View Full Version : Please check my Computer System if it can carry to download cabal

Patrick Balboa
04-27-2012, 09:26 PM
Guys could my computer system carry cabal if I download it?? with out having some issues like the program is going to crash or something....4765 just have a look at this pic. Thank you!

04-28-2012, 06:28 AM
Yea your computer could run it. It'll crash bcs it has bugs, not bcs your computer.

04-29-2012, 04:51 PM
Why do you have 32-bit Windows? It will not use all the 4gb of memory. Use 64-bit.
Do you have a seperate graphics card or is it on-board?
One thing also that I have noticed: downloading with Explorer seem to cause more corrupted files (for me). Use Google Chrome to download.

04-29-2012, 06:14 PM
Why do you have 32-bit Windows? It will not use all the 4gb of memory. Use 64-bit.
Do you have a seperate graphics card or is it on-board?
One thing also that I have noticed: downloading with Explorer seem to cause more corrupted files (for me). Use Google Chrome to download.

32bit can use up to 4gb of accessible memory, 64bit proccessors are for over 4gb of ram. The main reason you don't see 4gb free on 32 bit system with 4gb ram installed is because the O/S requires 600mb-1gb of ram to run depending on what o/s, then your left with the remainder for games/applications and the like.

He would probably want a quad-core/i7 if they wanted to up past 4gb into 64bit o/s, the duo core i3 they have atm isn't really going to be worth putting extra ram into the pc, they would see more improvement in the cpu upgrade. Given its a 4.4 rating I'm assuming they don't have any dedicated graphics either, just integrated; but as for minimum requirements yes you meet them, they are pretty scaled back I have a dell from 2002, pentium 4 1gb ram, windows xp with no ded vid card which still runs cabal even though its really slow and skips when loading mobs/people ect. lol.

Minimum Requirements:

From main download page, http://www.cabal.com/DownLoad/Client

04-30-2012, 08:39 AM
Lol I wanna See the dell load war lol