View Full Version : Bad Treatment Of Cabal Players By Game Masters

04-30-2012, 01:27 PM
Alright so this is my story,

I have been playing cabal, or had been anyways, for over three years. Not too long ago (maybe 4 months) I was banned for illegal alz transactions that did not occur. So I try to log on and I see my account has been blocked and the alz I very recently received for selling my gear was going to be taken away (about 600mil). Furious, I message the Cabal game masters on the help desk saying that these illegal alz transactions did not occur, and they deny it saying "oh we've investigated this and they did." When I ask for evidence they refuse to provide any, completely ignore me, and just say that I've created a duplicate ticket. So I message them again telling them how angry I am and how I haven't done anything for them to take away my alz, and guess what they do? THEY BLACK MY ACCOUNT FOR AN ADDITIONAL 3 DAYS! What the crap? They're not giving me any proof of my illegal alz transactions and when I try to talk to them and tell them that the error is on their part they block me for another 2 days! Unbelievable! But oh, trust me it gets worse.

In all of my anger I message them again saying the only place I spent real money on was for ecoins on THEIR SITE. NOWHERE ELSE. I had just spent about 50$ worth of cash (not including the 50$ I had spent before this happened), and they were taking away the alz I made from it in game. What is this? A scam? Do you believe this? Cabal Game Masters scamming their own players? You might not think it's possible, but oh yes, it happened to me. So in my anger I say I'll take them to court over this (looking back it seams impossible because when your agreeing to their terms they probably say we can take away your account whenever we want to for no reason whatsoever). I also say that I'm going to freeze the payments I made to them through paypal because I'm not getting scammed by the Game Masters of Cabal. They reply to me saying if I do freeze those payments they will permanently ban my account. Yeah, they'll ban it (seems like black-male, doesn't it?).

Well, I could continue playing without the large amount of alz I made (which was probably the most alz I've ever had on my account) or I could stop the extortion and freeze those paypal payments. I don't like being pushed around so I decided to take the better action. I instantly called paypal and asked them to freeze those payments, which they did. I then checked the status of my account, and yeah, they weren't chickens about it, they permanently banned me. But I got some of my money back, about half of it but not all. I didn't get everything I put into that game back though, so many years of gameplay all gone to waste.

So I decide I'm never going back to that game. Many months later (about 4 days ago) a close friend I used to play Cabal with tells me that he's quitting. This reminded me of my profile, so I decided to check the email I specifically created for my Cabal account to see if I had any new messages ( I wasn't using it for anything else so I hadn't checked it until then). Upon checking it I seee an email from ESTsoft saying that they've further reviewed my case, and that they've come to a conclusion that I was not involved in any illegal alz transactions and that the error was on the Game Masters part and not on me, so they apologize for banning me, say they will disregard the paypal "fraud" (ironic, you'd think they were the frauds in this case) accusations, leave all of my gear and alz as it was, and even say they will send me a 30 day blessing bead for my troubles. HOORAY! I JUST GOT MY ACCOUNT BACK WITH ALL OF MY STUFF! YES! LIFE'S GOOD!

Well that's what I thought, until I logged on to check my account (which had been deactivated because I hadn't logged on in so long) and I had NO GEAR OR ALZ. NONE. All of my characters were but naked and broke. I didn't even have the items for sale on auction house anymore. WHAT THE HECK. So I message ESTsoft telling them about this, and they say I was "recently" involved in illegal alz transactions and they could not give me back my gear. LOLOLOL
WHAT THE ****. ARE YOU SERIOUS!? They had just said I wasn't yet Game Master "Snow" tells me that he can't help me because of this. I message him with the copy of the email they had sent me and tell them that they THEMSELVES had recognized their error in banning me, and do you know what he does? He replies saying " don't make duplicate tickets, we've already replied to you"
So I make a new ticket on a new topic and tell them that I've lost my gear because of them and their error, and do you know what they say? TOO MUCH TIME HAS GONE BY.
Too much time?? TOO MUCH TIME?? The only reason I was banned was from their error, and now, because it took them sooooo long to recognize their error in banning me, too much time has gone by. HA! THE IRONY!

