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View Full Version : New player in the server

08-28-2012, 06:29 PM
Hi I have just heard of this game from a friend of mine and I wanted to try it out. What class is good to begin with? I personally liked the Force Blader class but it looks to me that it needs a lot of equipments to function properly.

08-28-2012, 08:31 PM
I have no idea what class is good to begin with, but I can give u a general run through of all the classes.

Warrior: Uses heavy armor and is naturally tanky, uses either a greatsword or daikatana (greatsword has more attack, which is why most ppl prefer it over the daikatana, but the difference is small) Greatswords/daikatana's are two handed weapons, so warriors only need to purchase one weapon, while the other 5 classes require you to buy 2 weapons. They have the best debuff in the game with very good party buffs, and is a must in any party that wishes to do the high level dungeons. Warriors have high base HP and are relatively easy to use in game. (Advance tactic would be BM2 retargetting, but that isn't really hard)

Force Shielder: The most tanky class in the game, gaining the most base defense. They have relatively high HP as well, but not as much as a warrior. When force shielders max out their skill levels (max transcender) they get the best defensive buff Art of Defense (Which adds +2000 defense, basically making it so they take between 10~20 damage from mobs) and they also gain a party buff shadow shield which absorbs damage for nearby party members and yourself. They don't gain as much attack while leveling, so weapons with high attack is a necessity. They also get a very good buff which boosts critical rate and critical damage. This class is good because its not very complicated to learn how to play one. They also sport one of the best BM3's at level 130+

Bladers: A relatively tanky class, with the highest "dodge" rate, bladers are good at pve and pvp. Bladers get a "95% dodge rate" buff which gives bladers a 95% chance to dodge all incoming attacks as long as its not in pvp. Basically pve they're very hard to hit, but in pvp it's not as benefitial. Bladers have a good Bm2 and an okay BM3 with good DPS skills.

Force Bladers: The debuff class, force bladers can basically do heavy crowd control on enemies, however only two or three debuffs are actually useful. Force Bladers are what I like to call the annoying class, because they can immobilize people...every 40 something seconds..very annoying in war. They have a very powerful BM1, not-as-good BM2, and a decent BM3. Becoming heavily geared as you say will make things very easy for you, but it's like that for every class, except as a force blader u can just immobilize people.

Wizards: Perhaps one of the most played classes in the game, wizards are perhaps the hardest hitting class in the game. They have the best mobility in game, with being able to blink and dash(or fade) with having very good BM1, BM2, and BM3. They have the lowest HP out of the other classes, but have incredibly high magic attack with awesome DPS. Wizards are also required in parties because of their "SP buff" which is a necessity in ANY hard dungeon. Wizards are also good at pvp because of a buff that increases their party and their own resist critical rate and resist critical damage. Problem with playing a wizard is their gearset costs muuuuch more than other classes..but they're fun to play

Force Archer:...can't touch this area because I ed as one when I played. They're fun though, they have really low cast times for their lances and cannons compared to wizards, and can remove immobilize every 40 seconds. Force Archer is considered the healing class because they can heal other party members for a lot. Force Archers are required just for the sake of healing in hard dungeons and their BM3's are considered the strongest.

Yeah lots of text. Other people feel free to correct me anywhere, I'm just giving a generalization of all the classes. I don't think I'm at fault here...cept maybe in blader/force blader section...

08-30-2012, 01:39 PM
I suggest starting off as a Warrior or a Force Shielder as your main.. Then move onto other characters.

truely false
08-30-2012, 06:01 PM
Choosing a class to start the game in my opinoin depends on how you wish to play the game. If you like to play the game with party support well then Wizzard, Force Archer, Force Blader and Blader characters are for you but if you are more of a solo player then Warrior or Force Shielder would be your cup of tea not that these 2 types don't need support just that they are a better class at solo-ing than the others. Now keeping this in mind you also need to know whatever class you choose will determen how much Alz(ingame gold) you will spend when it comes to buying gear. Some class gear is more expensive than others for example Warrior gear compared to Blader gear is a lot more pricer. Whatever class you choose I'm sure you will end up enjoying the game, Good Luck and Welcome to Cabal NA...:rolleyes: :) :rolleyes:

09-02-2012, 10:30 AM
Choosing a class to start the game in my opinoin depends on how you wish to play the game. If you like to play the game with party support well then Wizzard, Force Archer, Force Blader and Blader characters are for you but if you are more of a solo player then Warrior or Force Shielder would be your cup of tea not that these 2 types don't need support just that they are a better class at solo-ing than the others. Now keeping this in mind you also need to know whatever class you choose will determen how much Alz(ingame gold) you will spend when it comes to buying gear. Some class gear is more expensive than others for example Warrior gear compared to Blader gear is a lot more pricer. Whatever class you choose I'm sure you will end up enjoying the game, Good Luck and Welcome to Cabal NA...:rolleyes: :) :rolleyes:

blader...party support? i thought bl's were more solo than most... + cheapest gear there is. and fs is party support not solo, bc they only have 2 good skills, aod and ss, and ss can only be used in a party. whereas classes like, fb and fa, can use their main skills without a party.its just they are just more beneficial to a party.

09-02-2012, 10:36 AM
Welcome to cabal north america!

09-04-2012, 11:21 PM
Welcome to cabal NA-GLOBAL

Problem? =D

11-16-2012, 02:08 PM
Heh, I chose my class based on what looked sexiest to me. ;) Real practical, right? :D

12-02-2012, 11:34 PM
Actually yes. And quite frankly I hope that was the Force Blader, lol. SEXIEST MOFUGGIN CLASS EVER!!!!

12-03-2012, 12:32 AM
if u wanna mess with ppl during pvp/freestyle and war and make them rage and shiz theres no better class than a fb lol; soloing dungeons can be done but not as easier as with bl or a wa.next update FB looks really good compared to other classes.at this point on this game ,overall every1 is a support class and any class can do anything u just need the gear and knowledge.....fb do are sexy and fun ;)