View Full Version : Full Set 8% amp SIG Event like the EU cabal PLS

05-15-2012, 12:01 AM
EU cabal did this couple of weeks ago. cabal NA should do soon too, it would make everyone compete for more :))
Great idea

05-15-2012, 12:33 AM
EU cabal did this couple of weeks ago. cabal NA should do soon too, it would make everyone compete for more :))
Great idea

seriously est you need to do this, but make sure you put sgh as part of the event so you can milk the cabal population because most of everyone will have to replace their 7amp gear gogo! everyone will just compete on who can spend the most on sgh and get lucky! =))

05-15-2012, 04:53 AM
Do this so everyone sells their old sig amp for half price. :D

05-15-2012, 06:17 AM
lol I saved some sgh for this event.

05-15-2012, 07:00 AM
No. Do NOT come out with buyable gears. bcs that takes all the challenge of finding good gears and brings "buy to win" concept even worse than it already is. Just saiyan. If they do anything, just make it the same as the normal versions. NO 8% stuff that can only be found in-game.

05-15-2012, 02:19 PM
why is everyone bragging about D3....its not the best mmorpg, there is C9 global coming out, and probably cabal2 in maybe a year. and cabal 2 might be more developed than D3 so why bother

05-15-2012, 06:42 PM
Lol cabal 2 is cabal 1 service no ty

05-15-2012, 10:55 PM
lol if u say no ty, why r u still at cabal1 trolling here o.O

05-16-2012, 04:59 AM
you can get 8% in war

05-16-2012, 03:56 PM
you can get 8% in war

you can get 8/9% in aos1 and yes, 9% amp crafts do exist

05-16-2012, 04:20 PM
we need 8 amp set,7 amp is so0o0o0o0o0o 4 years ago XD

05-16-2012, 05:03 PM
Do all of you really want to drop hundreds of dollars in exchange for 3% amp?

05-16-2012, 05:07 PM
I just want helms to come around...I could care less about 1% more amp per piece..

05-16-2012, 05:10 PM
I just want helms to come around...I could care less about 1% more amp per piece..

+1 i want helm and suit and maybe rest of the set if i feel like it why not lol XD

05-16-2012, 09:21 PM
full sig set would be special, cos we always have rotations of either glove boots or suit helmet.
try make sig helmet 40/7 would be nice :D

05-16-2012, 10:23 PM
Do all of you really want to drop hundreds of dollars in exchange for 3% amp?

You are underestimating the depth of MMO-Nerd-Egos

05-16-2012, 10:41 PM
You are underestimating the depth of MMO-Nerd-Egos


05-16-2012, 10:43 PM
You are underestimating the depth of MMO-Nerd-Egos

if ppl have money to spend then why not spend it? that makes us "MMO-Nerd-Egos"?....
lol really stupid point of view u got there........ lmao

05-17-2012, 01:59 AM
if ppl have money to spend then why not spend it? that makes us "MMO-Nerd-Egos"?....
lol really stupid point of view u got there........ lmao

I'm pretty sure obsessing that much over a game falls within the nerd category.

05-17-2012, 08:14 AM
I'm pretty sure obsessing that much over a game falls within the nerd category.

wuts the matter if we spend usd?i mean i can spend w/e i want and still wont affect my pocket lol so why not spend it if this game was design to do so?
lol if ppl dont wanna see some1 spending usd then go play console games kakaka

05-17-2012, 08:40 AM
if ppl have money to spend then why not spend it? that makes us "MMO-Nerd-Egos"?....
lol really stupid point of view u got there........ lmao
"ITs mine I spend it"


I'm pretty sure obsessing that much over a game falls within the nerd category.

ehh kinda true, but if you money that you have nothing to spend it on, why not something you want to spend it on?

wuts the matter if we spend usd?i mean i can spend w/e i want and still wont affect my pocket lol so why not spend it if this game was design to do so?
lol if ppl dont wanna see some1 spending usd then go play console games kakaka

refer to previous video

05-17-2012, 08:41 AM
wuts the matter if we spend usd?i mean i can spend w/e i want and still wont affect my pocket lol so why not spend it if this game was design to do so?
lol if ppl dont wanna see some1 spending usd then go play console games kakaka

it doesn't matter if you can spend whatever you want or not. I live in America, here, people can do whatever they want with their money and nobody can stop them. Whatever you want to do is irrelevant.

