View Full Version : Hello.i Got banned , for now reason .

Nikita Senex
03-29-2012, 10:25 PM
Hi i played Cabal Us Like 1 Year ago and not has been loged on like 1 year . now i want to continue my playing in this server . so i logined the site then its told me to cahnge my password i changed it . then put the game on download . then i installed the game . and run it wen finaly all ups and i just needed to wnter ID and Password i entered . and its says me . The account has been blocked.you cannot log in whit the account .
i was got blader lv 125 -.- its hard work . wen i palyed i did not pass on any law or rule . i did every thing right and whitout any programs or somthing... i thought mybe some 1 als get banned or more . so i asked my good friend give me hes id and pass .. and i tried to connect . so its connected -.- .. i think it is a mistake taht i got banned becouse I was not connected to the game all the year please GM,Stuff Chek this becouse i want to play whit my old account

My id That got banned: N1K1TA

i also created new char and i can join the game . but i wont play whit new 1 . becouse i have my old 1 . banned for no reason

03-29-2012, 10:59 PM
you dont just get ban for no reason.
I dont believe this intill this happen to me.

Nikita Senex
03-30-2012, 12:42 AM
well . its happens to me . mybe some 1 some how break my password . but i dont think thats possible . cuz my pass 1 of the hardest password..never my account not have been hacked or breaked before.

03-30-2012, 02:16 AM
Did you make sure to reactivate your account? You didn't log in for a whole year so...

Nikita Senex
03-30-2012, 02:40 AM
Whats you mean reactive ?.. i did only 1 thing . change my password .. cuz i need a cpitle latter in teh password .. thats all . i need to do somthing als?