View Full Version : NA Cabal: Why is the worst of the 3?

05-17-2010, 07:30 PM
so why cant NA cabal be as good as EU or KOR?

what makes EU KOR better?

i know some reasons why wondering if there are any others that can be brought to the light of the NA community that we have control over.

05-17-2010, 07:39 PM
Americans are lazy sobs, cunts and retards. That's why.

05-17-2010, 08:13 PM
Why only 3?

The community used to be good =/

It died off within the first year though T.T

05-17-2010, 08:24 PM
Why only 3?

The community used to be good =/

It died off within the first year though T.T

you saying that there are PS out there better? i was only referring to the 3 main cabals

05-17-2010, 08:27 PM
its because the drop rate sux so bad in the NA cabal on top of that their PR campaign is horrendous. cabal is an amazing game, the service sux bad. i can play for 2 years killing bosses and not get a good drop but i can stay in trade a week and make a good deal and become rich. the game sux out all your alz when u play it instead of helping u become more wealthy. isn't it weird the moere u participate in dungeons and NW the more u seem to lose. wats the point of going to NW, when u will lose 3m+ just to make a good effort. i rather do nothing and get 30 pts and have my wexp. ask any epic player and they will tell u they make all their alz in trade. what is the point of playing? i rather just stand their in trade and do nothing and get rich. such a stupid system and it all comes down to drop rate. if they increase drop rate of epic gears in dungeons and bosses, more people will spend their time playing the actual game rather than wasting majority of their time standing next to AH in trade doing absolutely nothing but still becoming rich.

05-17-2010, 08:49 PM
its because the drop rate sux so bad in the NA cabal on top of that their PR campaign is horrendous. cabal is an amazing game, the service sux bad. i can play for 2 years killing bosses and not get a good drop but i can stay in trade a week and make a good deal and become rich. the game sux out all your alz when u play it instead of helping u become more wealthy. isn't it weird the moere u participate in dungeons and NW the more u seem to lose. wats the point of going to NW, when u will lose 3m+ just to make a good effort. i rather do nothing and get 30 pts and have my wexp. ask any epic player and they will tell u they make all their alz in trade. what is the point of playing? i rather just stand their in trade and do nothing and get rich. such a stupid system and it all comes down to drop rate. if they increase drop rate of epic gears in dungeons and bosses, more people will spend their time playing the actual game rather than wasting majority of their time standing next to AH in trade doing absolutely nothing but still becoming rich.

Pretty much what he said And the drop rate Isnt that bad but compared to other servers our drop rate is horrible and our upgrade rate is lower but there not THAT bad

05-17-2010, 09:19 PM
Pretty much what he said And the drop rate Isnt that bad but compared to other servers our drop rate is horrible and our upgrade rate is lower but there not THAT bad

Nah, they are pretty bad. Try farming ug for 4 hours without an eod drop, or go to sod and get all osm drops 2 runs in a row, or run 220 lid runs without an amp drop, or play since open beta with getting only one drop that was worth more then 100mil and maybe a couple more worth about 50mil.

05-17-2010, 10:23 PM
The drop rate sux for Cabal EU, too. It is NOT the reason why people quit.

The high population is the key to counter-balance the low drop rate.

As Cabal lost more and more players, it made the situation worse.

These are the reasons why people quit in my opinion...

1. Lack of contacts. The period between each update is too far apart.
2. Alz ripping about years ago.
3. The large amount of bot/hacker.
4. Poor management of the old hosting company.

05-17-2010, 10:52 PM
The drop rate sux for Cabal EU, too. It is NOT the reason why people quit.

The high population is the key to counter-balance the low drop rate.

As Cabal lost more and more players, it made the situation worse.

These are the reasons why people quit in my opinion...

1. Lack of contacts. The period between each update is too far apart.
2. Alz ripping about years ago.
3. The large amount of bot/hacker.
4. Poor management of the old hosting company.

I have to agree with all of those but mainly number 3 I think there handling the botters and hackers pretty well you dont see AS many, and i liked how you threw in number 4 because from what im told Ogp I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥ed up cabal alot

05-17-2010, 11:14 PM
I have to agree with all of those but mainly number 3 I think there handling the botters and hackers pretty well you dont see AS many, and i liked how you threw in number 4 because from what im told Ogp I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥ed up cabal alot

2 and 4 are what killed what used to be a great community.

05-18-2010, 12:00 AM
i have been playing since Open beta and only got one drop thats even worth saying. Osm martial gloves with s.amp. thats it. GG NA your drops are epicI love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥ness.

05-18-2010, 01:20 AM
Americans are lazy sobs, cunts and retards. That's why.

Racist much? Can't even quote your name without being filtered.

The drop rate sux for Cabal EU, too. It is NOT the reason why people quit.

The high population is the key to counter-balance the low drop rate.

As Cabal lost more and more players, it made the situation worse.

These are the reasons why people quit in my opinion...

1. Lack of contacts. The period between each update is too far apart.
2. Alz ripping about years ago.
3. The large amount of bot/hacker.
4. Poor management of the old hosting company.


Cabal [at one time] had one helluva large community full of crafters, dungeon farmers, and avid pvp'rs.

OGP killed the game, period.

1.Lack of account security, as your account name was your forum name which showed in member list regardless of whether or not you ever posted in the forums.
2. GM's were present in the beginning, but by the end you never saw them.
3. Rampant botting, high level players getting caught botting [fraps] but not being banned because they were cash shop hoes [hours worth of fraps on Sherminator who even ADMITTED it but wasn't banned.]
4. Every other day half of the server was locked out of game for 48 hours due to hackers trying to guess passwords, as they already knew account login from forum.
5. No fee for putting items on auction till after you sell it, so prices on everything got screwy once no one was in a hurry to sell anything anymore.
6. Half the server eventually logged in to find everything on their account that wasn't bound was gone. OGP laughed at you if you asked for assistance cause their account security was crap.
7. Prices on cash shop items were [and still are] completely outrageous. Most games only charge between 150 to 400 CS coins for a TEMPORARY costume. $13.00 for a temp and 30.00 for a perm? wtf?!?

OGP dropped the ball once they had squeezed as much $$ out of it as they could with the least amount of effort, EST is trying to salvage NA Cabal after OGP already lost 75% of the fan base.

I am coming back after a 2 year vacation from Cabal. I will say I like most of the changes, the increased account security, and the separate forum/account names. Sad to see the community and player base in shambles tho.

05-18-2010, 02:19 AM
idc about drop rate being low or upgrade rate being low. atleast this makes people play their chars w/ skills not w/ gears.

05-18-2010, 02:24 AM
Dont forget the alz glitch inflating the economy to near double the prices. We are just now seeing the prices slowly coming back down.
As for the botters. Without an NPC to provide and regulate crafting materials these are actually quite useful at stimulating the economy by doing the endless grinding players shouldn't have to do. True that is where a good portion of internet alz buying is supplied from but they did fill a crutial void in the crafting market by suppling cheap abundant materials.
If they are going to push anti zombots then they should put in daily " merchant " quests or some sort of materials NPC to stablize the economy and promote crafting.
ATM your lucky if you can find a crafter who will turn over a PC for a decent price if they are willing to turn it over at all.

Most of what left of the community are just plain greedy, More worried about making alz/gear for bragging rights and do nothing with it then making an effort to improve gear/player base.

05-18-2010, 03:24 AM
Racist much? Can't even quote your name without being filtered.


Cabal [at one time] had one helluva large community full of crafters, dungeon farmers, and avid pvp'rs.

OGP killed the game, period.

