View Full Version : Pet - Anima Gem

03-25-2012, 08:33 PM
I have level 10 pet (only 3 slot is added) and I'm intending to buy an Anima Gem. I am confusing how i can use it. For example, if the Anima Gem is level 10, then from slot 4 to slot 10 of the anima gem will go to my Pet? Or slot 1 to slot 7 of the Anima Gem will go to my pet? Another question, if i buy Anima Gem level 1 with MaGic Amp is added to the slot. Will that slot go to Slot 4 of my Pet? Note: My pet is Level 10 but only 3 slot are added.

03-25-2012, 11:09 PM
If you use a gem on a pet, it will erase all current slots, and fill it with what the gem is.

For example, you have a lvl 8 pet with 2 HP, 1 Amp, and 5 blank spots, and you use a lvl 6 gem on it that has 2 amp, 1 mp, 1 max crit rate, 1 resist knockdown, and 1 hp auto heal, it will fill the pet's slots with those and have 2 blank spots.

It does not stack (hence why "perfect" pets don't exist).