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View Full Version : Login issue

03-18-2012, 06:19 PM
When I go to the Cabal login page, the login page is blank and there's no words, only buttons. When I try to type, nothing comes out, and when I click the left button (even though it's blank, I assume its the log in button) and nothing happens. When I click the right button (assuming its the quit game button), an error pops up:

instruction in "0x009c34e7" makes reference to the memory in "0x3f200008". Memory cannot be read
Click in accept to close program
click in cancel to debug program

My computer is Windows XP Service pack 3.
I closed my anti-virus programs when I ran Cabal.

Help me please? :D

03-20-2012, 01:24 PM
What other programs are you running at the same time? If there's a conflicting program (even running in the background), it could cause this issue. Try using IOBit GameBooster to shut down unnecessary background processes and services when you're playing.

If that doesn't resolve it, you may have a hardware problem. You can test the RAM by using MemTest86+ (www.memtest.org). There are a variety of diagnostic tools out there to test other equipment, such as hard drive, CPU, etc.