1.Lack of account security, as your account name was your forum name which showed in member list regardless of whether or not you ever posted in the forums.
2. GM's were present in the beginning, but by the end you never saw them.
3. Rampant botting, high level players getting caught botting [fraps] but not being banned because they were cash shop hoes [hours worth of fraps on Sherminator who even ADMITTED it but wasn't banned.]
4. Every other day half of the server was locked out of game for 48 hours due to hackers trying to guess passwords, as they already knew account login from forum.
5. No fee for putting items on auction till after you sell it, so prices on everything got screwy once no one was in a hurry to sell anything anymore.
6. Half the server eventually logged in to find everything on their account that wasn't bound was gone. OGP laughed at you if you asked for assistance cause their account security was crap.
7. Prices on cash shop items were [and still are] completely outrageous. Most games only charge between 150 to 400 CS coins for a TEMPORARY costume. $13.00 for a temp and 30.00 for a perm? wtf?!?

OGP dropped the ball once they had squeezed as much $$ out of it as they could with the least amount of effort, EST is trying to salvage NA Cabal after OGP already lost 75% of the fan base.

I am coming back after a 2 year vacation from Cabal. I will say I like most of the changes, the increased account security, and the separate forum/account names. Sad to see the community and player base in shambles tho.

i agree entirely with this. however the low drop rate and upgrade rate is indeeed a factor on wich y na isnt as "good" as the others. in eu and kor more people have better stuff so its wayy more mopetitive. in na however some people play for years and dont ever get a good drop. i think the drp rate system should increase the more dungeons u do. Instances in wich poeple do 100 runs and not get anything good while others do 1 and they get an epic drop are just ridiculus. look at games like Wow one of the reasons there succesfull is because when dungeons are ran epic items are on some dungeons guaranteed. This means their efforts to do the dungeon will b paid off in cabal sadly its is no guarantee you will get anything epic. The imensece dependance on jut plain luck makes this one of the most frustrating mmos out there. i belive that effort should b rewarded becaue effort leads more directly to skill then luck. aside popular belife luck does in not mean skill no matter the circumstances.

05-18-2010, 03:46 AM
The drop rate is just fine,if you don't like it then use prem or a bb+ or both,as for the upgrading system,i'd like to see less upgrade cores dropping with lower success rates but no penalty when you fail at any + level,especially +7, because failing +7 is just crappy no matter how long you've been playing and then ppl stop playing for a couple of days.....sometimes weeks and months.....then a huge downward spiral begins,the accumulated e-rage of 1000 players creates an aura of pure negative energy disrupting the very fabric of space and time,cats start sleeping with dogs,up becomes down and all your pocket change falls out,the zombie apocalypse infests the planet,the sun goes supernova 1000's of years ahead of predictions.....and why?

It all started with cabal online's upgrading system,be forewarned EST,it's a dangerous game you play

05-18-2010, 03:58 AM
The drop rate is just fine,if you don't like it then use prem or a bb+ or both,as for the upgrading system,i'd like to see less upgrade cores dropping with lower success rates but no penalty when you fail at any + level,especially +7, because failing +7 is just crappy no matter how long you've been playing and then ppl stop playing for a couple of days.....sometimes weeks and months.....then a huge downward spiral begins,the accumulated e-rage of 1000 players creates an aura of pure negative energy disrupting the very fabric of space and time,cats start sleeping with dogs,up becomes down and all your pocket change falls out,the zombie apocalypse infests the planet,the sun goes supernova 1000's of years ahead of predictions.....and why?

It all started with cabal online's upgrading system,be forewarned EST,it's a dangerous game you play

let me use a theoretical instance. lets say derk bike drop chance is .001% uhh premmy adds 25% lets c 25% of .001% is around.0005% so premmy makes it .0015% =O now a bike HAS to drop. the upgradeing system is more balanced than the drop rate system as even with premmy drop rates still epic fail. I know this suggestion might get flamed but here goes. the bike is really a very insignificant item it gives 40 deff max or something near there its worth alot cause its rare. how about the 170 rank up gives it to you as a reward for achieveing the end game lvl i really dont thing itll b that big of a deal if its like that. Things like this are what we need we need certanty not luck an other example could b seh per every 50 derks.

05-18-2010, 04:16 AM
let me use a theoretical instance. lets say derk bike drop chance is .001% uhh premmy adds 25% lets c 25% of .001% is around.0005% so premmy makes it .0015% =O now a bike HAS to drop. the upgradeing system is more balanced than the drop rate system as even with premmy drop rates still epic fail. I know this suggestion might get flamed but here goes. the bike is really a very insignificant item it gives 40 deff max or something near there its worth alot cause its rare. how about the 170 rank up gives it to you as a reward for achieveing the end game lvl i really dont thing itll b that big of a deal if its like that. Things like this are what we need we need certanty not luck an other example could b seh per every 50 derks.

certainty.....if there was certainty then there wouldn't be any surprises,if you knew for a fact that after you killed x amount of derks knowing that on x kill that you were getting an seh,then you would never get into LS cuz guilds would start putting channels on lockdown in an attempt to control the market,i like not knowing what i'm gonna get from a dungeon run or hunting expedition,it's like baseball,it's all about anticipation

And i think your confusing drop rate with drop quality,the rate at which a random item drops from a mob is just fine,just because you don't like it doesn't mean you have to pick it up,now quality of drops....well,if everything that dropped was epic pc crap then nothing would be rare and have no value......oh wait,aren't they doing that with the new weak dungeons?......anyways,drop rate is fine,drop quality,not so much....and don't hate on premium bb+ drop bonus,i like having random stuff dropping from mobs

05-18-2010, 04:30 AM
hmm i c see were you comeing from. but the lock down of the derk is already going on becasue of the new warp guilds can easily time lock the derk. im my opinion theres no way you can even lock down the ch. i want to completely understand you though. so explain to me how is doing 300 lids and getting nothing worth more then 400k just fine. oh yea and explain to me the fairness of so many people spamming troglo and getting notheing while one person went 10 times and got 6 crit+2. in my opinon corect me if im wrong better drop rates = balance in economy =balance of power= better quality of gameplay. if you enjoy a game in which lets say 20-60 extremely lucky people control the economy most likely youre one of the 20-60 people. the other thousands or even million others do not.the upgradeing system is a choice you make to make your gear better so imo its not a problem since =6 is very achieveable it is youre choice if you wanna +7-12 so i call it an ivesment and sometimes they dont pay off

05-18-2010, 04:32 AM
certainty.....if there was certainty then there wouldn't be any surprises,if you knew for a fact that after you killed x amount of derks knowing that on x kill that you were getting an seh,then you would never get into LS cuz guilds would start putting channels on lockdown in an attempt to control the market,i like not knowing what i'm gonna get from a dungeon run or hunting expedition,it's like baseball,it's all about anticipation

And i think your confusing drop rate with drop quality,the rate at which a random item drops from a mob is just fine,just because you don't like it doesn't mean you have to pick it up,now quality of drops....well,if everything that dropped was epic pc crap then nothing would be rare and have no value......oh wait,aren't they doing that with the new weak dungeons?......anyways,drop rate is fine,drop quality,not so much....and don't hate on premium bb+ drop bonus,i like having random stuff dropping from mobs

Ya those new Dungeons are bull I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥ All these new Fa's running around with 40/7 Phery orbs and martial set up wtf?

