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01-07-2012, 03:26 PM

Data Execution Prevention: Adding Exception for CABAL Online:
Control Panel -> System -> Advanced System Settings -> Under "Performance" Click "Settings...."-> Data Execution Prevention tab


Select "turn on for all programs and services except those I select:"
Add to the exception list the following .exes:


All of these can be found in the Cabal installtion directory. in "C:\Program Files\CABAL Online (NA - Global)"*
* for 64 bit systems its C:\Program Files(x86)\CABAL Online (NA - Global)


User Account Control: Lowering Settings ;

Control Panel -> User Accounts and Family Safety -> User Accounts -> Change User Account Control Settings
Lower to "never notify", This will eliminate the OS from asking twice if you want to open something you have already clicked on.


Elevating Privileges of CABAL Online Executeables:
Navigate to the Cabal Directory "C:\Program Files\CABAL Online (NA - Global)"*
* for 64 bit systems its C:\Program Files(x86)\CABAL Online (NA - Global)
Right Click Cabal.exe -> Properties -> Compatibility -> Privilege Level -> Check Run this program as admin box -> Click apply.
Right Click Cabalmain.exe -> Properties -> Compatibility -> Privilege Level -> Check Run this program as admin box -> Click apply.
Right Click Update.exe -> Properties -> Compatibility -> Privilege Level -> Check Run this program as admin box -> Click apply.


NOTE: Before checking "run this program as admin" box, you will see there is a button underneath that "Change settings for all users", on some operating systems the change settings for all users does not apply the admin privileges correctly, so be sure to check the box under the privelege window and under the duplicate window in the "change settings for all users" window.
Ensure that no program is using XP SP if its win7, you should keep the compatiblity mode unchecked after marking run as admin as in the picture.


Clean Boot through MSConfig.exe ; For those having trouble executing cabal after adding exceptions to anti virus programs.
Start -> Run -> msconfig.exe
Select "Selective Startup".


Navigate to "Services" tab, Click "Hide ALL Microsoft Services", after only non-essential services are left and microsoft ones are hidden, you can click "disable all" and reboot; or just go through and disable ones that you know aren't relevant to cabal running, or could be possibly causing conflicts with cabal.
You can re-enable all this under normal start up afterwards if you feel the need.


Navigate to "Start-up" tab, Disable non-essential start up programs including anti virus, you can leave basic ones like msn, java platform, adobe (flash, shockwave ect).


Hope that helps for those with anti virus problems, or problems with cabal not doing anything after clicking play now on launcher or attempting to open the launcher/starter.



If you feel the need for step by step explanation and guidance of these settings, just PM me with request for teamview. During teamview i will NOT be requesting control, I will simply monitor your screen and instruct you on changes to be made to ensure cabals ability to execute properly; and to eliminate any possibility of other services/settings causing conflicts with CABAL Online/Gameguard.

edit #2:

Some computers with anti virus programs enabled will block update.exe and cabal from downloading the nessecary file updates; this failing of downloading results in deletion of the update.exe file completely from the folder, Thus the client is stuck in a never ending loop. Disabling anti virus is probably top priority but among the few I've team viewed with, its come apparent that not everyone is as computer savy, even with a tutorial completely typed out with pictures and directions, its still hard to perform as they are not filimiliar with any of the computer settings, or dialog boxes.

This isn't really their fault, but it does highlight the need for having patienence and going step by step to complete the changes, if I teamview with you, I am only doing the exact instructions provided here in the tutorial. There is nothing magic to it, so please take the time and read the tutorial if you really want to solve the launcher problem for yourself. :D

01-07-2012, 10:57 PM
Nice tutorial. :)

Bar Dribben
01-12-2012, 03:53 AM
At last! true help, ty very much !!!

07-20-2012, 10:44 PM
i did it over and over stil not working

08-08-2012, 02:08 AM
Upload a SS of your non microsoft services if you want from inside msconfig.exe services tab, so I can get a good idea of whats running.

08-09-2012, 08:56 PM
+1 ;p

03-06-2013, 05:19 PM
still having issues with cabal -.-
it starts to working6321 randomly but it gets annoying
already tried almost everything

03-06-2013, 07:17 PM
i just redownlaoded the game from a new downlaod of it