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07-27-2012, 02:12 PM
That mighta made cabal seem more "fair" than the current system. This is not intended to: 1:Piss off anyone, 2: Say that our current system fails (I just don't like it AS MUCH as I could), and 3: Encourage more dungeoning than now. NOTE: I wrote this up cause I've had these thoughts for some time, but was just lazy and now I'm bored w/ nothing to do and discouraged to continue playing.
So here I go..
Edit: apparently I can't type su.ck/su.cky so if theres a random gap in a spot, replace with su.ck/suc.ky and it'll make sense...I think

Things that should have happened when SGH was first introduced...
SGH should not have been specific to the (high) level, but rather to the item level grade. (Such as Safe-Guard (High)-Osmium) This makes it so that you need to get a different SGH regarding on the level of item. SGH shouldn't be only specific to itemshop as well. Make it a super rare drop from dungeon (About as rare as 2slot PC dmg weapons I guess, maybe rarer. I don't know how rare a 2slot PC dmg weapon is cause I never got one) If you go with the above theory, then the different SGH that can drop is SGH(Osm), SGH(RedOsm), SGH(SIG) so your chances aren't total BS. Praying for a 7%amp drop in armor or PC dmg weapon/helm for 100m+ drop seems kind of lame.
If you want to buy SGH from itemshop, then let us, BUT only sell SGH(Osm) and make people work for RedOsm~SIG level.
As for Bikes, make a specific SGH(RW3)
Thats that for SGH. Same concept could go for SGM's and SGM(Blue)
I don't like the fact that someone who whips out the max amount of money (what is it like 300~500 USD a week?) to buy 30~50 SGH when theres an SGH sale could EASILY gain +15 weapons/armor and then flood the market. I wouldn't care at all if someone did like 200 dungeons to get SGM/SGH to get to +15 level in fact, i would give them a pat on the back.

Onto the next topic: Alz itself.
Where is all the alz coming from? I thought about this but it didn't make much sense. We pick up maybe 10mil alz when we go from 1 to 160+(Very harsh estimation, feel free to correct me) selling osm equipment nets us about 70k per item, redosm, 99k, sig about 100k~, forci: 200~500k?
Yet people have BILLIONS. I've actually tried to raise 1 billion alz through dungeoning. Getting 1 UCH is about 700-900k depending on market, 1 UCHH varies between 1~1.3m. Lets calculate that. The one dungeon everyone solo spams is IC1 (Prove me wrong >_>) or VC. You get maybe 3~5 UCH from IC1 or 2~4 UCHH, about 1~9 UCH from VC (Depending on your luck) So if you calculate VC's 9 UCH per run, thats about 8.1m if u sell at 900k each. You'd have to do over 120+ VC's to get 1bil alz from UCH, and thats from other players. Where did that alz come from? The only logical way I know is if you make a new character and then do quests, it nets you like 80~90mil from NPC's and even then when you get that money, a lot of it goes into buying skill books at 1~3.4m each. skill. Makes no sense (Feel free to clarify/explain/reason out where the alz comes from)

Not much to say: they , but we as players can benefit from it once in a random chance (Such as picking up craft mats from bots who aoe kill stuff in PL) I once picked up Minesta Book 18 from a bot in MF. (And the stories of forci drops from bots) The fix: no practical solution, unless you can have a GM on at all times to administer ban hammers

ONTO THE BIG ONE: War and Honor
Honor...such a bish to get. The real only logical, possible, feasible, any-chance way of getting high honor is through war. Sure we got plate of glory, but at best you get 190k honor (from AoS2 one). Max honor is at 2billion honor points. If you did the plate of glory that gives you 190k honor every time you did AoS2, in order to reach 2billion honor, you'd have to do 10,527 AoS2's. 29 ecoins at 10,527 AoS2 is 305,283 ecoins. (For those who are too lazy to do the math thats about $3,050 dollars. So lets just cross out that method of getting to HR20...
War is how its done. Its free, consumes 1 hour of your life every 2 hours until they take the break at 12 and 6 (EST) getting about 170(?) wexp. People have spent 1~3 years(I really dont know how long it takes) to get to HR20. Thats discouraging because the games been out for 5 years (I think) so we'd have had to play for over half the games life-span in order to reach those few 5-10 people who have HR20. This discouraged me from warring much...I liked war. I was good at it, but I don't have the endurance/patience to play a game for 3 years straight, warring 5 times a day to achieve HR20. Problem is, I actually like that getting high HR is difficult, but this discourages new players from warring to achieve a rank equal to others.(Unless that was your objective: keep the old players, laugh at the new players) How to fix this: hmm...grant more honor in quests I guess, it'll lessen the blow to the amount of war you need to go to at any rate...or have a daily honor quest that gives you more honor based on your level.(Give a lot of honor but make it super difficult...like kill 3 K'eniths and 3 Centarion Prideus)

