View Full Version : Password Change fail Idea

03-25-2012, 07:51 AM
Dear GMs

We dearly appreciate that u all lookin out for our safety and all, but the password Change idea was a bad idea and is only driving ppl to dirt... I know it was a simple procedure to follow, yet some ppl created their accounts years ago and no longer have use of their e-mail in which they registered with... Most ppl had to re-activate their e-mails just to find the link. The unfortunate ppl whom forgot their password and was not able to recover or who ever registered using a Work e-mail and no longer works in that place have no way of coming back...

Now what makes the problem far more worse is that, ppl who r finding ways around the lost e-mail access r getting blocked for teh amount of attempts. I do not know how this was thought to be a good idea but the outcomes took out many clean players.

I have lost 11 active high lvl committed members from my guild to this issue... and some of them got banned just trying to figure out a solution... Is EST doing anything to help such cases or they just gonna ban and zzz who ever has issue...

When u come to think of it, it looks like u guys r sweeping the dust under the carpet...

I am not a victim but this pw change idea has affected my guild and the 11 members who r locked out r losing hope and as they r in there last Phases of trying, more guildies are leaving (those whom are bounded with the locked out players)

Plz Gms, dont look back at this e-mail and ignore, plz help those players who r locked out... and i am not referring to my guildies, i am talkin abt any innocent victim who was pushed down this fail idea...

03-25-2012, 08:02 AM
Yeah, this force change PW, is pretty rediculous, especially for the players that actually spend money on this game. I tried several different ways of trying to get my password for my email back, resend to a different email, didnt work, then today after 3 days of trying, i go to cabal website to log in and see about sending in an ID and whatnot, and bam, your account has been blocked due to too many log in attempts, ty EST, now i cant even send you my Photo ID along with the rest of the stuff

Moral of what im getting at is, ive been playing this game since it came out open-closed beta OGP/EST, and never once has either company done this, in my view EST will just lose money over this, but oh well, their decision, ty for listening


03-25-2012, 08:04 AM

03-25-2012, 08:12 AM
to make it more worse... ppl still getting hacked... -.-

03-25-2012, 08:19 AM
Epic fail

03-25-2012, 08:25 AM
Heya Jul, this is Fluorite

who got locked out???? D: T_T I <3 spartans...........

I've got friends that are locked out of their accounts too... because they definitively lost access to their e-mails. And there's NO REASON that they should provide a picture ID. Just no valid reason, really. =/

03-25-2012, 09:50 AM

03-25-2012, 10:04 AM
O_O aborame, tell me you're not one of the locked out.... plz plz o.o'

03-26-2012, 04:49 AM

03-26-2012, 07:35 AM
I have been locked out since the password reset has been initiated, after playing for many years with no problems done to my account; it seems as though I am being forced to quit playing from the ones above my head. That is not right. Legally speaking, providing your photo identification or any other form of ID for an online game is an invasion of privacy. Most people do not even have their birth names on their game/forum account solely for that reason. Suppose I gave an ID of a random friend or mine. How is this going to ensure that the said person is the owner of said account. This isn't the government. They cannot run data checks on you to ensure this is the right person. This idea that was enforced was just downright sloppy. I have gone through 4-5 tickets at most with responses from three different GM's. There has not been any remorse or assistance in any of the tickets. I am still waiting for another response, so maybe there is atleast one intelligent person on this team for our sakes. All in all, being forced to quit over a matter we were not even warned of is downright pathetic. Especially coming from the ones who work for this game. The idea is to promote the game.............Not drive players away from it. Give us options, not photo identification.

03-26-2012, 10:22 AM
+over9000 for Darkstar135,

03-26-2012, 10:25 AM
I have been locked out since the password reset has been initiated, after playing for many years with no problems done to my account; it seems as though I am being forced to quit playing from the ones above my head. That is not right. Legally speaking, providing your photo identification or any other form of ID for an online game is an invasion of privacy. Most people do not even have their birth names on their game/forum account solely for that reason. Suppose I gave an ID of a random friend or mine. How is this going to ensure that the said person is the owner of said account. This isn't the government. They cannot run data checks on you to ensure this is the right person. This idea that was enforced was just downright sloppy. I have gone through 4-5 tickets at most with responses from three different GM's. There has not been any remorse or assistance in any of the tickets. I am still waiting for another response, so maybe there is atleast one intelligent person on this team for our sakes. All in all, being forced to quit over a matter we were not even warned of is downright pathetic. Especially coming from the ones who work for this game. The idea is to promote the game.............Not drive players away from it. Give us options, not photo identification.


Totally agreed... personally speaking, my account is safe and i am playing right now as i speak... but i am disappointed on my guilds loss... 11 members and not one back... and i am talking about some of my most committed and finest players... some of those members are irreplaceable and of high rank to my guild... to have them locked out really sux....

