View Full Version : How fast is your connection to the server?

05-18-2012, 12:18 PM
I used a trace route to see all my connections (with command prompt type tracetr _______ <--- the ip address you are tracing to):
For those of you who do not understand the numbers, smaller numbers means you have less lag. 150+ is too slow to fade in combo.

This is how bad my lag was today :D

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]
Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


Tracing route to over a maximum of 30 hops

1 * * * Request timed out.
2 499 ms 476 ms 506 ms 170-128-076-178.ip-addr.tks-net.com [178.76.128.
3 550 ms 476 ms 610 ms 003-128-076-178.ip-addr.tks-net.com [178.76.128.
4 614 ms 534 ms 582 ms 113-128-076-178.ip-addr.tks-net.com [178.76.128.
5 701 ms 706 ms 602 ms te0-3-0-4.ccr21.fra06.atlas.cogentco.com [149.6.
6 707 ms 675 ms 586 ms te0-0-0-5.ccr21.fra03.atlas.cogentco.com [130.11
7 683 ms 612 ms 545 ms te0-0-0-2.ccr21.ams03.atlas.cogentco.com [130.11
8 560 ms 658 ms 642 ms te0-3-0-2.ccr21.lpl01.atlas.cogentco.com [154.54
9 624 ms 630 ms 672 ms te0-4-0-2.ccr21.bos01.atlas.cogentco.com [154.54
10 668 ms 601 ms 684 ms te0-2-0-1.mpd21.jfk02.atlas.cogentco.com [154.54
11 635 ms 917 ms 830 ms te0-0-0-6.mpd21.dca01.atlas.cogentco.com [154.54
12 789 ms 913 ms 852 ms te0-2-0-6.mpd21.atl01.atlas.cogentco.com [154.54
13 675 ms 857 ms 666 ms te0-2-0-7.mpd21.iah01.atlas.cogentco.com [154.54
14 890 ms 847 ms 720 ms te0-2-0-5.mpd21.lax01.atlas.cogentco.com [154.54
15 823 ms 827 ms 800 ms te3-8.ccr01.lax04.atlas.cogentco.com [154.54.24.
16 935 ms 921 ms 726 ms
17 815 ms 820 ms 918 ms
18 * * * Request timed out.
19 * * * Request timed out.
20 * * * Request timed out.
21 * * * Request timed out.

05-18-2012, 06:41 PM

connecting from 3k+ miles distance, ME, US (bout 3-5 mins walk from Canadian border so can't really get much further without being in Canada lol.)

Your connection as well as others is probably in some bad hop/bottleneck of data, I wouldn't expect it to last long usually the data networks are already aware as bottlenecking is quite common. Loss of bandwidth somewhere in the network, or high increase in volume of data can result in what your experiencing with the high ping.

05-18-2012, 07:16 PM
I can't wait to move and have my connection look like that.

05-18-2012, 09:00 PM
Macca's wifi ftw

05-19-2012, 12:16 AM
Something I noticed, your hops to the local ISP servers are already high, before it even does the hop to *.*atlas.cogentco.com, it almost looks like it might be ISP related more so then server related, I'm no expert though, but if you were looking for a bad hop to the server, normally you would beable to differentiate that in the tracert, your ping just seems to increase substantially from the first hop to *.*.ip-addr.tks-net.com which im assuming is your ISP's physical addy for which ever server your hop ended up in first.

1 * * * Request timed out.
2 499 ms 476 ms 506 ms 170-128-076-178.ip-addr.tks-net.com [178.76.128.

Are you on router btw? First hop would be your gateway, the routers local LAN addy, or the cable modem termination system at the local server if you don't have router.

05-19-2012, 04:35 AM
Yes, I already know it's my ISP. lol, but where I live right now, I have no other choices.

05-19-2012, 08:48 AM

I actually expected worse, counting I live on the east coast, and use the very cheapest timewarner's connection.

05-19-2012, 10:20 AM
im also east coast. i have a low plan. but its comcast so. low plan for comcast is better than most expensive plans.

05-19-2012, 11:59 AM
im also east coast. i have a low plan. but its comcast so. low plan for comcast is better than most expensive plans.

