View Full Version : Update 304

03-30-2012, 04:53 PM
I know there's a previous thread for this, but no one can seem to give a clear answer on how to fix said problem.

The problem occurs in the updater, when it's downloading update 304.dat or something, it'll get to the end then say "Fail to create C:\ generic directory crap here, update\update_304.dat. If you can't delete file, please restart your operating system(Windows)."

Now, I've uninstalled and reinstalled my game about 7 times today, taking up a good portion of my time. At someone else's suggestion, I deleted the files pertaining to the update, restarted my computer, and it made me reinstall the game yet again. I've tried finding a manual patch to overwrite this so I can just download the later patches, but nothing. Can anyone tell me a 100% way of fixing this, don't need any "I THINK if you" or "Maybe if you try," I want a sure thing on this. I used to play back in the day, years ago, had no time to play, and now have time again and I loved this game. I would really, REALLY appreciate it if someone knows exactly what to do to fix this.