the fact remains: spending hundreds of dollars to get 3 more amp (stroking your e-peen) is pathetic

05-17-2012, 09:01 AM
it doesn't matter if you can spend whatever you want or not. I live in America, here, people can do whatever they want with their money and nobody can stop them. Whatever you want to do is irrelevant.

the fact remains: spending hundreds of dollars to get 3 more amp (stroking your e-peen) is pathetic

ur the1 being pathetic,again u have a rlly stupid logic.
i am gonna repeat the same thing.
if we get an event that makes chars stronger why not get it?even if it is 1 amp, ppl will still go for it thats the point of always trying to improve ur char.now if u r the guy/girl/both that dont spends usd on this game thats cool too but dont go around saying that ppl who spend usd to improve their gear r "MMO-Nerd-Egos" cuz ur being rlly stupid and pathetic.


Is Mine I Spend It :rolleyes::eek:;):p:rolleyes:

05-17-2012, 09:23 AM
Its simple, GM's already said they were not going to support the SIG event for cabal NA.

Get over it and go do your amazing event of the IRL makeyourselflooklikeafool event.

You can get a sig eox+7 for free!

Pro event.

05-18-2012, 09:49 AM

05-18-2012, 12:48 PM
It's similar to the safeguads where some people said "its rigged" and all sorts of things - but I thought it was fantastic ! I really liked it as I was able to improve my gear set and enjoy higher dungeons. No one forced anyone to buy safeguards. Don't like it ? Don't buy it.

Similarly for some of you who do not want to participate in the sigmetal event, no one is forcing you. It's an event, people can choose to participate or NOT to participate.

It has additional benefits :

1. A lot of the 7% amp sig piece price will go down
2. A lot of people who frequently go to dungeons to farm cores will be able to get some additional alz in their pocket.
3. A lot of inflated alz will go down, because some players will try to max rate suit / glove or 7 rate a helmet.

For a lot of us, who are interested in an 8% amp piece, we want this event to take place ! It helps us to do highe dungeons with our friends and makes a stronger community ! EU has taken the right step and this sort of constant event has helped them maintain a healthy population over Cabal NA (which had more users than EU when it started ). And even after merger with Cabal Global , NA is still struggling - specially in Venus where t5 is dead.

05-18-2012, 01:34 PM
have the 8amp sig event and i bet T5 will start with more ppl to try their new 8 amp set :))

05-18-2012, 01:41 PM
why do we need a bunch of pay to win gear flooding into NA? go out and farm the gear like ur supposed to, a sig event is pretty much letting you buy alz/gear only difference is that ur paying est not the spam bots in bi

05-18-2012, 02:39 PM
why do we need a bunch of pay to win gear flooding into NA? go out and farm the gear like ur supposed to, a sig event is pretty much letting you buy alz/gear only difference is that ur paying est not the spam bots in bi

true but this is a p2w game.not saying every1 must spend usd u use it if u want as simple as that.
u dont like ppl spending usd for better gear then u should go play tera where u actually need to work ur ass off for better gear.est=usd they dont care about nothing less :)

05-18-2012, 02:46 PM
it doesn't matter if you can spend whatever you want or not. I live in America, here, people can do whatever they want with their money and nobody can stop them. Whatever you want to do is irrelevant.

the fact remains: spending hundreds of dollars to get 3 more amp (stroking your e-peen) is pathetic

It's kinda like an old guy with a convertible. :]

05-18-2012, 06:03 PM
true but this is a p2w game.not saying every1 must spend usd u use it if u want as simple as that.
u dont like ppl spending usd for better gear then u should go play tera where u actually need to work ur ass off for better gear.est=usd they dont care about nothing less :)

and attitudes like this is why we shouldn't have an 8 amp sig event. Because losers like this think that paying hundreds of dollars for 8 amp sig is worth it, because it makes their e-peen feel good. They feel like they've "won" the game. There is no such thing as pay to win, because you're a loser when you pay to be "pro" in a game.

