View Full Version : Is there a TOP player for each server?

06-01-2012, 04:39 PM
Like the title says. Doesn't matter what class you are, who is the top player of each server that beat all the other top player. Kind of like a battle royal.

06-01-2012, 04:45 PM
mercury=romp top alz buyer
venus= idk whos the top alz buyer in venus x.x

but when u ask whos truly skilled then i say top is xi.theres no1 else atm i guess....

06-01-2012, 05:27 PM
im the undeafeated #1 fa on venus

06-01-2012, 05:42 PM
im the undeafeated #1 fa on venus go back to LoL. We dont need to carry another person here =(

06-01-2012, 07:23 PM
No such thing as top now, its Pay to be pro....

OGP days was better where everyone farm for their gears, now its pay to be no.1, so if your saying this and that person is pro, their pro in their own league.

06-01-2012, 07:34 PM
its Pay to be pro....


it's Pay to be a pathetic nerd

it's have an IQ over 100 to be pro

06-01-2012, 08:47 PM

it's Pay to be a pathetic nerd

it's have an IQ over 100 to be pro

yep yep,u reading this romp? :rolleyes:
oh forgot "haters gonna hate":D

06-01-2012, 10:35 PM
mercury=romp top alz buyer
venus= idk whos the top alz buyer in venus x.x

but when u ask whos truly skilled then i say top is xi.theres no1 else atm i guess....

Xi #1

06-02-2012, 08:32 AM
kay thx. says the person who is on Venus.
False accusations with a foundation of ignorance.
People who do know me can tell you how I make alz in this game, or you can check the ah once in a while.
If you have any proof of me buying alz please post on forums and exploit me.

I don't know what you have against me sea or maybe you just like trolling on forums, but I will be your friend some day.

06-02-2012, 08:41 AM
Lol its funny how u say this trying to sound smart when in reality its assumptions that drive the world around; its pretty basic that 14% amp armor thats sig+ in grade is a hack; it will always be a hack regardless of what any1 says; people struggle with creating a basic bike with the cheapest scrolls and u expect us to believe u got a full resist bike; scrolls which cost the highest in the game?? Do you honestly take us for idiots? Either that or you are paying est to up your success rate. You arent legit you will never be; congratz on w.e u did with what u baught tho lol, i am sure any other class can do the same with ur stuff.

06-02-2012, 08:48 AM
I have 0 14%amp pieces...
I purchased all of my scrolls within the first 2 weeks of the update where people were mass breaking and did not know the potential of a RW3.
Obviously after I made it the prices for the mats would go up.

Once again another person who knows nothing.

06-02-2012, 08:50 AM
LOL ok keep telling urself that pic or usless. Useless trash will always b useless.

06-02-2012, 08:50 AM
lol "when scrolls r cheap" r u retarded ur tellin me some1 will break a r3 for a scroll worth less to sell lol HOW STUPID R U

06-02-2012, 08:52 AM
lol "when scrolls r cheap" r u retarded ur tellin me some1 will break a r3 for a scroll worth less to sell lol HOW STUPID R U

I guess you missed romp's 50b title.

06-02-2012, 08:54 AM
lol it doesn't matter his arguments r useless to a point where a 8 year old kid can see right through fake nubs like that.

Romp = darkgen of venus lol. +1000000000

06-02-2012, 08:54 AM
You know that they can be obtained from ALL boards and ALL bikes.

Here is my RW3 breakdown.
1 from Chopy 800m
1 from EpicReign 400m
1 from auction house forgot the seller for 1.2b
My resist card from xxxkradxxx for 3b.

06-02-2012, 09:08 AM
@ Thread

Merc Best Player for each class (freestyle/pvp)
WA - XI on DK
FA - Han
FS- Distrox
FB - Turcox
WI - me.

Dromar if he still plays, really was in a class of his own on venus.

06-02-2012, 09:17 AM
kay thx. says the person who is on Venus.
False accusations with a foundation of ignorance.
People who do know me can tell you how I make alz in this game, or you can check the ah once in a while.
If you have any proof of me buying alz please post on forums and exploit me.