What are you talking about? Comcast is just as bad as timewarner.

05-19-2012, 12:19 PM
What are you talking about? Comcast is just as bad as timewarner. not around here. comcast has 5x the speed of verison for the same price. and no other Isp around here is even close to comcast speed.

05-19-2012, 01:21 PM
Comcast and rr have similar plans, comcast is little more expensive in general, but you have to take into account the service area (prices vary) and also given roadrunner might not be available in all the areas comcast is or vice-versa. Personally with 50$ rr plan I don't see any latency problems, but I would think it depends more on where you live then what service your using, as living near a dense population may result in peak time usage lagging a bit even with faster servers then sparsely populated areas using broadband/fiber optic networks.

05-19-2012, 02:16 PM
not around here. comcast has 5x the speed of verison for the same price. and no other Isp around here is even close to comcast speed.

So by what you're saying, comcast must offer a 125 mbps down and 125 mbps up connection for $50 a month in your area?

05-19-2012, 02:30 PM
So by what you're saying, comcast must offer a 125 mbps down and 125 mbps up connection for $50 a month in your area? Down and up are never the same besides that point.
i pay about 30 a month for 25 down and 5 up. verison is 30 a month for 5 down and like 1 up.

05-19-2012, 03:57 PM
Down and up are never the same besides that point.
i pay about 30 a month for 25 down and 5 up. verison is 30 a month for 5 down and like 1 up.

I'm pretty sure the 30 a month is one of those first year promotional prices, because I used to have that too back home. Then we switched to FiOS, first year we paid $35 a month, then it became $50 a month after for 25 down and 25 up advertised. My actual speedtest showed 30 down, 25 up. I'm pretty sure you won't be getting anything better than that from comcast.

Guess it doesn't matter now though, since the place I live at doesn't offer much choices, and a cheap 10 down 1 up connection works well enough for me atm.

05-19-2012, 04:07 PM
I'm pretty sure the 30 a month is one of those first year promotional prices, because I used to have that too back home. Then we switched to FiOS, first year we paid $35 a month, then it became $50 a month after for 25 down and 25 up advertised. My actual speedtest showed 30 down, 25 up. I'm pretty sure you won't be getting anything better than that from comcast.

Guess it doesn't matter now though, since the place I live at doesn't offer much choices, and a cheap 10 down 1 up connection works well enough for me atm. it was somethin like that but its Cable and internet. after 6 months it went up like 15 bucks. but they blame that on the cable and not the internet lol.

Also. you think they will ever fix the "What's New" its annoying digging for new posts lol

-Itachi Uchiha-
05-19-2012, 07:42 PM
This needs to be fixed soon x.x

05-19-2012, 08:49 PM
This needs to be fixed soon x.x

What do you mean "this"?

05-19-2012, 10:25 PM

05-19-2012, 10:56 PM
I can't understand anything in this thread

05-20-2012, 12:24 AM
My avg ping is 0

05-20-2012, 01:03 AM
My avg ping is 0 I wish I could say that, but I can say that' next to impossible to have 0. You have at least a few.

05-20-2012, 08:38 AM
I wish I could say that, but I can say that' next to impossible to have 0. You have at least a few.


05-20-2012, 09:21 AM
I jelly. What service do you use?

05-20-2012, 10:15 AM
I call hax!

05-20-2012, 10:28 AM
must be rogers, unless bell is better over there in the west, time for me to switch

btw val i suggest covering up your ip, its the only one that didn't time out when i traced it. and i am no expert but it makes me think your firewall isn't very strong or even there at all. if that isn't true let me know so i can learn

05-20-2012, 11:52 AM
Rogers :D

05-20-2012, 03:33 PM
must be rogers, unless bell is better over there in the west, time for me to switch

btw val i suggest covering up your ip, its the only one that didn't time out when i traced it. and i am no expert but it makes me think your firewall isn't very strong or even there at all. if that isn't true let me know so i can learn
that's probably bcs that number isn't my ip so is easy to ping. Don't worry about it.

