View Full Version : Clarification on some aspects of the Global Camp event

09-11-2012, 05:48 PM
Rich text editor, vB_Editor_001_editor, press ALT 0 for help.Just so everyone knows, your in-game strength has very little if anything to do with it. To quote GM Lorkan: "Creativity, style, and expressing knowledge of CABAL are your best assets, so don’t hold back!"

That means just about anyone with enough cabal experience has a chance. Yes, alot of ppl have school and work, but that doesn't mean disregard the requirements! If you think you have a chance, I'd say go for it. You have nothing to lose by registering.

Also keep in mind about who you vote for. Remember they are not only representing Cabal, but also the country they're from to dozens of people from around the world.
You might not care that much about other cultures, but they all look at us.

Remember, that for the pvp event it states that it is with the new system, the one that none of us have touched or seen yet (see this (http://www.cabal.com/event/IntroduceCABALGlobalCamp) for that notice, referring to the drastic changes in stats and stances and stuff next update). That's also only ONE of the main events.

So use you head and don't think strictly pvp. Many of the ideas that are brought up during this event may very well be implemented.

With that in mind, the people that get voted to go, I'd give them some written ideas so they can take it with them, but be smart about it and don't give them ludicrous stuff that you know is not going to happen. Remember, next update is supposed to be the "final update." So they plan to make alot of changes for the benefit and excitment of the communities in all versions.

I'm looking forward to seeing all the people that were selected as a finalist and hope you guys use your best judgement about who to vote for. Wait for the actual voting process to finalize anything since each person is supposed to have more info posted about why you should choose them. You might end up liking someone else's reasons and motives better than someone you know to be super strong in our version.

Good luck and I hope this at least clears up some of your muddled heads about this event. :D

--- Valdoroth Kai

09-11-2012, 05:51 PM
You forgot two portions of the event.
"Party with players from all over t he world"
"Tour around the beautiful island, Jeju"

09-11-2012, 06:58 PM

A tour sounds pretty cool. New culture (for most of us) and stuff. I hear Korean food is amazing too from alot of my co-workers that were stationed in korea.

And who doesn't love free cake? PARTY!