I don't know what you have against me sea or maybe you just like trolling on forums, but I will be your friend some day.

nah man i know ur legit :)
i knew if i said ur name ppl would jump with "false accusations" am i right?

and @Sage27 romp doesnt have any 14 amp pieces,the only thing hes got is regular forcy pieces +15 which arent end gear,a wiz with an entire 14 amp set will do more dmg than him so hes just god on the def ;).and 14 pieces arent hack,they just dont drop too often cuz hey are actual epic pieces not some junk forcy if u know wut i mean.only around 4 or max 5 ppl in the entire server have 14 pieces that are actually good( not counting the junk magic 14 for sword classes like fb and fs)

06-02-2012, 09:18 AM
@ Thread

Merc Best Player for each class (freestyle/pvp)
WA - XI on DK
FA - Han
FS- Distrox
FB - Turcox
WI - me.

Dromar if he still plays, really was in a class of his own on venus.

not hating or anything but i think xi is more worth it of calling "Merc Best Player for each class(freestyle/pvp) WI

06-02-2012, 09:20 AM
not hating or anything but i think xi is more worth it of calling "Merc Best Player for each class(freestyle/pvp) WI

Romp has gotten way better than before.. AND WE ALL HATE XI WHEN HE IS USING A MOFOCKING WI

06-02-2012, 09:24 AM
yup, xi master freestyle dawg

06-02-2012, 09:25 AM
depends on how you look at it.
If me and XI were equally geared across the board etc. he would most likely beat me but I wouldn't get sweeped or anything lol.
But if it was me vs. his Wi then obviously I could just stand freeze combo and let my gear do the work.

Also if you look at my list. XI taught all those players how to freestyle to some extend, including me.

06-02-2012, 09:53 AM
yup, xi master freestyle dawg

^ wut maria said XD

depends on how you look at it.
If me and XI were equally geared across the board etc. he would most likely beat me but I wouldn't get sweeped or anything lol.
But if it was me vs. his Wi then obviously I could just stand freeze combo and let my gear do the work.

Also if you look at my list. XI taught all those players how to freestyle to some extend, including me.

and idk man i think every1 knows if u both had the same gear he would sweep u easy lol
not talking for every1 i am just saying wut i think,cuz when it comes to freestyle/skills NO1 gets close to xi,including u.

06-02-2012, 10:03 AM
Close is objective.
You have to credit his teaching abilities.
This is all hypothetical of course.
What isn't hypothetical is that I am beating him 27-22 while hes on DK ^.^

06-02-2012, 10:04 AM
Sea I don't know why you're giving Romp a hard time about his gear when you admitted on forums you pay to win. However I do understand if you payed cash to be decent in this game and when someone has a lot more than you it makes you jealous, but get over it. lol.

if ppl have money to spend then why not spend it? that makes us "MMO-Nerd-Egos"?....
lol really stupid point of view u got there........ lmao

wuts the matter if we spend usd?i mean i can spend w/e i want and still wont affect my pocket lol so why not spend it if this game was design to do so?
lol if ppl dont wanna see some1 spending usd then go play console games kakaka

The pot calling the kettle black.

mercury=romp top alz buyer

06-02-2012, 10:15 AM
Sea I don't know why you're giving Romp a hard time about his gear when you admitted on forums you pay to win. However I do understand if you payed cash to be decent in this game and when someone has a lot more than you it makes you jealous, but get over it. lol.

when did i say anything about romp`s gear on this thread?all i said is that xi is more skilled thats all.and if u say spending usd on premium every month cuz thats the only way i spend usd on this game and not even that cuz this month i bought prem with game alz since i sold a couple of things this month :p and i spend on the sgh like the other 80% of the cabal community on the once in a year and probably last sg event on a long time,then yes i believe ur right.
and wut makes u think i am jealous of romp? lol cmon man get real here,i didnt know saying xi is more skilled than romp automatically means i am jealous of romp....

06-02-2012, 10:22 AM
Your so infatuated with XI that you are jealous of me and XIs bromance.

06-02-2012, 10:22 AM
I'm not talking about the top players, skill or XI, I'm singling you out on being an idiot.

06-02-2012, 10:28 AM
Score on Han vs. Romp freestyle: 8-2. Han on the lead.

True Story.

06-02-2012, 10:28 AM
Looool damn

06-02-2012, 10:28 AM
Sea I don't know why you're giving Romp a hard time about his gear when you admitted on forums you pay to win. However I do understand if you payed cash to be decent in this game and when someone has a lot more than you it makes you jealous, but get over it. lol.

The pot calling the kettle black.

lool so i guess ur browsing the entire forum for things i said before?no life forum much man? ;)

and yes like i said, i spend usd only on prem,if i rlly was into this game i wouldnt have the gears i currently have,dont u think?

and ty fr re-posting wut i said on that thread lol :) cuz theres nothing wrong with it.

btw idk if ur retarded or not but theres a difference between buying alz and buying prem but i guess u didnt know.but i guess it is ok cuz no1 knows everything right? :)

06-02-2012, 10:31 AM
I'm not talking about the top players, skill or XI, I'm singling you out on being an idiot.

then wut r u then?