05-18-2012, 06:39 PM
and attitudes like this is why we shouldn't have an 8 amp sig event. Because losers like this think that paying hundreds of dollars for 8 amp sig is worth it, because it makes their e-peen feel good. They feel like they've "won" the game. There is no such thing as pay to win, because you're a loser when you pay to be "pro" in a game.

lol and ur saying i have an attitude?listen u stupid pathetic ignorant troll, u should know better than any1 how cabal works look at ur friend list for a sec u stupid pathetic ignorant.
look at the events we 90% of the time get,it isnt mandatory to use usd but it helps
if ppl can spend usd cuz GM give us certain events why not take advantage of it?like i said before if ur the guy/girl/both that dont wanna spend usd then thats cool but dont go around saying that ppl who spend usd (CUZ THEY CAN/CUZ EST LIKES USD) are a bunch of nubs or have ego.
btw who said i was pro or i try to be pro?i am a regular wiz like ANY OTHER WHO SPEND USD ON ECOINS TO HAVE PREM FOR BETER DROPS AND MORE ALZ U RETARD.when some1 ask me if i am pro/strong i say no ppl just say i am.
point is,dont be a lil bich calling ppl wut ur stupid small brain CANT LET GO....
if wut ur trying to say is that pieces with 1% more of amp isnt worth it compared to its price then thats true BUT IF PPL CAN SPEND THE USD,THEN WHY NOT SPEND IT U RETARD?it is our money we spend it in w/e we want.

if u thought that wut i meant with spending usd is buying alz or w/e then ur stupid small troll brain fails.
plz go away retard.

05-18-2012, 07:19 PM
I'm a Pro-Noob :D
I need amp scrolls x6 ><

05-20-2012, 03:37 AM
get sig event and leave 2 blank slot for it :D

05-20-2012, 07:21 AM
I say do it so that way I can buy 7 amp sig for 2bil a piece:p
And honestly someone with a 8 amp set pvping someone with a 7 amp set,there is really no difference at all maybe the 8 amp set hits for idk 50-100 extra dmg
when it comes dwn to it who ever crits more with equal gears wins.

05-20-2012, 07:25 AM
I don't want that @@, i want my account comeback :(.

05-20-2012, 02:22 PM
yeh there is not much dif, but ppl go crazy over a crit+3 ring or tyrant ring, when its only 2dmg more @@ or 5attk more
u be surprise how many get 8amp pieces cos 3 pieces = 3amp more

05-20-2012, 06:15 PM
How good would ur gears be if sig event/sgh never came out :O, yes i went there.

05-20-2012, 08:03 PM
How good would ur gears be if sig event/sgh never came out :O, yes i went there.

Damn and TheSPGuy wins again. Most of these kids would be fish in a barrel if sgh event never came.:cool:

05-20-2012, 09:13 PM
Damn and TheSPGuy wins again. Most of these kids would be fish in a barrel if sgh event never came.:cool:

And those are the only people who want more cash shop events :p

05-20-2012, 09:44 PM
How good would ur gears be if sig event/sgh never came out :O, yes i went there.

nothing cuz that dont stop us from running dungeons and upgrading with enhancers for better success,spaming pet slots and selling them,buying eox+8 30 days for better stuffs,lvling easy and fast cuz of sig cash shop weps and premium stack,or getting wexp and axp fast from war since we r stack and we will always get it easier,or keep selling vouchers and save for full forcy set or idk anything this usd designed game could do ^_^

05-20-2012, 09:51 PM
And those are the only people who want more cash shop events :p

and those are some of the ppl who willl always want to improve their gear, cuz every little thing helps :rolleyes:
there are different ways of gearing up so ppl always try to use them; am i right?:p

05-20-2012, 10:41 PM
nothing cuz that dont stop us from running dungeons and upgrading with enhancers for better success,spaming pet slots and selling them,buying eox+8 30 days for better stuffs,lvling easy and fast cuz of sig cash shop weps and premium stack,or getting wexp and axp fast from war since we r stack and we will always get it easier,or keep selling vouchers and save for full forcy set or idk anything this usd designed game could do ^_^

Cabal NA was not Designed for USD. Cabal NA was for the grind.Cabal in Korea is a Pay Real money for your gear. and untill EST took the game back from OGP the game was Grind for gear. now its just buy your gear with USD. Or sell your vouchers you got with USD and buy and Account thats max with endgame gear with the alz you got from your vouchers. You want to spend USD for you gear. go ahead its not going to make you better at the game. I my self think that EST Destroyed the NA Cabal with all this cash shop alz buyer Bull SH!† but to each there own. i will still play Cabal untill 8-14% forci amp is up for sale in the cash shop. want to spend your USD more power to you. at least your not them Scamming viets. lol

05-20-2012, 10:50 PM
get sig event and leave 2 blank slot for it :D I do already. Suit is a dropped one though so char bind.

