View Full Version : Are Force Shielders slow to level up in comparison?

04-30-2012, 06:35 PM
I am a person who doesn't have much time to play the game because of college and work. I am looking for a good class to play that will not require cash shop investments to be of high use to a group, as well as a class that will level up relatively fast.

FS's appealed to me right off the bat with their look, but how are they at leveling up?

How does the item mall affect how well FS's can do their jobs?

04-30-2012, 07:14 PM
WELP. Always depends on how much time and effort u wanna put in as well as how much help u get.
I made a FS 2 months ago, and its lvl 162 with HR12 and I can solo most dungeons.
FS lvl fast, if u make them lvl fast o.o (Cough Lvl booster Cough)

04-30-2012, 07:17 PM
I don't think any of the 6 classes levels up that much faster than others, at least not significantly. The difference would be very slight o.o

04-30-2012, 08:00 PM
If you're dedicated enough, im sure all 6 classes can level just as fast. Just need to do quests and such.
FS have high def, therefore it should be easier trying to grind in large mobs rather than classes such as WI.
Though having level booster and beads do help.

04-30-2012, 10:23 PM
Fa IMO is easiest class to do without using Item shop a whole lot( Kred is an exception obviously). They also do pretty well without amazing weapons, you can rock some sig 2slot and still hit pretty hard. They're useful for dungeons, relatively cheap to gear up, and since they attack faster you could say they level slightly faster(although level is dependent on experience gained which is dependent on damage per second). I'd tell you to go FA.

If you find yourself completely biased to FA, try wa. IMO you have to try real hard to make a bad WA, not that they're easy to make and they're gears can be pricey. But they're a damn near necessity in dungeons, they have the simplest build in game, don't need amazing gears to work, and they have no need for item shop(Kred as an obvious exception). Only thing with WA is, they're gear can be a bit higher up in price.

05-01-2012, 12:02 PM
Alright so if you want strength and decency (along with not being dependent on party members) A force shielder is a good character to use. Their gear isn't extremely expensive but at high levels its a decent price. Their relatively strong and are one of the best characters for war. Warriors are also very independent, but they are by far the cheapest class at high levels. For a decent set of osmium gear you'd spend no more then 200mil. If I were you i would start off with a warrior, they're cheap, strong, and very handy. Maybe later you'll make a different character.

05-01-2012, 06:47 PM
Fs do lvl up the fastest if used correctly.
Go to chaos arena run in the middle use aggro skill and aod = gg,only other class that can do that without very good gears is bl with intution.

05-02-2012, 12:42 AM
lol I feel like I am getting a fair amount of contradictory information regarding the price to level the warrior class.

In one post an individual says its some what expensive but simple, in the other its extremely cheap and also simple.

Which is it really?

Secondly, is FS more expensive to level and less useful in party dynamics than warrior?