Nation unbalance
Lets face it: Procyon is the #1 nation and will most likely always be the #1 nation. Check the Saints Event every saturday at 10 pm (EST) at Lakeside, and you will see procyon outnumber capella's 20:1 (literally 20 procs per 1 cap and this is NO JOKE) and the cap population seems to be shrinking because of the idea: If you can't beat them, join them, and as we all know, caps have NEVER had the saints force caliber (That guy who was proc, and got the weapon, then switch cap doesn't count).Now we can't really fix this because its way unbalanced and no remedy can really solve it because procyon will 99.9% of the time have the nation bonus which we all want (Who the eff doesn't want free nation warp) so more caps will go to proc. Even if you remove the ability to change nation (Black Transmuter) theres already too many procs, and if you make it so you can't choose proc when deciding nation, that discourages players to playing the game. Its unbalanced, and will remain unbalanced.

Dungeon encouragement
Last topic: dungeon encouragement. I touched this lightly with the SGH(Osm/RedOsm/SIG) section but I'll expand it. We need more of a reason to dungeon. We dungeon for potential money drops. I like that you've introduced the DP system (helps a hellofalot in getting AP) but the drop in the actual dungeon need refining. The drop rate is fine as it is: y and super hard to get. 1/1000(?) people will get a good drop. But since the drop rate s, why not throw in more interesting drops, such as the SGH idea(Look at paragraph 2), throw in some enhanced cores(idea suggested by other people) Temporary day(s) weapons/armors (Like a 3/5/7/14/20 day 36 dmg weapon char bound)<-(Encourages us to play a bit more to get the full effect of the weapon's time limit, I recall Weak dungeons use to do this, but they were lame stuff) and my new idea that I think would be awesome using the same concept of a timed formula card (like the one used in FT1 forci craft), timed formula cards. With the time formula cards (dropped in dungeons, by last boss chest) it can drop a timed formula card (like 1 day?) which can craft whatever the formula card is, like if it drops a formula card for crafting a RoF10, then you have a day to gather the material (Like RoF9/ x#CJ6/etc/etc) and it has a low chance of crafting.(Can be used for other stuff like RoS10, AoP6, CR2, RoL2) I like this idea...many of you wouldn't. (Flame me idc) Make more drops possible that actually have some worth, instead of that 7% SG/Mystic/TG or 36 CD/7amp stuff.
By this point you've probably stopped reading, and begun laughing at me. I don't care, i don't know who you are and personally think its hilarious that you've heard me rant up to this point.

tl;dr: You , go back to the top and read it.
FINALLY I FINISHED My level of boredom is insane to write up all of this
Edit: apparently I can't type su.ck/su.cky so if theres a random gap in a spot, replace with su.ck/suc.ky and it'll make sense...I think
Edit 2: If you do happen to read it all, lemme know what you think. Feel free to rate me 0-10 JOIN ME IN MY BOREDOM BY READING IT ALL!

07-27-2012, 03:10 PM
wow did u really have to write this much young

07-27-2012, 03:14 PM
I was bored >_> What can I say lol

07-27-2012, 03:27 PM
~i like the SGH idea.. kinda pisses me off when ppl can buy so many SGHs and +15 random crap.
~ How do people get alz? well people say they craft etc.. Daxriggs crafts... HE CRAFTS.. but others.. we all know the real answer..
~for bots.. screw them, but whatever..
~i don't like the idea of making HR easier by anything.. becauseeeee Honor rank 1-20 takes only 1year. or 7months (with BBEXP 100%s), not only that but if we had tons of Honor 20s, it defeats the purpose of actually trying to get it.. Thus there will be too many HR20s walking around, which would . Thus i like their system, heck i wouldn't even mind if they made it harder ... i'd still war.
~Nation Unbalanced: well everyone likes the dark side, all procs can do is kill everyone that is there, and i think caps aren't going to saints, that's the only reason it's unbalanced, i'm sure they gave up. If more caps went then it'd be fine
~ And for dungeons: i don't mind the fact that they're making it hard to get drops.. But they should make it possible to be able to work for drops. Aka runescape as an example: how i was able to pick up flax (100coins each) or like sharks (900coins each).. That was more labor based than cabal. Where cabal is all luck based, you were either born with it (when you made the acc) or you didn't have it.
the fact that drop rate of dungeons is low so then people don't get so many epic drops.. But i'd rather have people work for their money, instead of having luck. I like to work for my gear, rather than count on luck.

