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View Full Version : question from EU player

05-08-2012, 09:55 AM
Hey, we just get 3rd awakening, and could someone tell me that, which chars is best for dungeons, and which worst with BM3, and why?:P

05-12-2012, 07:37 PM
get the fuq out of NA forum , cabal eu has their own forums

best for dungeon id say WA or Wi

05-14-2012, 02:12 PM
Go away EU.

05-14-2012, 05:02 PM
and I wonder why people on EU forums hate people from NA. don't mind these guys ^ imo BL still best for solo dungeons (especially re logging technique), and every class is still pretty much the same in a party

05-15-2012, 07:29 AM
and I wonder why people on EU forums hate people from NA. don't mind these guys ^ imo BL still best for solo dungeons (especially re logging technique), and every class is still pretty much the same in a party Relogging trick is so unfair to FB QQ. But we can keep a constant 65+ rate, 10% amp, -5% def on target for the entire bm3. Plus HL :D
Still....relogging for amp buff is so unfair >_> and you know it Hash.

05-15-2012, 12:27 PM
Relogging trick is so unfair to FB QQ. But we can keep a constant 65+ rate, 10% amp, -5% def on target for the entire bm3. Plus HL :D
Still....relogging for amp buff is so unfair >_> and you know it Hash.

Hahaha I relog for intuition most of the time :P so hard to survive in bm3 on bosses! honestly intuition was the only reason I stayed bl. I was going to re roll to fb/fa but i realized they don't have intuition so i won't be able to solo every dungeon up to ft2 anymore :/ i know it's unfair towards ... every other class other than fb (I think bl probably benefit the most) but it's still good for fbs :D

05-15-2012, 02:13 PM
high def rate ftw? At least i shunt off alot of attacks with misses :D 3.5k def rate ain't shabby (unbuffed actually). If I really wanted to be pve spec, I'd have nearly 4.5k.

05-15-2012, 02:49 PM
high def rate ftw? At least i shunt off alot of attacks with misses :D 3.5k def rate ain't shabby (unbuffed actually). If I really wanted to be pve spec, I'd have nearly 4.5k.

damn Val that's heaps high def rate for a fb! I think that's almost as much as mine, not sure though I can't log on to check at the moment. the only thing I hate about relogging is when people do it in war. I'm sick of fighting the same group of wiz and fa who are just constantly in bm3.

05-15-2012, 08:17 PM
and I wonder why people on EU forums hate people from NA. don't mind these guys ^

I don't care what some foreigner thinks about me. Why should we even care if they like us or not? Are these foreign gamers gonna beat us up or something? Doubtful.

05-16-2012, 01:38 AM
I don't care what some foreigner thinks about me. Why should we even care if they like us or not? Are these foreign gamers gonna beat us up or something? Doubtful.

So you're going to be rude to someone based on race and say it's okay because they aren't gonna beat you up? that's the most cowardly thing I've ever heard. keep hiding behind a computer and pretend to be big. You don't have to care if they like you or not. I honestly don't care if anybody likes me or not. that doesn't necessarily mean you have to be rude for no reason. I'm so glad the whole world isn't as ignorant as you