06-02-2012, 10:32 AM
Distro: O hey romp lets pvp for fun
Romp: Sure buddie o friend

15minutes later
Distro: o btw im keeping score with my pencil and its 8-2, k afk.

06-02-2012, 10:34 AM

06-02-2012, 10:39 AM
lool so i guess ur browsing the entire forum for things i said before?no life forum much man? ;)

and yes like i said, i spend usd only on prem,if i rlly was into this game i wouldnt have the gears i currently have,dont u think?

and ty fr re-posting wut i said on that thread lol :) cuz theres nothing wrong with it.

btw idk if ur retarded or not but theres a difference between buying alz and buying prem but i guess u didnt know.but i guess it is ok cuz no1 knows everything right? :)

You do realize that thread is on the first page, both quotes are on the same page of the thread as well? I'm sorry I skim threads and the forums moves very slow so it's easy to remember most of the stuff. Spending USD is spending USD no matter how you look at it. But if you're gonna spend USD don't complain when other people spend USD cause it makes you look like an idiot. You think spending USD is fine but when someone spends more you cry, lol.

It's so stupid my brain hurts.

06-02-2012, 10:43 AM

in yo face romp bish ass

06-02-2012, 10:45 AM
i own 30% of that FS.

06-02-2012, 10:48 AM

06-02-2012, 10:51 AM
no u own 20% trapo 30% han 40% me 10%!!!! wat is up yooo

06-02-2012, 10:53 AM
ur ss proves that you lie on ur vrs score


06-02-2012, 11:03 AM
You do realize that thread is on the first page, both quotes are on the same page of the thread as well? I'm sorry I skim threads and the forums moves very slow so it's easy to remember most of the stuff. Spending USD is spending USD no matter how you look at it. But if you're gonna spend USD don't complain when other people spend USD cause it makes you look like an idiot. You think spending USD is fine but when someone spends more you cry, lol.

It's so stupid my brain hurts.

can u post when did i ever complain about ppl spending usd? dont be a retard saying the first thing that comes to ur mind kid.ur the 1 who looks like an idiot.
ppl have different points of view so i guess urs is that buying prem is the same as buying alz looool

06-02-2012, 11:17 AM
Then why did you call me an Alz Buyer? =[
I don't buy alz. I don't even refill eCoins, i just buy vouchers now.

06-02-2012, 11:39 AM
Then why did you call me an Alz Buyer? =[
I don't buy alz. I don't even refill eCoins, i just buy vouchers now.

a thread like this some1 has to bring it sooner or later XD
and yea man i know ur 100% legit ;)

06-02-2012, 11:43 AM
urs is that buying prem is the same as buying alz looool

Spending USD is spending USD no matter how you look at it


06-02-2012, 11:48 AM

hi,i am still waiting for u to post where did i ever complain about ppl buying alz.as in the alz buying websites not buying prem, dont fail so much at post it plz.

06-02-2012, 12:02 PM
love it when a hypocrit tries to defend himself. how cute.

06-02-2012, 12:03 PM
Maybe complain was a bad word, crying seems more fitting.

06-02-2012, 12:03 PM
love it when a hypocrit tries to defend himself. how cute.

wutr u trying to say

06-02-2012, 12:04 PM
Maybe complain was a bad word, crying seems more fitting.

i am still waiting kid lol

06-02-2012, 12:08 PM
1.Open thread
2.Look at the your posts.

Or at least reread my first few posts referring to your posts.

06-02-2012, 12:40 PM
1.Open thread
2.Look at the your posts.

Or at least reread my first few posts referring to your posts.

err top players= either have to buy usd to gear up,buy prem for luck drops and easier way to get axp for runes and exp, or be extremely extremely extremely extremely lucky with crafting lots of pc stuffs non stop to make up for the alz lost on crafts,first post ;some ppl take it as trolling some take it as truth,but overall id say xi for top freestyle,just give xi any class and he will pwn lol i am sure i am not the only1 who "sees this" but thats just my opinion,if u call that to complain about ppl buying alz the u must be rlly stupid,idc if they do or not,all i am saying that to be best player u have to either buy alz,be rlly lucky with crafts or buy prem all the time to speed up ur char.