05-18-2010, 04:45 AM

05-18-2010, 04:48 AM
hmm i c see were you comeing from. but the lock down of the derk is already going on becasue of the new warp guilds can easily time lock the derk. im my opinion theres no way you can even lock down the ch. i want to completely understand you though. so explain to me how is doing 300 lids and getting nothing worth more then 400k just fine. oh yea and explain to me the fairness of so many people spamming troglo and getting notheing while one person went 10 times and got 6 crit+2. in my opinon corect me if im wrong better drop rates = balance in economy =balance of power= better quality of gameplay. if you enjoy a game in which lets say 20-60 extremely lucky people control the economy most likely youre one of the 20-60 people. the other thousands or even million others do not.the upgradeing system is a choice you make to make your gear better so imo its not a problem since =6 is very achieveable it is youre choice if you wanna +7-12 so i call it an ivesment and sometimes they dont pay off

so by the 300 runs/no amp example it just depends on how you run lid,if you go through lid and just boss kill,then your only gonna get so much per run,try killing all the mobs,i've gotten amp and ucm from random lid mobs too,even got an sem from a friggin harpy,the bosses just need to be killed in sequence to open the gates,lol,I even got a blue bike one time from a mysterious capsule in RS but that was like 8-9 months ago,so maybe the drop quality has gone down alot,i'm not getting 5-7 uch per sod anymore,maybe 2-3 if i'm lucky,but i'm cool with that,i hate selling uch,makes me feel like a crack dealer

05-18-2010, 06:42 AM
Americans are lazy sobs.

sadly this pretty much sums up all reasons. everything else mentioned like drop rates and such please reread the quote

05-18-2010, 07:20 AM
sadly this pretty much sums up all reasons. everything else mentioned like drop rates and such please reread the quote

I don't call it being lazy, I call it lack of motivation.

05-18-2010, 08:02 AM
well im american and im not lazy and i put alot of time and effort into this game

05-18-2010, 08:44 AM
Cabal PH is better than NA too, lol - bigger community with 6 servers o.O

05-18-2010, 12:36 PM
Cabal PH is better than NA too, lol - bigger community with 6 servers o.O

lol dang.

05-18-2010, 12:57 PM
^merg ring drop rate and patren nerf are huring cabal

05-18-2010, 01:02 PM
well im american and im not lazy and i put alot of time and effort into this game

so am I and so do I, but the fact of the matter is MOST americans are lazy

05-18-2010, 01:50 PM
Think too that is hurting Cabal is how they set up Merg's ring too. Pick up the quest, run the dungeon, get the ring, and turn it in. That's how is should of been. People running over 80+ eod's is flat out nuts. Then there are quite a few of us with several alternates that can get that ring too. Doing the math on 6 alts x's 80 runs each maybe get a ring=480 runs. That is flat out nuts. I been running all month long and one run I'm going to come out of eod and just delete game. General principles.

Love to check out the new dungeons but still caught in this circle jerk with merg's ring, and it's ticking me off worse day by day. If it was going to be this flipping hard to get it, why not just set up as a drop like the bike? At least I wouldn't have a quest reminding me over and over looking at it, how bad this idea of theirs is. Ok done venting. Grrrrrrrrrrrr

80 runs? I got mine in 7 haha =P

05-18-2010, 02:23 PM
Racist much? Can't even quote your name without being filtered.

American's aren't a race. You must be american for saying that.

05-18-2010, 07:20 PM
ATM your lucky if you can find a crafter who will turn over a PC for a decent price if they are willing to turn it over at all.
Most of what left of the community are just plain greedy, More worried about making alz/gear for bragging rights and do nothing with it then making an effort to improve gear/player base.


As I stated in my earlier post the community is full of dishonesty and greed. This is the ideal example of my previous statement.

This link is the #1 wiz on mercury. This display of greed is pretty common amoung what remains of the crafting community. I will tell you from first hand experience That when dealing with him you can expect Him to not stand true to his word and if in the uber rare occasion you get that special PC I wouldn't count on getting it handed over to you at all. Not even rembursed for the alz/mats you gave him to craft with. He will simply Deny any wrong doing and state his word carries more weight then yours strictly based on who he is. ( The #1 Wiz in mecury )

Truely sad.

05-18-2010, 07:53 PM

As I stated in my earlier post the community is full of dishonesty and greed. This is the ideal example of my previous statement.

This link is the #1 wiz on mercury. This display of greed is pretty common amoung what remains of the crafting community. I will tell you from first hand experience That when dealing with him you can expect Him to not stand true to his word and if in the uber rare occasion you get that special PC I wouldn't count on getting it handed over to you at all. Not even rembursed for the alz/mats you gave him to craft with. He will simply Deny any wrong doing and state his word carries more weight then yours strictly based on who he is. ( The #1 Wiz in mecury )

Truely sad.

Display of greed on that is a SEVERELY gross understatement. That's just flat out robbery. I made my first PC Osm Blade(Rate) a couple days ago for a friend and the only thing he owes me is a 2 slot blade in return...asking people to fork over 200m before YOU even craft? Spur are you completely out of your mind? Who the hell do you think is gonna fall for that scam?

05-18-2010, 09:19 PM
I have to agree that two of the largest factors are greed and lack of players. Less players means less items found/ made = ppl being more selfish bcs that item is not as easy to obtain. Simply stated, players should be less selfish.

05-18-2010, 10:42 PM
Another thing i noticed is most games the more you level up an item the more attack you get, when you +8 on cabal you have a chance of losing your item without gaining anywhere close to as much as +7 which wouldnt be a problem but then ugprade rate comes into play and its just depressing Also when i read guides on Force core upgrading it seems as if other versions can get amp thru upgrade :X

05-19-2010, 12:58 AM
The force core upgrading system is the most fail out of everything since titanium grade crafting and higher relys on pure luck of randoming 1 out of 13 effects that you won't get to fail at your crafting attempt at w/e,all lvl 2 force core upgrading should have a catylyst and they should be rare

05-19-2010, 02:30 AM
Think too that is hurting Cabal is how they set up Merg's ring too. Pick up the quest, run the dungeon, get the ring, and turn it in. That's how is should of been. People running over 80+ eod's is flat out nuts. Then there are quite a few of us with several alternates that can get that ring too. Doing the math on 6 alts x's 80 runs each maybe get a ring=480 runs. That is flat out nuts. I been running all month long and one run I'm going to come out of eod and just delete game. General principles.

Love to check out the new dungeons but still caught in this circle jerk with merg's ring, and it's ticking me off worse day by day. If it was going to be this flipping hard to get it, why not just set up as a drop like the bike? At least I wouldn't have a quest reminding me over and over looking at it, how bad this idea of theirs is. Ok done venting. Grrrrrrrrrrrr

est had fixed and made things alot better,
but this is the take 2 steps back that happens to put them back to the beginning

also the craft fail rate is the number one thing in my book that fails.
us crafters spend billions to get to sg ,tg,forc ect..... only to still not make any money do to fail rate.

when i got to sg i had 24 fail in a row to craft non slot sg suit.i could understand the epic craft have a higher fail rate but common rafting should be lowered

05-19-2010, 02:32 AM
also i ment to say rafting!!
it is a fun activity that some times also fails.

05-19-2010, 08:31 AM

As I stated in my earlier post the community is full of dishonesty and greed. This is the ideal example of my previous statement.

This link is the #1 wiz on mercury. This display of greed is pretty common amoung what remains of the crafting community. I will tell you from first hand experience That when dealing with him you can expect Him to not stand true to his word and if in the uber rare occasion you get that special PC I wouldn't count on getting it handed over to you at all. Not even rembursed for the alz/mats you gave him to craft with. He will simply Deny any wrong doing and state his word carries more weight then yours strictly based on who he is. ( The #1 Wiz in mecury )

Truely sad.

really i would like to meet some as well. u can spread as much of ure propaganda to the community as u want but it doesnt change the fact of who i am

As pointed out on the final sentance of my quoted post this is his arrogent reply Based on who he is.