I don't want that @@, i want my account comeback :(. Be patient. I once waited 9 weeks.

How good would ur gears be if sig event/sgh never came out :O, yes i went there. Not exactly sure who you're talking to, but I have a few pieces that i've +15 without safeguards. Otherwise it'd still be pretty good. Just gotta be persistent with those uch. Otherwise the alz spent on those items woulda gone to forci amp.

05-20-2012, 11:08 PM
Cabal NA was not Designed for USD. Cabal NA was for the grind.Cabal in Korea is a Pay Real money for your gear. and untill EST took the game back from OGP the game was Grind for gear. now its just buy your gear with USD. Or sell your vouchers you got with USD and buy and Account thats max with endgame gear with the alz you got from your vouchers. You want to spend USD for you gear. go ahead its not going to make you better at the game. I my self think that EST Destroyed the NA Cabal with all this cash shop alz buyer Bull SH!† but to each there own. i will still play Cabal untill 8-14% forci amp is up for sale in the cash shop. want to spend your USD more power to you. at least your not them Scamming viets. lol

+1,when est took over everything got fked up.
my whole point is that if ppl are given the oportunity to get better stuffs either usd or pure grinding then go for it if u can do it,if not it is cool too.i only spend usd on enhancers and prem ,most of the time when i am free i am always asking for dungeons, i dont even sell vouchers and i dont craft i hate that shet lol.(4 years of playing and my crafting is lvl 0 XD)
but ppl automatically jump when they see "i spend usd" and start the fail trolling which is rlly stupid tbh but is ok i guess lol :)

05-21-2012, 01:24 AM
Well in my point of View I think the Best way 2 get Decent gears..Get 180..Find a good party..spam MO!! yeah Drei frame is Rare but it's Better than Sig..beside u Get get Good Forcy 2 sell n get alz n buy somethin that would add value 2 ur Char =)...USD events R so fail..n it changes da Game into Pay to Play Game or 2 be Accurate Pay To Rule in game ...Which's Not That good for Most of Players...Thanks =)

05-21-2012, 08:21 AM
+1,when est took over everything got fked up.
my whole point is that if ppl are given the oportunity to get better stuffs either usd or pure grinding then go for it if u can do it,if not it is cool too.i only spend usd on enhancers and prem ,most of the time when i am free i am always asking for dungeons, i dont even sell vouchers and i dont craft i hate that shet lol.(4 years of playing and my crafting is lvl 0 XD)
but ppl automatically jump when they see "i spend usd" and start the fail trolling which is rlly stupid tbh but is ok i guess lol :)

Yeah i myself went the crafting path 4 years ago. its safe to say i dropped over 3 or 4B into it and now its basicly worthless. and us who did get our boots craft past Tit waisted our money just for the fact that if you cant pass tit boots proof for less than 15m*worthless scrolls for boots slot for amp* You have bad luck.. dont craft lol.

i myself have on my main. Forci martial gloves crafting and Osm boots crafting. and i have an Osm Kat crafter at 100%

05-21-2012, 09:00 AM
Well in my point of View I think the Best way 2 get Decent gears..Get 180..Find a good party..spam MO!! yeah Drei frame is Rare but it's Better than Sig..beside u Get get Good Forcy 2 sell n get alz n buy somethin that would add value 2 ur Char =)...USD events R so fail..n it changes da Game into Pay to Play Game or 2 be Accurate Pay To Rule in game ...Which's Not That good for Most of Players...Thanks =)
Loma, can you please abbreviate that more. (No i'm kidding).

I agree with midget and sae. This game used to be grind hard and tons to get the best things. Whatever happened to that?

05-21-2012, 12:52 PM
Loma, can you please abbreviate that more. (No i'm kidding).

