View Full Version : Starting quests and locations different... What now? D;

01-21-2012, 08:56 AM
Me and my girlfriend started playing this recently. I went Force Blader and my girlfriend went Blader. We started off in different places, with different quests. When do our quests sync? Like, how far into the game do we start having similar quests (so we can do them together)?

01-21-2012, 09:24 AM
lvl 3

01-21-2012, 09:54 AM
yeah higher lvls..... like 10+ you will really start to notice..... but your class quests will always be a bit different. until you start doing battle style lvl ups

01-21-2012, 09:58 AM
Even if you have the same quests they are still solo. The fact that you are together won't really help you. By the way, I suggest you to avoid doing normal quests, they are a waste of time, only do the scenario ones, the give a lot of money in the end. Also, since you wanna play with your wife, maybe you would like to be playing Wizard and Warrior. They make a very good combination in end game, just wanted to let you know.

01-21-2012, 09:58 AM
30mins and you'll sync

01-21-2012, 10:20 AM
Like, I spawned at Green Despair right? And I'm doing my quests at Green Despair. She spawned at Desert something. Which place/area will we start getting the same quests? And around what level is that?

01-21-2012, 10:27 AM
you will sync at level 10 after your rank up.

01-21-2012, 10:28 AM
The quests are in all maps and just lvl up a little o.o you get to have the same quests before level 10 which takes 10 mins.

01-21-2012, 10:35 AM
you will sync at level 10 after your rank up.
Ahhh, thanks! :D Any idea where (which area) this would be?

01-21-2012, 12:06 PM
desert scream

01-21-2012, 12:08 PM
what we are trying to say is out of the 3 maps you can go to. Desert Scream, Bloody Ice, and Green Despair all your quests will be within those 3 maps until your lvl 50.

Since you started out in Green Despair once you hit around lvl 10 you and your wife's quests will start to be the same all across those 3 maps.

01-21-2012, 01:35 PM
Even if you have the same quests they are still solo. The fact that you are together won't really help you. By the way, I suggest you to avoid doing normal quests, they are a waste of time, only do the scenario ones, the give a lot of money in the end. Also, since you wanna play with your wife, maybe you would like to be playing Wizard and Warrior. They make a very good combination in end game, just wanted to let you know.
dont listen to this guy, do normal quests, they give money/exp/skill exp

01-21-2012, 01:43 PM
dont listen to this guy, do normal quests, they give money/exp/skill exp
what he said, they redid whole quest system