05-19-2010, 09:17 AM
dont worry guys, in the future, we are going to step on EU and tie with KOR

05-19-2010, 09:34 AM
All I want is the Guild Logo T.T

05-19-2010, 09:54 AM
lol Hibachi spreading more propaganda. whether u find the crafting cheap or not is ure opinion and i also stated its up to the reader whether they would like to do it or not. i can clearly state in my 2 years of cabal i have never scammed anyone at all. unlike many people that play this game i got my morals which is y i worked for everything i got.

people spread rumors about me every single day. but heres one thing i give u to think about. i played this game for about 800days, if i really did do any of the above wouldnt there be evidence by now? if u do sumthin wrong u will be caught thats how life is. if u guys are accusing me of so many diff things how come u cant even show a sign of evidence? anyone with a bit of common sense should be able to figure this out

05-19-2010, 11:23 AM
lol Hibachi spreading more propaganda. whether u find the crafting cheap or not is ure opinion and i also stated its up to the reader whether they would like to do it or not. i can clearly state in my 2 years of cabal i have never scammed anyone at all. unlike many people that play this game i got my morals which is y i worked for everything i got.

people spread rumors about me every single day. but heres one thing i give u to think about. i played this game for about 800days, if i really did do any of the above wouldnt there be evidence by now? if u do sumthin wrong u will be caught thats how life is. if u guys are accusing me of so many diff things how come u cant even show a sign of evidence? anyone with a bit of common sense should be able to figure this out

Some criminals are better are at not getting caught then others. what can I say you have pro skills at concealing your actions.

05-19-2010, 11:55 AM
Some criminals are better are at not getting caught then others. what can I say you have pro skills at concealing your actions.

lol so u really rather believe im pro at hiding all that than admitting u were wrong i guess someones more stubborn than me

05-19-2010, 01:20 PM
lol so u really rather believe im pro at hiding all that than admitting u were wrong i guess someones more stubborn than me

Once again the only one saying I'm wrong is you. on this thread your nothing more then an example of what to expect in todays community and what not to do in order to better this game and community. Dispite who you are.

05-19-2010, 01:37 PM
Once again the only one saying I'm wrong is you. on this thread your nothing more then an example of what to expect in todays community and what not to do in order to better this game and community. Dispite who you are.

ure obviously wrong cause u never proved ure statement about me right

05-19-2010, 03:08 PM
Once again the only one saying I'm wrong is you. on this thread your nothing more then an example of what to expect in todays community and what not to do in order to better this game and community. Dispite who you are.


05-19-2010, 03:36 PM
im so ugly i gotta get a p0rn star's pic as my own


05-19-2010, 03:39 PM
im so poor i need to glitch alz to pay for my +6 1 slot forcium mp gear


05-19-2010, 04:20 PM
omg look whos back! why dont you return to your job for more money money money?

05-19-2010, 10:34 PM
lol so u really rather believe im pro at hiding all that than admitting u were wrong i guess someones more stubborn than me

There is grounds to suggest your not as righteous as you claim to be. Its no shame in admitting it either, theres not really any part of the NA population that hasn't benefited off legit/unlegit means whether they've realized it or not. You say you follow your morals and everything else, yet you dropped them at the first sign of shady epic items from megaki's shop when you bought that rw3 +7. The shop was full of items that were illegitimate, but that didn't stop you from buying that bike. Had you been on sooner I'm willing to bet you would've clearly bought the illegitimate PC wiz forci suit. You knew it was wrong and you did it, so how can we trust your word that you won't do anything wrong? Stop acting proud that you've built up your wizard purely on "hard work" b/c of the "morals", your no better than the rest of us when your given the same opportunities. Theres enough doubt by this alone to suggest that theres more worth looking into, so the case is far from closed.

I'd also wish you wouldn't pin useless stereotypes as the reason underlying the problems with drop rate in this game. FYI, your poor research didn't show you the EU feels just as strong or even stronger about the poor drop system in this game than the Americans. They had a thread with insightful debate that went on for quite some time over it.

05-20-2010, 07:09 AM
so why cant NA cabal be as good as EU or KOR?

what makes EU KOR better?

i know some reasons why wondering if there are any others that can be brought to the light of the NA community that we have control over.
Let's sum this up for everyone.

1st KOR is their #1 Cabal so of course that version is going to have everything the game has to offer and much more. Thier drop rate is WAY higher than any other version. They have a Test server for their community to help improve thier version. ( Don't believe it, their RoL+2's drop VERY often that the price of RoL+2 is about 150-180M) Thier Item shop has every item possible in it at all times. There's no limit as to what you can buy or get. They have more crafter's than any other version. Their Luck Set's actually work the right way unlike Cabal NA. They a community of thinkers not cry-babies. Thier GM's always have Events going. 4-8 per month! Thier item shop prices are way less than NA's

2nd EU is mainly thier #2 so they will have almost everything the same as KOR but a little less. Yeah they drop rate ain't as good as KOR but facts are facts and thier RoL+2's are 250M. They have alot items in thier item shop but not like KOR. Pretty much they have a little less than KOR. Thier item shop is still way less than NA's

3rd NA seems to be thier reget Cabal. They gave us just enough to barely get by. Drop rate I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥s, Luck sets don't work they way thier suppose to. Very few crafters we have left now thanks to OGP, item shop is bare bones and we have to wait a week to see what's next to be added to our item shop. NA's item shop prices are WAY more expensive than any other version of Cabal.

FYI: The max Alz that can drop is 30k. Other version this is possible to obtain. Try getting 30k Alz to drop in NA, ain't and won't happen!

What can our community do? At this point we have to wait on ESTSoft. If everyone remembers when OGP was running NA Cabal it was ESTSoft that was doing the updating and we all know how well that went. Now since we transfered over to ESTSoft, personally, I still see them acting the same way they did when we were at OGP. The only thing really we got new was Core Enhancer Highest! WTF.

Now I know some of you are thinking but, Z, we got the new update with dunegons, belts, weapons, and Mer. Ring., so how can you say we got nothing really? Easy, that update was coming no matter what. Got to remember this once KOR gets an UPDATE we(NA) will get that update in about 2-2 1/2 months later, EU gets the update 1- 1 1/2 months from KOR.

05-20-2010, 07:16 AM
There is grounds to suggest your not as righteous as you claim to be. Its no shame in admitting it either, theres not really any part of the NA population that hasn't benefited off legit/unlegit means whether they've realized it or not. You say you follow your morals and everything else, yet you dropped them at the first sign of shady epic items from megaki's shop when you bought that rw3 +7. The shop was full of items that were illegitimate, but that didn't stop you from buying that bike. Had you been on sooner I'm willing to bet you would've clearly bought the illegitimate PC wiz forci suit. You knew it was wrong and you did it, so how can we trust your word that you won't do anything wrong? Stop acting proud that you've built up your wizard purely on "hard work" b/c of the "morals", your no better than the rest of us when your given the same opportunities. Theres enough doubt by this alone to suggest that theres more worth looking into, so the case is far from closed.

I'd also wish you wouldn't pin useless stereotypes as the reason underlying the problems with drop rate in this game. FYI, your poor research didn't show you the EU feels just as strong or even stronger about the poor drop system in this game than the Americans. They had a thread with insightful debate that went on for quite some time over it.

buying a bike from a shop and all of a sudden im not legit? there are morals and there are things that cant be prevented. have u ever questioned the uch fch or other common items? they all can be non legit yet u buy them anyway. if the shop is set up everyone has the right to buy it, am i supposed to go study/investigate on its history b4 i can place my finger on it? purely absurd thinking

05-20-2010, 07:42 AM
wow y is that guy complaining so much... spur is only doin business, whats so bad about doin business... i know i ripped off spur once by buying his boots and selling it for double the price... am i all of a sudden a total douche cuz i took advantage of spurs mistake?