I agree with midget and sae. This game used to be grind hard and tons to get the best things. Whatever happened to that?
ARghhh Val !!!...All i'm sayin is Quit askin for freaky Sig Event...N btw Next Update Crafted items Will be So much better than Any Sig pieces since Crafted item will have 1-3 options ..

05-21-2012, 02:18 PM
Crafted item will have 1-3 options ..
Uhm... Say what now? So people can have lets say forcy orb of db 16 dmg x3? So thats a possible 7/72 weapon.... wow dats krazy meng. Make this game solo I see.
Oh snap immagine a overcraft x3... That's a gs in one hand bra.. 7/80 Get real.

05-22-2012, 12:31 AM
Uhm... Say what now? So people can have lets say forcy orb of db 16 dmg x3? So thats a possible 7/72 weapon.... wow dats krazy meng. Make this game solo I see.
Oh snap immagine a overcraft x3... That's a gs in one hand bra.. 7/80 Get real.
Well..Da 1st option is da only 1 u can Decide...Da other 2 options are totally random ...+ They additional options treated as slots..Which means Max dmg on GS if u got Crit dmg as additional option is 20 =)...That would be Awesome!!!! N don't think it's that easy Semi...U gotta break through 3 stages of craft 2 get da master piece..When u fail u lose everything!

05-22-2012, 06:18 PM
lol we are still on this topic?

05-23-2012, 02:08 PM
yes lol it will be on until GM do the sig event muahahahaha :))

05-24-2012, 09:13 PM
why do we need a bunch of pay to win gear flooding into NA? go out and farm the gear like ur supposed to, a sig event is pretty much letting you buy alz/gear only difference is that ur paying est not the spam bots in bi
ahhh well ppl pay for sgh to plus your gears so you can win and alot of ppl doing that and did that already so its a bit to late for that statement

It's kinda like an old guy with a convertible. :]
or a young guy...

yeh there is not much dif, but ppl go crazy over a crit+3 ring or tyrant ring, when its only 2dmg more @@ or 5attk more
u be surprise how many get 8amp pieces cos 3 pieces = 3amp more

05-25-2012, 01:59 PM
GM Lorkan pls do the event lol....many ppl anxiously waiting here :))

05-25-2012, 03:03 PM
stupid idea

05-25-2012, 03:14 PM
No thanks

05-26-2012, 02:34 PM
only 2 says NO, n many said yes. i know alot ppl in game needs it. only the one who is poor in alz or usd said NO :)) to who ever said no u guys better farm UCH for us to use when the event is out eventually...

05-26-2012, 04:20 PM
only 2 says NO, n many said yes. i know alot ppl in game needs it. only the one who is poor in alz or usd said NO :)) to who ever said no u guys better farm UCH for us to use when the event is out eventually...

We were already told by a GM that the idea was shot down by EST. NA Cabal will not be getting the sig event. Simple as that.

05-26-2012, 10:01 PM
really nice trolling larazz... u wanna make a bet? by end of this year there has to be a sig event, it comes either sooner or later thats all

05-26-2012, 10:23 PM
really nice trolling larazz... u wanna make a bet? by end of this year there has to be a sig event, it comes either sooner or later thats all

There might be by the end of the year, but the key word there is year.

We just had a sig event in october and people are still asking for more. It's not like we need more than one per year.

05-27-2012, 01:10 AM
Wow, this thread is still going o.o... uselessly in my oppinion. Because, if they bring one, it happens. If they don't You it up and move on.

05-27-2012, 05:33 AM
really nice trolling larazz... u wanna make a bet? by end of this year there has to be a sig event, it comes either sooner or later thats all

What are you talking about I am not trolling this time. GM in venus said back in April that there will not no SIG event for NA.

Also if you look at the SIG history. It comes in April and October.... Simple as that.

Your QQing every day about this event, the time slot of its over, we are almost in june. Get over it.

05-27-2012, 01:41 PM
neverrrrr kaka i just wait til october

05-30-2012, 06:11 PM
i just bought my sig amp glove to +15 it, if there is a SIG event happened after this long maintainence im going to kill u larazz kakaka

05-30-2012, 06:17 PM
...GM in venus said back in April that there will not no SIG event for NA.

nigah lingo means yes