BTW, they have never offended or abused Cabal with any illegal action... just hardcore clean players...

i am not saying that EST doesn't have the right to do so, but they should at least follow up in a more positive and supportive way to resolve this bazaar issue...

03-26-2012, 11:49 AM

Totally agreed... personally speaking, my account is safe and i am playing right now as i speak... but i am disappointed on my guilds loss... 11 members and not one back... and i am talking about some of my most committed and finest players... some of those members are irreplaceable and of high rank to my guild... to have them locked out really sux....

BTW, they have never offended or abused Cabal with any illegal action... just hardcore clean players...

i am not saying that EST doesn't have the right to do so, but they should at least follow up in a more positive and supportive way to resolve this bazaar issue...

I personally have agreed with everything you have said up to this point. I just strongly believe there should be some other way to prove that our main accounts are without a doubt our own. There is no other online game (to my knowledge that is) that requires said person to provide a military identification to prove they are the owner of said account. We never had to provide ID when we signed up for our cabal accounts, what is the logic in providing it now? All in all, I think it just comes down to your guild members, myself, and many others that I have spoken to. -We all just want OUR accounts back! :D

03-27-2012, 09:39 AM
Yeah, my account is also safe, but I really feel for everyone that lost their account.

If any of my close friends had been locked out, I would probably have quit anyways. I play the games to spend time with my friends, not just for the sake of the game itself. Sad reality check here EST, it's the PLAYERS, not the developpers, that make the game what it is. Take my friends away from Cabal, what is left is only an MMO like many other MMOs out there.

I agree there HAS to be another way than photo ID. For example, I have a collection of over 300 screenshots of me playing on my character. From when I was not even lvl 20 all the way to my current level, 181. Who else than the right owner of the account would have that many screenshots? Or for exemple, what rune did you equip/+ last? What about questions regarding your craft level?

Honestly, those details would be a better proof in my opinion of the ownership of the account than a photo ID. WTH? We never had to provide a photo ID to register, how does that prove anything?

Or are you going to slowly become like the korean servers, where you have to provide your SSN to sign up? Cos if that's the case, I'm out. Plain and simple.

03-27-2012, 10:48 AM
i got my acc back!

03-27-2012, 11:40 AM
Yeah, my account is also safe, but I really feel for everyone that lost their account.

If any of my close friends had been locked out, I would probably have quit anyways. I play the games to spend time with my friends, not just for the sake of the game itself. Sad reality check here EST, it's the PLAYERS, not the developpers, that make the game what it is. Take my friends away from Cabal, what is left is only an MMO like many other MMOs out there.

I agree there HAS to be another way than photo ID. For example, I have a collection of over 300 screenshots of me playing on my character. From when I was not even lvl 20 all the way to my current level, 181. Who else than the right owner of the account would have that many screenshots? Or for exemple, what rune did you equip/+ last? What about questions regarding your craft level?

Honestly, those details would be a better proof in my opinion of the ownership of the account than a photo ID. WTH? We never had to provide a photo ID to register, how does that prove anything?

Or are you going to slowly become like the korean servers, where you have to provide your SSN to sign up? Cos if that's the case, I'm out. Plain and simple.

You're exactly right. Providing an ID will not prove anything. I could easily go and take someone elses ID and claim its my own. They have no way of checking whether that is honestly me or not. Even now after being blocked out for all this time. I have sent in one ticket per day since then, I get a response from a different GM each day, but a reply at about the same time. Out of every response I got, it was either no help, or just nonsense. Now apparently my tickets are considered "multiples" to them. I wouldn't have to put in one per day if we had some sensible assistance.

03-27-2012, 12:11 PM
i got my acc back!

Good news =)

how did you do it?

03-27-2012, 01:56 PM
email change

03-27-2012, 02:45 PM
email change
Atleast you can war again :P. Did you provide two forms of I.D.? (Not being smart, just curious :P)

03-27-2012, 03:50 PM
Atleast you can war again :P. Did you provide two forms of I.D.? (Not being smart, just curious :P)driverse license

03-27-2012, 04:18 PM
So you gave them your full name, address and driver license number.
Although all that information should remain private.
and by NO MEAN is ESTsoft entitled to request that information from you.


03-27-2012, 04:40 PM
So you gave them your full name, address and driver license number.
Although all that information should remain private.
and by NO MEAN is ESTsoft entitled to request that information from you.


Exactly. My account remains blocked forever according to my ticket until I provide two forms of I.D. (which they are in no way shape or form receiving from me) all for a simple email change. This would not have happened if they atleast set up a warning with other options to regain our accounts. It is a shame really. Grats emmy, enjoy playing XD.