05-20-2010, 07:45 AM
Guy's this topic ain't about Spur use a different topic for it.

05-20-2010, 08:08 AM
Let's sum this up for everyone.

1st KOR is their #1 Cabal so of course that version is going to have everything the game has to offer and much more. Thier drop rate is WAY higher than any other version. They have a Test server for their community to help improve thier version. ( Don't believe it, their RoL+2's drop VERY often that the price of RoL+2 is about 150-180M) Thier Item shop has every item possible in it at all times. There's no limit as to what you can buy or get. They have more crafter's than any other version. Their Luck Set's actually work the right way unlike Cabal NA. They a community of thinkers not cry-babies. Thier GM's always have Events going. 4-8 per month! Thier item shop prices are way less than NA's

2nd EU is mainly thier #2 so they will have almost everything the same as KOR but a little less. Yeah they drop rate ain't as good as KOR but facts are facts and thier RoL+2's are 250M. They have alot items in thier item shop but not like KOR. Pretty much they have a little less than KOR. Thier item shop is still way less than NA's

3rd NA seems to be thier reget Cabal. They gave us just enough to barely get by. Drop rate I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥s, Luck sets don't work they way thier suppose to. Very few crafters we have left now thanks to OGP, item shop is bare bones and we have to wait a week to see what's next to be added to our item shop. NA's item shop prices are WAY more expensive than any other version of Cabal.

FYI: The max Alz that can drop is 30k. Other version this is possible to obtain. Try getting 30k Alz to drop in NA, ain't and won't happen!

What can our community do? At this point we have to wait on ESTSoft. If everyone remembers when OGP was running NA Cabal it was ESTSoft that was doing the updating and we all know how well that went. Now since we transfered over to ESTSoft, personally, I still see them acting the same way they did when we were at OGP. The only thing really we got new was Core Enhancer Highest! WTF.

Now I know some of you are thinking but, Z, we got the new update with dunegons, belts, weapons, and Mer. Ring., so how can you say we got nothing really? Easy, that update was coming no matter what. Got to remember this once KOR gets an UPDATE we(NA) will get that update in about 2-2 1/2 months later, EU gets the update 1- 1 1/2 months from KOR.

+1 bro

05-20-2010, 08:17 AM
Thx~ but it's the truth and people are blind to the facts

05-20-2010, 09:07 AM
Thx~ but it's the truth and people are blind to the facts

so sad sometimes.

05-20-2010, 09:55 AM
You can't use the ROL+2 as a good example. The reason for that is because if Cabal N/A had launched when it had initially intended to, we wouldn't be so far behind EU.
KOR obviously gets everything first so they had access to ROL+2 for the longest period of time. EU was launched and at access to the ROL+2 as well. NA was launched and was placed in the update period where they moved the ROL+2 from the moscutter queens area(was on the starting maps I'm sure) to somewhere else.
The time frame in which NA got launched is the main issue here. ESTsoft has really done much to make up for the differences aside from trying to keep us up to date with current content.
I'm not going to start blasting anybody or anything, but it is what it is.

05-20-2010, 10:06 AM
You can't use the ROL+2 as a good example. The reason for that is because if Cabal N/A had launched when it had initially intended to, we wouldn't be so far behind EU.
KOR obviously gets everything first so they had access to ROL+2 for the longest period of time. EU was launched and at access to the ROL+2 as well. NA was launched and was placed in the update period where they moved the ROL+2 from the moscutter queens area(was on the starting maps I'm sure) to somewhere else.
The time frame in which NA got launched is the main issue here. ESTsoft has really done much to make up for the differences aside from trying to keep us up to date with current content.
I'm not going to start blasting anybody or anything, but it is what it is.
Sure I can cuz they still drop very often in thier versions. Anyway it's just as an example

05-20-2010, 10:13 AM
Where are you getting that info from? I'm pretty sure as far as ROL+2 is concerned, we're all on equal footing. They just have more players.
But I agree that something should be done, and this merg ring is not so bad I guess. Not what I was expecting it to be, but at least you know exactly where it drops.

05-20-2010, 10:26 AM
Where are you getting that info from? I'm pretty sure as far as ROL+2 is concerned, we're all on equal footing. They just have more players.
But I agree that something should be done, and this merg ring is not so bad I guess. Not what I was expecting it to be, but at least you know exactly where it drops.
Straight from thier forums,bro. Also, I have old guildies that play on EU and we talk all time.

05-20-2010, 10:35 AM
BTW what is alz ripping?

05-20-2010, 10:56 AM
BTW what is alz ripping?

When your alz randomly disappears because of some glitch with the server. [But you still have your items]

05-20-2010, 11:50 AM
All of what Z says is True, EST Soft is acting like OGP but they are clearly trying their best to keep the game clean and updated (Excluding the retarded high item Shop prices) all we can do is give them time and hope for the better, i just hope Cabal has some thing to turn us to the bright side cuz we are at the breaking point even tho it doesn't look so since we transferred but we are still mildly in the same state we were at with OGP

05-20-2010, 11:55 AM
no one ever said est soft was gonna be better than ogp. we just assumed they would. and est soft didnt have to pick us up and continue the service for cabal, but thankfully they did. we are all very thankful that they did and i started this thread so that maybe we could give est soft some of our ideas and wishes for what we need/want to happen. maybe est soft will listen where as ogp did not.

05-20-2010, 11:57 AM
Straight from thier forums,bro. Also, I have old guildies that play on EU and we talk all time.

You are lying, everything else you said in your previous post may be correct, but the drop rate (especially with rol+2, is a lie).

And straight on their forum have tons of people asking where do rol+2 drop.


i guess rol+2 got the same chance to drop as rw3 so.. gl droping one

here is a petition of bringing back rol+2 drop


there was also a topic somewhere, where a lot of people say they have 10-20 rol+2 laying around, and how the update significantly decreased drop rate (with price going up for it of course).

In game is like this rol+2 was 100k many people know what korea suffered and start farm em like crazy, near to that updated that removed rol+2 from drop people start farmin em to make easy money.

I found about that long time after that update.

If rol+2 was 100k and now 100kk people make easy money so they can easy buy amp stuff and crit crafted items, cuz more people have money from this (ROL+2 exploeatin) thos good stuff became more wanted by people that dind't wokr hard and play very much and so thos amp stuff got way highr in price like boards bikes.

So, Emperor is right, and you are either lying or your friend is lying (or perhaps told you back in 2007, or that he plays a private server), but it OBVIOUSLY does not apply today. They had a handful of rol+2, and when NA cabal was launched here, the ring's drop rate was already decreased

05-20-2010, 12:01 PM
Personally I think they should do something with respect to the overall low amount of players in comparison to their other versions. While adjusting the drop rate is an idea, it will cause problems when they'll inevitably have to change it back. I think they should change the rewards for events/contests accordingly when it comes to NA.
So far things have been, at least to my POV, fairly improved both on the forums and in game.
I just hope that some ideas get used, and soon.

05-20-2010, 05:44 PM
buying a bike from a shop and all of a sudden im not legit? there are morals and there are things that cant be prevented. have u ever questioned the uch fch or other common items? they all can be non legit yet u buy them anyway. if the shop is set up everyone has the right to buy it, am i supposed to go study/investigate on its history b4 i can place my finger on it? purely absurd thinking

Lol, seems your becoming a bit more frantic in the defense of your arguments. Sorry spur, there isn't a mass quantity of rw3 +7's out there, making your comparison to UCH worthless. Of course you don't investigate a mass item as UCH, but a 14% amp orb, aop +7's, PC forci suits with an rw3 +7 in there, your going to tell me you won't question that? Anyone with a decent knowledge of cabal and a hint of common sense knew those shop's items weren't legitimate. I'm not saying I wouldn't have done the same thing, but it gives at least a shroud of doubt on your own claims to morality, making it hard to believe some of your other defenses.