I message them again spilling my guts out, telling them that I've done nothing wrong, begging them to give me my things back, and all they had to say was "Please do not create duplicate tickets"


I don't know what to say to this. I have done nothing wrong, all the error is on them. I've been a faithful Cabal player for so long, yet such an injustice has occurred.

I thought I should put my problem up on forums, maybe someone else is having the same problem with the Game Masters but haven't said anything. Maybe someone can help me get my gear and alz back. If I can draw enough attention from this post they wont be able to ignore me anymore. We spend so much time on this game and yet the Game Masters refuse to acknowledge us or even reply properly to our messages. What kind of treatment is this? The only reason their game is still up is because we play it. If you guys could show some support on this they are going to have to look into my problem

Maybe this wouldn't be as big of a problem if I hadn't put three years into the account that they robbed. I have three characters, MrSixtyNine, Jahoven, and FetusPuncher. levels 39, 151, and 106 respectively. Also, archer, wizard, and force shielder respectively. I have spent too much time buying and selling things to people in game. I had successfully made about 2.5-3bil, and for the first time in my cabal history a decently strong character. Right then and there, as soon as I hit that mark, they decided to ban me for nothing. I can't express the anger and sorry that accumulated inside of me when I saw the message saying I have been stripped of my alz. Yeah, real fare. I now have decided to put some time and effort, one last time, into drawing their attention and spreading my story. Maybe with this last try I will get my stuff back who knows.

Attached are the help desk messages and the emails I sent back and forth to ESTsoft and OGplanet. I really appreciate you guys taking the tome and effort of reading my problem and looking into my case. Thanks a lot guys. I hop I'm able to get my stuff back!

And with regards to being hacked; I don't think I was because my account had been deactivated because I wasn't on for over three months. I highly doubt I was hacked, I think the problem is from Cabals side. When they deactivated my account they probably got rid of my gear and some information on my account, but not the characters. Again, I don't think I was hacked, there was no evidence of it when I logged on (from letters sent, items sold for alz from NPCS, etc. I even had my blessing bead and 2000ecoins from I don't know when)

Alright so I can't seem to attach more then 5 files so I can only puth the first 4 tickets and the email they sent me later on, if you guys know how I can attach the rest please share!

Alright so this is a good three pages of what happened, thanks again for reading guys and hope you can spread this post around!






04-30-2012, 01:31 PM
the alz I very recently received for selling my alz was going to be taken away

read this very carefully

04-30-2012, 01:38 PM
My bad I didn't read over this, ill edit it.

04-30-2012, 02:23 PM
cabal play other games instead :D

04-30-2012, 02:40 PM
Let's take bets on how long this thread is gonna be up
I say a few hours at most

But yeah EST does when it comes to helping players.

Hope you get your stuff back

04-30-2012, 02:59 PM
they need a LIVE SUPPORT ....would be so much more helpful

04-30-2012, 03:18 PM
Firstly, create only 1 ticket for issues with as many details as you can. Ask in that ticket if there is more info they could use that you may be able to get. Then wait. Don't keep sending tickets. Investigations sometimes do take alot of time, and typically they only work 1 at a time, so you're put into a que and will be received as soon as they get to you name on the list. Just be patient. I had to once wait 9 weeks to have my character unblocked over a simple banking error that was not my fault. Being polite about it earns a little respect from them as well, and sometimes they may compensate you as well. For instance in that 9 weeks, I had just re-newed a my membership, and they compensated me with 1 month as well as a BB+.

04-30-2012, 03:44 PM
At fist that was my same thought process, but when they replied to me saying that they WONT compensate me I decided more tickets were necessary. When they reply to my tickets, then don't even hint to the fact that they MAY or MAY NOT do a further investigation. For example in this case they said that too much time has passed and they are not going to compensate me because of this. They only reason too much time has passed is because they took so long to do their investigation.

