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View Full Version : Is this a decent FS

03-05-2012, 01:48 PM
I'm a 160 FS and am looking to see what people think of my build.

These are my stats while buffed

HP: 4323
Attack: 921
Defense: 1076
Att Rate: 3789
Def Rate: 1095
Crit Rate: 53%/53%
Crit Dmg: 140%
S.Amp: 44%

These are my gears(all are FS bound)
Osmhelm DB+9 30 dmg
Osmsuit+10 7%s.amp 50hp
Forcygloves of amp+7 HPsteal 2% amp 3%
Forcyboots of amp+7 3%amp +50hp
Forcyblade+8 7%amp
SIGxtal+9 20dmg
ROL+1 x2
ROF+9 x2
BOF+3 slotted x2
Vampearring+4 x2

I'm just trying to figure out if I could better myself compared to other FS's out there. Thank you for any advice in advance.

03-05-2012, 01:55 PM
Try to get a merg ring so you don't have to use another ring of luck. If you can't afford a cr2, just use three rof 9s.
merg ring + buff + kred + base = 47 rate. If you're not satisfied with the 47 rate, try to find a pet with rate in it.

If you're gonna use forcy, go with 20 dmg forcy weps. +9 would be fine enough. I also wouldn't recommend 3% amp forcy armor but try to aim for shineguard pc amp. Lose the 30 dmg helm and get a pc dmg one too. :)
Once you manage on all that, then focus on getting an eof 7

And remember, you may not have the money right now to afford this stuff, but slowly work your way towards it.

03-05-2012, 02:56 PM
the great editaruza has spoken

03-05-2012, 07:47 PM
shaddup lololol

03-05-2012, 09:30 PM

03-06-2012, 09:28 AM
Thanks for your help, definitely gonna work towards that.