06-02-2012, 12:42 PM
just read this thread

06-02-2012, 12:45 PM

06-02-2012, 12:47 PM
just read this thread

Aren't you glad I introduced you to p90x you fat bastard.

06-02-2012, 12:55 PM
Aren't you glad I introduced you to p90x you fat bastard.

i'm all skin and bones now :(

06-02-2012, 01:28 PM
i'm all skin and bones now :(

Now we can love you.

06-02-2012, 01:59 PM
Score on Han vs. Romp freestyle: 8-2. Han on the lead.

True Story.
But Han can't really be classifed as any single class o.o. He's just... Han o.o.

I do love practicing pvp with XI though. Helps me get better.

@ the 14% gears. My warrior has 2 14% gears (granted opposite normal) but they Are 14%. :D

06-03-2012, 06:32 AM
people still play this game?

06-03-2012, 08:51 AM
people still play this game?

plvl me 5 more lvls? :(

06-03-2012, 08:53 PM
Who cares everyone uses cheat engine anyways so no ones really legit.

06-06-2012, 10:30 PM

people still play this game?


06-06-2012, 10:37 PM
i play this game <3

06-06-2012, 10:39 PM
why so much def distro?

06-06-2012, 11:42 PM

06-07-2012, 07:19 PM
Nearly crapped my pants after seeing Distros stats.


06-07-2012, 07:38 PM
Nearly crapped my pants after seeing Distros stats.


The power of mass USD spending...

06-07-2012, 10:47 PM
HOLY MOTHER OF GOD I AGREE WITH SPUR PPL STILL PLAY THIS GAME!!!! IUASDNFDASJFNSDGJSKDGFNJDFNSAD i mean i no life skyrim these days but man cabal still has these trolls who are on the forums probably forum farming and stuff btw im selling a tit gs non slot +0 at npc for 1111bil plz buy been sitting there snice 08

06-08-2012, 05:00 AM
DarrkD>DK i think

06-08-2012, 08:36 AM
DarrkD>DK i think
xRepoManx<Sea+romp 2v1 lets go i can lose hard LETS DO IT

06-08-2012, 01:31 PM
DarrkD>DK i think


gearwise... disagree

06-08-2012, 03:35 PM
dix > darrkd

06-08-2012, 03:57 PM
puzzy > dix

06-08-2012, 11:47 PM
i remember back in OGP days when i went rs with darkkd a couple times. Some sob stole his uch lol. The best of venus gear wise would be dromar (USD goes a long way) but if you want best skill wise well i really dont know. Just moved to merc so i dont know many people here yet besides the few who moved to merc as well when i did. Only major people i know of from merc is tomaboy and romp.

06-10-2012, 10:22 AM
toma was Venus tho at 1 point :] I would know o_o

06-10-2012, 11:28 AM
is there top player? all i know is top USD only

06-10-2012, 11:40 AM
is there top player? all i know is top USD only

No man they get pro gear by getting epic drops and crafting pc 24/7 none stop...wuts wrong with u they iz 100%legit :)

06-10-2012, 12:01 PM
No man they get pro gear by getting epic drops and crafting pc 24/7 none stop...wuts wrong with u they iz 100%legit :)

i LOL at the 24/7 none stop crafting

06-10-2012, 03:58 PM
Cabal Entertainment!!!

I'm glad I tuned in!

06-11-2012, 12:45 PM
holy shiet this Sea kid is running on 100% full retard

06-11-2012, 02:45 PM
holy shiet this Sea kid is running on 100% full retard

If i am being retarded and wut i said is wrong;then wuts the right way if getting pro gear since farming and crafting is wrong x.x
Looks like u know the true way of gearing up :)
plz do u mind sharing with every1 u seem to know all about it :)

06-11-2012, 03:47 PM
USD much to get more alzs buyer much

06-11-2012, 04:40 PM

06-11-2012, 04:51 PM
Like the title says. Doesn't matter what class you are, who is the top player of each server that beat all the other top player. Kind of like a battle royal.
he said top player not top character, so imma just lol@ALL the retards who jumped in and talked shet about USD or w/e.
and i know someppl made 10b at least from crafting in the past 2 weeks, so u guys make me lol =)

...on any char.

just gonna leave it here.

06-11-2012, 05:23 PM
Wut the blackanese said lol
Overall xi is the top player since his skills r in a totally diff lvl to any1 in NA server.
and yea some ppl automaticaly think/say romp is top player lol idk why tho but i guess ppl will always have diff opinions....
btw fear wut type of crafting lol rings or se i wanna know XD