You've basically used your reputation as a means to fend off all arguments, which is fine when its unquestioned. However, when there is evidence such as above that casts doubt on that reputation, its not that viable as a defense anymore. We can no longer solely trust your word from there.

05-20-2010, 05:50 PM
The whole point of bring up spur in this thread was to be as an example of what to expect as A typical in the community. ( arrogant, manipulative and greedy )

Sad really but oh so true.

05-20-2010, 05:53 PM
back on topic

05-20-2010, 05:59 PM
Come on guy's another thread of Mr Spur stuff. Stay in 1 topic and blow it up all about the situation on Merc., We are trying to have a grown conversation in this topic so please take it else where.

05-21-2010, 05:26 AM
well they did ask what to expect on mercury so I had to provide an example. But ok back on topic. yeah not much we can do except make suggestions and hope EST will make changes for the better.

05-21-2010, 06:33 AM
Do u guys have any ideas of actual events that all players can take part in i have an Idea and id like who ever has idea to put in the the same format ok here goes

The Nevareth Fiends Have Returned !

Level requirement: lvl 1 - 170

Across all the lands of nevareth (every map) a set of Boss monsters can Spawn during the event time ( lets say for one hour the event will be activated), These bosses can be called "some thing defenders or fiend or w/e" u need a party to kill them (since these bosses won't be completely soloable, at lest 3 man party), You will take a quest from the event girl Yul that will require u to kill a certain amount of these fiends and acquire a tag or quest item unique to each type of boss mob, for example (Quest from Event girl Yul: Defeat the Nevareth Finds and Collect 10/10 Fiend Blood Samples and bring them back to me and I'll reward you!) The quest will give u hints of the locations of each fiend according to the map and your level / party level.

To Notify the Server that the event is Up , A Sever wide message will pop up and an automatic Mail message will be sent to every player and will contain instructions on how to participate.

Rewards can differ according to the players level when the quest is completed, for example a level 150 can receive All sorts of potions, EXP,AXP,Wexp, blessing beads, jewellery , and to a lesser extent 1 and 2 slotted gears that can have a small chance to be crafted or with random enchants,
these are just examples.


To eliminate the problem of higher levels killing the easier boss monsters on lower maps, if the boss monster isn't in ur level range then it will not drop the quest item.

05-21-2010, 06:54 AM
Lol, seems your becoming a bit more frantic in the defense of your arguments. Sorry spur, there isn't a mass quantity of rw3 +7's out there, making your comparison to UCH worthless. Of course you don't investigate a mass item as UCH, but a 14% amp orb, aop +7's, PC forci suits with an rw3 +7 in there, your going to tell me you won't question that? Anyone with a decent knowledge of cabal and a hint of common sense knew those shop's items weren't legitimate. I'm not saying I wouldn't have done the same thing, but it gives at least a shroud of doubt on your own claims to morality, making it hard to believe some of your other defenses.

You've basically used your reputation as a means to fend off all arguments, which is fine when its unquestioned. However, when there is evidence such as above that casts doubt on that reputation, its not that viable as a defense anymore. We can no longer solely trust your word from there.

sry but u didnt get wat i said and u also have no idea. FIRE was one of the oldest and strongest guilds back then and them having an rw3+7 is nuthin special. u can possibly say the forcy items have a chance of being non legit tho no one can or has proven that but the bike can very well and most likely be legit. how can u question my morals for choosing to buy a bike off a shop? i can tell u that people were hacking dummies for cores and anyone who bought one is all of a sudden unmoral? morals are a standard and items being small or large does not change it, whether u scam for 1m or 1B its still a scam

05-21-2010, 07:04 AM
Do u guys have any ideas of actual events that all players can take part in i have an Idea and id like who ever has idea to put in the the same format ok here goes

The Nevareth Fiends Have Returned !

Level requirement: lvl 1 - 170

Across all the lands of nevareth (every map) a set of Boss monsters can Spawn during the event time ( lets say for one hour the event will be activated), These bosses can be called "some thing defenders or fiend or w/e" u need a party to kill them (since these bosses won't be completely soloable, at lest 3 man party), You will take a quest from the event girl Yul that will require u to kill a certain amount of these fiends and acquire a tag or quest item unique to each type of boss mob, for example (Quest from Event girl Yul: Defeat the Nevareth Finds and Collect 10/10 Fiend Blood Samples and bring them back to me and I'll reward you!) The quest will give u hints of the locations of each fiend according to the map and your level / party level.

To Notify the Server that the event is Up , A Sever wide message will pop up and an automatic Mail message will be sent to every player and will contain instructions on how to participate.

Rewards can differ according to the players level when the quest is completed, for example a level 150 can receive All sorts of potions, EXP,AXP,Wexp, blessing beads, jewellery , and to a lesser extent 1 and 2 slotted gears that can have a small chance to be crafted or with random enchants,
these are just examples.

+1 like the idea.

05-21-2010, 07:50 AM
and also cause some ppl report others for swearing and they get banned ...

i got banned for no reason iv been emailing est for days now and i got nothing back
been looking for GMs dont ever see them on..
i liked OGP more cause they would let you know why u got banned and if its perm or just for a few days
from est i got nothing..

05-21-2010, 07:52 AM
Do u guys have any ideas of actual events that all players can take part in i have an Idea and id like who ever has idea to put in the the same format ok here goes

The Nevareth Fiends Have Returned !

Level requirement: lvl 1 - 170

Across all the lands of nevareth (every map) a set of Boss monsters can Spawn during the event time ( lets say for one hour the event will be activated), These bosses can be called "some thing defenders or fiend or w/e" u need a party to kill them (since these bosses won't be completely soloable, at lest 3 man party), You will take a quest from the event girl Yul that will require u to kill a certain amount of these fiends and acquire a tag or quest item unique to each type of boss mob, for example (Quest from Event girl Yul: Defeat the Nevareth Finds and Collect 10/10 Fiend Blood Samples and bring them back to me and I'll reward you!) The quest will give u hints of the locations of each fiend according to the map and your level / party level.

To Notify the Server that the event is Up , A Sever wide message will pop up and an automatic Mail message will be sent to every player and will contain instructions on how to participate.

Rewards can differ according to the players level when the quest is completed, for example a level 150 can receive All sorts of potions, EXP,AXP,Wexp, blessing beads, jewellery , and to a lesser extent 1 and 2 slotted gears that can have a small chance to be crafted or with random enchants,
these are just examples.
I like the idea too, Its finally good to hear somebody actually make a suggestion for an event instead of just crying that they want more events :P

05-21-2010, 08:35 AM
That idea sounds interesting.
If I can actually sit down long enough and resist boredom I may draft up one of my own.

05-21-2010, 08:45 AM
Sure I can cuz they still drop very often in thier versions. Anyway it's just as an example

ROL+2 was a common drop for everyone in EP1.

NA received the game when EST was switching to EP2, we pretty much received EP2 with certain things cut out till they rolled everything out.

