View Full Version : ecoin problems

05-09-2010, 03:30 AM
when i go to buy ecoin it shows i can only buy 4,67 in ecoins and says i have reached my limit for the day,well its been like 4 days now.
has anyone else had this issue?
getting no reponse for my help desk ticket .

05-09-2010, 05:02 AM
I think you can only have a max of 5,000 on your account at any given time.

05-09-2010, 05:27 AM
blame gg

05-09-2010, 09:53 AM
the limits are really whack at the moment, i believe est are trying to fix at asap.

05-09-2010, 03:06 PM
ty for the reply.
i have not bought ecoin in 3 days.
it says i reached my limit for the day .lol
3 days in a row.

my pream runs out in 5 hours grrrr
im starting to think it has a max amount u can purchase in a week now too

05-09-2010, 03:10 PM
another thing i just noticed.
i tried on 3 seperate accounts to add ecoin and on al 3 its says u have reached limit for the day and it says i may only purchase 4.67 for all 3 seperate non related accounts.

05-09-2010, 04:36 PM
maybe 3 days EST = 1 day Players, hehe

05-09-2010, 04:45 PM
yeah my guild member is having the same issue. im thinking you have to max out the 30$ limit before it will reset for you.

05-09-2010, 05:08 PM
the only problem with that is i cant buy any ecoins .says most i can spend is 4.67 wich is not enough to buy the lowest amount of ecoin wich is 500ecoins.

05-09-2010, 05:50 PM
I've been stuck at 310 eCoins for over a week. I sent in 2 tickets, got stupid replies from CoCoBall. Told me to wait cause I'm at my limit but when I ask him how long, I get a "wait a while"

05-10-2010, 11:37 AM
Why can't it just be a $100 limit per day again? stupid thing wont let me spend more than $30. Why is $50 even a choice? No more spending on this game for me...

05-10-2010, 11:41 AM
yeah they losing many customers because of this. i figure this is there cash flow of income they would be smart and fix this first.

05-10-2010, 11:44 AM
Well they better, I can't get 90 day prem with only 3k ecoins, I liked things much better back with ogp.

05-10-2010, 12:42 PM
ive been stuck at my limit for about 6 days now or so.... can only buy $1.67 zzzz

05-10-2010, 10:00 PM
yeah the ecoin/cash shop daily purchase limit is screwed up big time. I put 4 tickets in and waited 3 weeks to get it fixed. EST switched to ecoin I renewed my premium and what do ya know again I am stuck at a $5.00 daily purchase limit. I have sent in another 2 tickets and have been waiting for the last 72 hrs and counting to get a reply or have it fixed.

Also my previous tickets were just closed and never responded to. I could see something like this if it was just some kid using mommy's credit card, however I'l 33 yrs old using a verified and secured paypal account.

Also EST you need a better translator because the one and only email response I received had some of the worst, hardest to understand broken english I have seen.

Please just fix the cash shop. Your pissing off you paying customers.

05-11-2010, 06:18 PM
Good news, Today EST raised my daily purchase limit......by $1... I can now purchase $6 in Ecoin per day. [ insert sarcasm here ].

So how about it GM's can we get this issue fixed?.. Or at least a response on forums to the community. atm it seems OGP was doing a better job then EST at managing the game.

05-11-2010, 06:49 PM
This thread requires a G M response so its staying on top. BUMP.

05-11-2010, 08:12 PM

05-12-2010, 02:06 AM
once again this thread needs a G M response. BUMP

05-12-2010, 07:43 AM
The longer this thread goes without a G M response the more the community will realize EST does not care about the community. Bump

05-12-2010, 07:50 AM
yeah i swear this is got to be the most rediculous thing. lol its like people are begging EST soft to take their money and EST is just not wanting it.

05-12-2010, 03:02 PM
BUMP. Still waiting for a GM to respond... Not looking good for EST's PR.... maybe we should get some of the MMO gaming sites to do an article on how EST started off strong then failed more then OGP... would be like, Cabal EU 8/10.. Cabal SEA 9/10.... Cabal NA 4/10 for poor managment..

05-12-2010, 09:43 PM
All those who are experiencing an issue with your daily purchase amount not refreshing every 24hr please post here and how long it has been from date of last purchase to to the date your purchase limit was refreshed/ or " to date " if it still has yet to refresh.

To all EST GM's,

GM CoCoball's replied to me saying my purchase limit has been exceeded and to " wait " it will refresh eventually. I am really having a hard time getting the point across that 1 $20 purchase in 3 weeks can not in any way, shape or form exceed the daily/weekly purchase limit. I assume this confusion is due in part to a language barrier.

To currect this issue easily for both EST and the community I suggest a global reset of both daily and weekly purchase limits and add a history counter to the refill menu similar to what OGP had, [ Example: you have purchased $x.xx in Ecoin this week/ You can purchase $x.xx in Ecoin today ]. Also setting the purchase limits to $500/weekly and $50/daily will currect this issue and make it easier for GM to review history.

PLEASE lets have a response from a moderator on this issue.


05-12-2010, 09:58 PM
wow id like to slap the person who spends $500 dollars a week on cabal.

05-12-2010, 10:29 PM
lol same here but its just a cap. OGP was $1000 a week with $100 a day limit. with proposed setting people would have a decent daily purchase cap while completely unable to meet the weekly cap forcing a daily refresh instead of what we have now saying we can purchase $5 a day for 2-3 weeks straight because the weekly purchase limit is bugged.

05-12-2010, 10:29 PM
EST doesn't care about the customers on cabal 1 because they're so focused on the customers that they will gain in cabal 2.

05-12-2010, 10:33 PM
EST doesn't care about the customers on cabal 1 because they're so focused on the customers that they will gain in cabal 2.

lol wont gain $hit if they treat their regular customers like this. if you go to a gas station and they people dont give you the service you require and there is another gas station right next to it. Next time you go to get gas and whatever else i guarantee you will go to the other one.

06-10-2010, 07:45 PM
i made 2 payments of 10 dolloer and never got any ecoins wat do i do

06-10-2010, 09:25 PM
ur screwed
infinityreally or w/e her name was
droped like 1000 dollars a week on this game -_-back in ogp