07-27-2012, 03:32 PM
Not really trying to make getting to HR20 easier, just lessen the load, or make people do more than just war. Like the Quest idea i said. Make the level 180 Daily(Or even weekly) Honor quest like..kill 2 Drei Frames, 5 Tyrants, and 10 K'enith's for like 5mil honor. Lower level its easier but you get less, like a 109 (T2) has to go kill 3 Killians and 10 Blazelords for 1mil honor or something. Helps to encourage dungeoning.
As for dungeoning for luck, if the SGH system was implemented, you could physically work for your +15 gear..and possibly work for your own accessories (Instead of having to buy a friggen AoP6 for 3b from someone)

07-27-2012, 03:36 PM
idk like lessening the load, it must be hard to get HR20 otherwise it shouldn't be 10% resist CR, 30% resist CD.. it should be 5%, 10% just to piss people off.. Kaka. and screw that SGH system in dungeons lol.. i just like the fact that they should make it SGH(osm) only that can be sold.. and SGH(ETC) should be as rare as a SeH zzz. AoP+6 theres a reason why they're costly.. because the chance of success is low.

07-27-2012, 03:39 PM
Theres MAYBE..(i could be insanely wrong) 10~20 AoP6 in cabal i think and the games been out for 5 years. Theres quite possibly only like 3 people (Super guessing still) that could craft an AoP6(that still play) and thats not even perfect craft -.- I get that its made to be hard-to-get, but for there to only be 10~20ish....idunno, they gotta improve the odds a little.
And as for Honor, I'd rather do other stuff to get honor, not just wait for war all day. I don't want war to control my cabal life Q.Q

07-27-2012, 03:46 PM
ca6 drops 2-5 uchh on average with only 5 minutes of playtime

07-27-2012, 05:34 PM
ca6 drops 2-5 uchh on average with only 5 minutes of playtime
Oh. WAIT 5?! I thought the boss spawns after 15 minutes, how do u make it spawn after 5?

EDIT: Never mind you said 5 minutes of playtime. U afk for the other 12ish lol

07-30-2012, 03:45 PM
1. alz came from bots, not all bots leave drops on the ground, some pick up, empty at npc over n over, old players know this from UG bot days.
but u would think GMs would have the common sense to see there is more alz in the game than should be and rectify this, but it will never happen.
2. sgh etc being a drop and rare, agreed. only things that should be strictly cash shop, are premium type intems. any and everything else should be implemented in the game, a way to some how get them without cash shop. making such stuff as, e.g. euch etc strictly item shop is discouraging to any new player.
3. yes ONLY being able to REALLY gain a significant amount of honor is from war, any other way is very low amount. GMs need to realize, some ppl war, some non stop dungeon all day. it should be equal benefits to both of course, but i understand why war is more honor, that resist from HR20 isnt really helpin u in dungs, its meant to be used in war, therefor u get it, thru warring. a suggestion to that is, increase the limit, or remove any limit (150pts being max amount of wexp gained). i see ppl score 400+ ez now, but after 150 its all a waste. they worked to be able to score that high, they should get more wexp than those only scoring the 150.
4. nations, in merc at least, used to be fairly balanced, bonus went back an forth every couple of weeks. THEN merc got flooded with ppl from venus, majority of them being proc. and since then, proc has had bonus(goin on 5weeks str8?). what they could add is a balancing system, limit to each same concept as limits to how many enter war. u cant choose to be proc, UNTIL x amount have choosen cap alrdy, and vise versa. so therefor u can either wait, as if on a WL like for war to choose the nation u want, or u can choose the nation that is under-occupied.
5. dungs drops need completely redone. end of story. why do boss chests even have the option of dropping, e.g, ic1 last chest dropping 0 slot osm. that should not even be a possibility in the drop tables. almost EVERY other game, if u beat the boss, u get *the* boss drop.
not run 175 eod's on 5 dif characters and still not have gotten 1 merg ring yet.
6. crafting, aop6 etc, those ppl worked hard to be able to craft those, when u can do the same, u can set the prices lower. and besides, with the new update coming out, im sure crafting will change alot for the better.
7. sprite, u made an excellent point there without realizing it, ca6, top ca, hardest mobs etc etc. and u get wat drops? o ya...cores..junk cores.. same drops as any MUCH easier dungeon would give you.

8. most importantly, Gms will not read, respond, or care about this thread or wat we the players want/need from the game. /end

07-30-2012, 03:51 PM
Well thank you for reading it all >:D. It makes more sense a bit..and I had no intention of a GM reading this. I was just outrageously bored and just wrote it up for fun. Too bad I still have no motivation to continue playing >_>

07-30-2012, 04:06 PM
Well thank you for reading it all >:D. It makes more sense a bit..and I had no intention of a GM reading this. I was just outrageously bored and just wrote it up for fun. Too bad I still have no motivation to continue playing >_>
i feel ya there, that was me, 175 eods and still no merg...160+ and cant obtain a lvl 90 quest item...h8 cabal >.>