05-21-2010, 08:49 AM
sry but u didnt get wat i said and u also have no idea. FIRE was one of the oldest and strongest guilds back then and them having an rw3+7 is nuthin special. u can possibly say the forcy items have a chance of being non legit tho no one can or has proven that but the bike can very well and most likely be legit. how can u question my morals for choosing to buy a bike off a shop? i can tell u that people were hacking dummies for cores and anyone who bought one is all of a sudden unmoral? morals are a standard and items being small or large does not change it, whether u scam for 1m or 1B its still a scam

Where did scamming come into this? Unless your talking about your 200m even if fail policy, thats the only scam thats been mentioned here and not by myself. I know what FiRe's power was, and your correct that the bike might've been legit. However we well know the 7% amp 50 hp in slot forci suit was not along with the AoP +7. The bike was only a point about the shop itself, its a shame I can't go back and quote you on OGP forums where you said something to the effect of "The real shame is that most of the stuff sold before I got there while I was doing X thing in real life". I predicted you would defend the bike under that context but you can not defend the clearly illegitimate items you sought. You flat out admitted you would've bought the illegitimate items had you had the chance. I'm sure that there might be one person around who can recall that, if they can then your moral integrity is compromised to a point we can not trust your word and this argument is over.

You should stop putting yourself so high above everyone else with this moral integrity, quite clearly it doesn't exist in the way you project it. Just admit that your no better than the rest of us.

05-21-2010, 09:32 AM
Where did scamming come into this? Unless your talking about your 200m even if fail policy, thats the only scam thats been mentioned here and not by myself. I know what FiRe's power was, and your correct that the bike might've been legit. However we well know the 7% amp 50 hp in slot forci suit was not along with the AoP +7. The bike was only a point about the shop itself, its a shame I can't go back and quote you on OGP forums where you said something to the effect of "The real shame is that most of the stuff sold before I got there while I was doing X thing in real life". I predicted you would defend the bike under that context but you can not defend the clearly illegitimate items you sought. You flat out admitted you would've bought the illegitimate items had you had the chance. I'm sure that there might be one person around who can recall that, if they can then your moral integrity is compromised to a point we can not trust your word and this argument is over.

You should stop putting yourself so high above everyone else with this moral integrity, quite clearly it doesn't exist in the way you project it. Just admit that your no better than the rest of us.

u had no idea wat i sought after... i can clearly tell u the 14% amp orb and the forcy amp pieces were not wat i was after. everyone who knew me knows wat i wanted from that shop back then which was the 2x rol+2s this i regret not being there for. y would i buy forcy amp orb or the forcy amp pieces when i argued for will? i would have never used those items back then.

from ure statement it clearly shows u have no idea wat xether and i are arguing about. u really think hes posting all this cause i charge a 200m crafting fee or cause i overprice my items? then ure wrong. this grudge he has against me is cause hes accusing me of lying to him on an item i sold. i had a 12/24 phery orb 2nd slot and i sold it to him for 650m, then next day he said rate disappeared and that i lied telling him rate was in 1st slot. this was and has been the sole reason y hes posting in every single thread about me. not only has he never asked me which slot it was in he also has absolutely no proof that i said anything. i find this totally absurd... hes accusing me yet im the one that has to show proof that im innocent?

i dun get y so many people cant figure this out. my prices were never low and i never expected them to be low. most people know this and some dislike me cause of this. so with that said y would i sell him a 1st slotted 12/24 for 650m when thats the price of a 2nd slotted one. if it was 1st slot i would obviously price it way over 1B, i dun need to lie to sell my items never had never will

05-21-2010, 10:37 AM
Im begging u both , LastHour and Spur to stop the crap ur talking because it is no longer relevant to the topic , yes what u both are saying maybe correct but its unnecessary now stop posting foolishness about spur and making him look better and give some ideas about events, and I know lasthour has some good ideas soo plz re-post/ share them

05-21-2010, 12:27 PM
this crap version in everything problems,drop rate,ppl,GMs

05-21-2010, 12:46 PM
u had no idea wat i sought after... i can clearly tell u the 14% amp orb and the forcy amp pieces were not wat i was after. everyone who knew me knows wat i wanted from that shop back then which was the 2x rol+2s this i regret not being there for. y would i buy forcy amp orb or the forcy amp pieces when i argued for will? i would have never used those items back then.

from ure statement it clearly shows u have no idea wat xether and i are arguing about. u really think hes posting all this cause i charge a 200m crafting fee or cause i overprice my items? then ure wrong. this grudge he has against me is cause hes accusing me of lying to him on an item i sold. i had a 12/24 phery orb 2nd slot and i sold it to him for 650m, then next day he said rate disappeared and that i lied telling him rate was in 1st slot. this was and has been the sole reason y hes posting in every single thread about me. not only has he never asked me which slot it was in he also has absolutely no proof that i said anything. i find this totally absurd... hes accusing me yet im the one that has to show proof that im innocent?

i dun get y so many people cant figure this out. my prices were never low and i never expected them to be low. most people know this and some dislike me cause of this. so with that said y would i sell him a 1st slotted 12/24 for 650m when thats the price of a 2nd slotted one. if it was 1st slot i would obviously price it way over 1B, i dun need to lie to sell my items never had never will

Likewise can be said about him. I took the word of 1 person vouching for him to be honest and 3 others telling me hes a lier. neither one of use can produce a SS to prove the other wrong. with someone vouching for him I knew and trusted I didn't think a SS was needed. The first and last time i will make that mistake. Spur argues his word is greater based on who he is strictly ( Display of arrogance ). However i never asked for my alz back nor did I expect to get it back. Instead I post on any thread he has dealing with rate in second slot reguardless of wether its second slot or pushed 1st slot. As for the post on his forcium crafting, That was a perfect example to show what to expect in the community ( Display of greed ).
The difference here is....

He is argueing defensively to keep his reputation clean ( Display of manipulation )So he can continue his masquerade and sell items to unsuspecting buyers. If he developes a bad rep it will make it harder for him to sell items.

I on the other hand have nothing to gain from all this. I simply want people to know the risk in dealing with alot of these original players who for whatever reason have become greedy, manipulative and dishonest. I even told him I would stop posting if he just admitted to lieing.

I want to see the community grow and stablize. People like spur want to hold the community down by buying up everything and over charging to the point of a having a monopoly and extortioning the community.

What he doesn't realize is I have saved links of all these threads and with all these posts hes giving me the resources to pass on to others and let them decide wether they wish to deal with him or not. like cops setting up a drug dealer, sometimes ya have to play a player to bring them down. I thank you for that.

as for posting on his crafting thread. That was just to get people to laugh at his Audacity to charge just to attempt a craft.

Using him as an example is staying on topic by showing what several of the high end players are like and thus what to expect.

05-21-2010, 01:41 PM
Spur argues his word is greater based on who he is strictly ( Display of arrogance ).

this is the main point u still fail to realize after over 20+ posts. everyone is on an equal playing field but when ure accusing someone u need to provide evidence that ure word is greater than mine not the other way around. whether or not my word is > ures does not matter in this case. u said i lied to u therefore u must prove i did if u cant and ure telling the whole community as if i did that equals slander.

if i had scammed / lied to anyone in game i believe it doesnt take 2 years for the first person to actually state it on the forums. things that happen in game spread fast if i have done so everyone will be well aware of it. so far u have yet to provide any evidence and ure now admiting the orb incident is the reason for all of this. so until u can prove the orb incident true everything else is just ure grudge towards me which u clearly show

for the forcium crafting everyone can go and check wat i posted in that topic. i find that it is more than fair especially when im just providing an option which no others are even opening up for others.

05-21-2010, 01:46 PM
so why cant NA cabal be as good as EU or KOR?

what makes EU KOR better?

i know some reasons why wondering if there are any others that can be brought to the light of the NA community that we have control over.

Sigh... Anyways back on topic.

I quoted the starting thread so people dont have to read thru 9 pages.