10-02-2012, 09:07 AM
Which of these 2 is more accurate? One is from my command promt, the other was on ip-address-lookup-v4.com:


10-02-2012, 01:45 PM

10-02-2012, 02:28 PM
Microsoft Windows [Versione 6.1.7601]
Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. Tutti i diritti riservati.


Traccia instradamento verso su un massimo di 30 punti di passaggio

1 1 ms 1 ms 1 ms
2 2 ms 2 ms 1 ms
3 2 ms 2 ms 2 ms
4 2 ms 2 ms 2 ms
5 2 ms 2 ms 2 ms
6 3 ms 2 ms 2 ms
7 2 ms 2 ms 1 ms
8 2 ms 2 ms 2 ms
9 6 ms 6 ms 6 ms
10 7 ms 8 ms 7 ms 93-63-100-25.ip27.fastwebnet.it []
11 7 ms 7 ms 7 ms
12 8 ms 8 ms 8 ms 93-63-100-170.ip27.fastwebnet.it []

13 8 ms 7 ms 7 ms
14 27 ms 27 ms 27 ms te2-3.ccr01.mil01.atlas.cogentco.com [149.6.152.
15 27 ms 27 ms 27 ms te2-1.ccr01.str01.atlas.cogentco.com [154.54.62.
16 28 ms 27 ms 27 ms te0-0-0-2.ccr21.fra03.atlas.cogentco.com [130.11
17 33 ms 33 ms 34 ms te0-1-0-2.ccr21.ams03.atlas.cogentco.com [130.11
18 42 ms 42 ms 42 ms te0-2-0-7.ccr21.lpl01.atlas.cogentco.com [154.54
19 115 ms 114 ms 114 ms te0-3-0-3.ccr21.bos01.atlas.cogentco.com [154.54
20 113 ms 113 ms 116 ms te0-0-0-18.mpd21.jfk02.atlas.cogentco.com [154.5
21 122 ms 121 ms 119 ms te0-0-0-6.mpd21.dca01.atlas.cogentco.com [154.54
22 146 ms 147 ms 147 ms te0-0-0-6.mpd21.atl01.atlas.cogentco.com [154.54
23 146 ms 146 ms 146 ms te0-2-0-7.mpd21.iah01.atlas.cogentco.com [154.54
24 181 ms 181 ms 182 ms te0-2-0-5.mpd21.lax01.atlas.cogentco.com [154.54
25 182 ms 182 ms 182 ms te8-7.ccr01.lax04.atlas.cogentco.com [154.54.84.
26 182 ms 182 ms 182 ms
27 182 ms 183 ms 182 ms
28 rapporti: Rete di destinazione non raggiungibile.

Traccia completata.


but well I'm not even from US xp

(postcount +1 yes o.o)

10-02-2012, 02:42 PM
loool comcast dcs every 4 mins you guys are stoopid

10-02-2012, 02:57 PM
ok val got a better internet connection. lagging is no longer a valid excuse for being bad

10-02-2012, 03:52 PM
ok val got a better internet connection. lagging is no longer a valid excuse for being bad
Try doing dash combo with an Intel HD 4000 integrated graphics card.

I was supposed to get my stuff from germany today which includes my computer (which I've not been able to use for 2 months now), but the ppl didn't show up like they were supposed to.

but well I'm not even from US xp

(postcount +1 yes o.o)
yea but all the ones thta say cogentco are the ones to the server. All b4 that are b4 you get there.

10-02-2012, 05:45 PM
Try doing dash combo with an Intel HD 4000 integrated graphics card.

I was supposed to get my stuff from germany today which includes my computer (which I've not been able to use for 2 months now), but the ppl didn't show up like they were supposed to.

yea but all the ones thta say cogentco are the ones to the server. All b4 that are b4 you get there.
easy macro your keyboard and hope you can move mouse in 10 fps

10-02-2012, 07:36 PM
I play on a standard eMachines T6524 that I bought in 2003/4, can't remember. Dash combo and do anything else just fine. :)

10-03-2012, 01:01 PM
ya i used to play on an old dell p4 with 2gb of ddr1 ram and integrated intel graphics, no problems