long time as u can see from the card format, that's an old ss...not even sure if the secret merchant did not turn greedy like most sellers in ah lol, pricing their merchandies 2x, 3x than what it used to be

01-07-2012, 07:26 PM
ACBF doesnt drop anymore..... only crafted so no point in that anymore.

01-08-2012, 02:06 AM
1 slot osm fb 7%s.amp gloves....cb -_-

and an sem