LoL @ spur whatever ya have to tell yourself. no need and continuing to clutter up the mans thread when the example is already made.

05-21-2010, 02:08 PM
so why cant NA cabal be as good as EU or KOR?

what makes EU KOR better?

i know some reasons why wondering if there are any others that can be brought to the light of the NA community that we have control over.

i guess my last responce was good enough for him to change the topic back. if u actually look at the EU forums u can see massive amounts of people actually talking about farming and a huge amount of them play purely to farm. they go around in 4000% 2 slot drop sets just to get mats/alz and they make a measly 7-8m per 30minutes. this is where were diff, our top players would not farm 30 non stop minutes for 7-8m whereas the EU players are happy with that non stop income. this is where as i stated pages ago that were lazy, we are expecting way more rewards from the time we are spending ending in a result where no one does the farming. without farmers mats go up making crafters more rare which in turn leads to expensive crafts. it also leads to more expensive dungeon entries which leads to less dungeon runs in turn less epic drops.

laziness can be derived in many diff ways. as u can tell even on our own servers merc and venus we are already diff in many ways. venus has a way more stable economy and their prices are way better than the ones on merc. venus prolly has a much bigger farming community whereas top players in merc just stand in BI for pvp. its like a fruit/vege store the fresher their items the more people go and when more people go they restock everyday making their items fresh every single day. if u asking for a fix on merc there really isnt any unless a huge group starts farming which is very unlikely, or if they wanna take a shortcut theyll combine servers but like every other fix many problems can come out cause of it.

05-21-2010, 02:53 PM
Sigh... Anyways back on topic.

I quoted the starting thread so people dont have to read thru 9 pages.

kakaka@u for thinking 12/24 phery orb rate first slot is 650mil

05-21-2010, 06:25 PM
u had no idea wat i sought after... i can clearly tell u the 14% amp orb and the forcy amp pieces were not wat i was after. everyone who knew me knows wat i wanted from that shop back then which was the 2x rol+2s this i regret not being there for. y would i buy forcy amp orb or the forcy amp pieces when i argued for will? i would have never used those items back then.

from ure statement it clearly shows u have no idea wat xether and i are arguing about. u really think hes posting all this cause i charge a 200m crafting fee or cause i overprice my items? then ure wrong. this grudge he has against me is cause hes accusing me of lying to him on an item i sold. i had a 12/24 phery orb 2nd slot and i sold it to him for 650m, then next day he said rate disappeared and that i lied telling him rate was in 1st slot. this was and has been the sole reason y hes posting in every single thread about me. not only has he never asked me which slot it was in he also has absolutely no proof that i said anything. i find this totally absurd... hes accusing me yet im the one that has to show proof that im innocent?

i dun get y so many people cant figure this out. my prices were never low and i never expected them to be low. most people know this and some dislike me cause of this. so with that said y would i sell him a 1st slotted 12/24 for 650m when thats the price of a 2nd slotted one. if it was 1st slot i would obviously price it way over 1B, i dun need to lie to sell my items never had never will

Lol, I'll try to not be controversial and sum this up so we can get back on topic.
-I've never personally had a problem with your prices, its peoples' choice whether or not they buy them so I don't see how thats a true scam, I agree with you on that. Though the crafting thing just seems lulz on the conditions.
-I didn't pretend to know about any grudge between you and ether, the convo was between you and me.
-Neither side is going to have proof, don't forget proof goes both ways. If you have billions of alz and don't cover it with SS's of "I gained eox +7/8, amp forcium greaves" and all the items possible to cover, your defense is no better than our offense when debating [Think of fiery on venus and why hes been debating all this]. As it stands, I think we can agree neither side has proof and all arguments rely on logic and word vs the other.
-Try not to get me wrong if this is the case, I didn't come here to tarnish your rep or anything like that so I won't continue to post other situations that may cast doubt as well. I only came b/c your always criticizing everyone else and holding yourself up so high as this clean, legit player made through tons and tons of farming. As long as there is unresolved doubt, I keep posting when you criticize. Its not any motivation to take down the great spur or self-held grudge of the sort, I really don't care if everyone idolizes you or hates you.

05-21-2010, 07:00 PM
Uhh oh looks like we got a BAD AAAASS.

05-22-2010, 07:13 AM
Lol, I'll try to not be controversial and sum this up so we can get back on topic.
-I've never personally had a problem with your prices, its peoples' choice whether or not they buy them so I don't see how thats a true scam, I agree with you on that. Though the crafting thing just seems lulz on the conditions.
-I didn't pretend to know about any grudge between you and ether, the convo was between you and me.
-Neither side is going to have proof, don't forget proof goes both ways. If you have billions of alz and don't cover it with SS's of "I gained eox +7/8, amp forcium greaves" and all the items possible to cover, your defense is no better than our offense when debating [Think of fiery on venus and why hes been debating all this]. As it stands, I think we can agree neither side has proof and all arguments rely on logic and word vs the other.
-Try not to get me wrong if this is the case, I didn't come here to tarnish your rep or anything like that so I won't continue to post other situations that may cast doubt as well. I only came b/c your always criticizing everyone else and holding yourself up so high as this clean, legit player made through tons and tons of farming. As long as there is unresolved doubt, I keep posting when you criticize. Its not any motivation to take down the great spur or self-held grudge of the sort, I really don't care if everyone idolizes you or hates you.

thats the problem with this community proof does not go both ways as i tried to explain countless amount of times. if someone got an item and u think they got it illegitimately u must show the proof. if u fail to show proof that it was illegit u may not force that person to show u proof he got it legit. same as real life innocent until proven guilty. i may have many billions of alz but i dont need to prove to anyone how i got it unless u find me proof that its non legit. with wat ure saying its like everyone must have proof they got it legit to be legit thats not how things go

05-22-2010, 12:17 PM
thats the problem with this community proof does not go both ways as i tried to explain countless amount of times. if someone got an item and u think they got it illegitimately u must show the proof. if u fail to show proof that it was illegit u may not force that person to show u proof he got it legit. same as real life innocent until proven guilty. i may have many billions of alz but i dont need to prove to anyone how i got it unless u find me proof that its non legit. with wat ure saying its like everyone must have proof they got it legit to be legit thats not how things go

If you want to go to real life examples then try telling the gov't they're the ones who need to show proof that you obtained millions of dollars illegally...ya not going to work out well for you [you have to explain to them how it was obtained]. I don't want to debate as courtesy to the TS and other people who mentioned us on this thread, which is why I was more neutral on my last post. We easily could debate elsewhere for hours on end with logic and word vs the other, but it seems the community doesn't want that :p, so lets just leave this matter for another time.

05-22-2010, 02:47 PM
If you want to go to real life examples then try telling the gov't they're the ones who need to show proof that you obtained millions of dollars illegally...ya not going to work out well for you [you have to explain to them how it was obtained]. I don't want to debate as courtesy to the TS and other people who mentioned us on this thread, which is why I was more neutral on my last post. We easily could debate elsewhere for hours on end with logic and word vs the other, but it seems the community doesn't want that :p, so lets just leave this matter for another time.

lol but thats a whole diff point. the government in ure case = gms, they come ask me where my alz came from thats perfectly fine and i can explain it to them. u guys on the other hand are just normal citizens like myself which makes it a whole diff case. i bet u dont see someone on the streets randomly asking u to explain y u got so much money

05-22-2010, 02:57 PM
I'd continue debating that argument and all but as I said for the sake of the thread we'll end it there and pick it up another time that its more suitable. As long as either one of us leaves one valid point in our post it won't end.

05-22-2010, 03:42 PM
Holy shietttttttttttttttttt tl;dr neiromengz.