04-30-2012, 04:07 PM
Can someone provide me with the cliff notes version of this?

Thanks in advance

04-30-2012, 05:18 PM

04-30-2012, 06:01 PM
u'll never know maybe someone bought ur items with the duped alz that "a certain guild(s)" made a long while back

04-30-2012, 10:31 PM
Rofl that's the most hilarious, retarded, transaction between player and GM I have ever read. Hope you get your stuff back xD

04-30-2012, 11:29 PM
Well, after daisy/valentine/coco stopped handling tickets; the credibility of the helpdesk responses has gone down the drain. Horrible customer service, impractical protocols (requesting IDs for accounts locked out by forced pw reset due to server insecurity). The helpdesk/GMs/website bugs cause them more problems then the players or game itsself ever could. I think its general consensus that the new crew of helpdesk copy+paste pros don't cut it.

D3 in few weeks though so its pretty much garunteed break lol.

04-30-2012, 11:34 PM
Don't worry, they did the same thing to me. Said I scammed someone, asked for proof, and they banned me an extra 2 days so far. ESTsoft GM's are retarded monkeys at keyboards. Mathematically inclined, vietnamese degenerates. What goes around comes around EST, Karma's gonna get you morons worse then we can, and it's gonna be coolio. :)

Nam Spirit
05-01-2012, 12:19 AM
Don't worry, they did the same thing to me. Said I scammed someone, asked for proof, and they banned me an extra 2 days so far. ESTsoft GM's are retarded monkeys at keyboards. Mathematically inclined, vietnamese degenerates. What goes around comes around EST, Karma's gonna get you morons worse then we can, and it's gonna be coolio. :)

What do Vietnamese have to do with this in anyway?

05-01-2012, 01:27 AM
Good luck sir. Ever since EST took Cabal back from OGP. The game went down hill like a fat kid in a wheel.

05-01-2012, 02:45 AM
This is sad. Why do I get the feeling that if u were one of those est sponsors that spend 300+ usd a week they'd handle this better?

05-01-2012, 02:57 AM

This is sad. Why do I get the feeling that if u were one of those est sponsors that spend 300+ usd a week they'd handle this better?

05-01-2012, 03:55 AM
they need a LIVE SUPPORT ....would be so much more helpful

05-01-2012, 04:41 AM
Am I the only one who got a nice laugh out of this?

05-01-2012, 05:25 AM
Your not the only person that this has happened too, I know a handful of other people that this has happened too and when they got unbanned ALL their alz was taken away from EVERY character on BOTH servers....

05-01-2012, 05:40 AM
Don't worry, they did the same thing to me. Said I scammed someone, asked for proof, and they banned me an extra 2 days so far. ESTsoft GM's are retarded monkeys at keyboards. Mathematically inclined, vietnamese degenerates. What goes around comes around EST, Karma's gonna get you morons worse then we can, and it's gonna be coolio. :)

LOL. gom that u bro? u know what you did, and it didn't involve scamming lolololololololoolol

05-01-2012, 07:11 AM
Don't worry, they did the same thing to me. Said I scammed someone, asked for proof, and they banned me an extra 2 days so far. ESTsoft GM's are retarded monkeys at keyboards. Mathematically inclined, vietnamese degenerates. What goes around comes around EST, Karma's gonna get you morons worse then we can, and it's gonna be coolio. :)


this is what you are, and karma is what got you banned

05-01-2012, 07:19 AM
Anyone else forget their email to their account after the force password reset then read the response from GM asking you for the registered email, and 2 forms of ID? LOLOLOLOL

05-01-2012, 07:35 AM
I'm not the original Gomdole. I remember g0mdole/Antipoon scammer from Seireitei. I was actually using the name because I always liked it when I met gom. But I actually recently got framed by some blader kid, which in turn gave me a ban for three weeks. Fine enough, THEN they extend the ban for two days because they were too lazy to actually go through their original 3 week planning. And today, when my account ban was supposed to be lifted, they decide to ban me permanently. LOL