View Full Version : Help ME please

04-05-2012, 02:54 AM
I Need Wallpaper Who Can Help Me Post Here Please

Wallpaper Requirements:
1:The image must be 300DPI.
2:The image must be in a .JPG file format and the file size must be less than 25MB.
3:The wallpaper size must be 1920px by 1080px (standard 1080p resolution). Do not make it smaller, do not make it bigger please.
4:The wallpaper MUST consist of the image of UD4 classic motherboard. The images provided can be used any way you want to.
5:Wallpaper With This Backround
6:You can use images posted from our UD4 Classic album on Facebook or any elements @our company website:http://www.gigabyte.com/MicroSite/297/ud4.html

Please be sure to look over all the rules and make sure you understand ALL the requirements before you start or submit your wallpaper to me.

who have a good heart to help make me a wallpaper please help me
because i have no talent in photoshop but ill learning now :))

here's the example of the wallpaper so that you can have idea
https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/429265_2887031139845_1382175971_3300364_570147299_ n.jpg

-Please Post Here Your Wallpaper Thank You