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09-11-2012, 11:56 PM
y was the bad user report list thread completely deleted? wonder how long til this thread is locked/deleted then. as i pointed out last thread, estsoft doesnt seem interested in banning cheaters unless it directly affects their pockets. this game has basically become pay2win/cheat2win. im ok with the former because a business needs revenue but the latter is just sad. having to cheat in a GAME just to get somewhere is pathetic beyond words. unfortunately the two go hand in hand in this game where most cheaters also pay. couple months back i reported an fa named QueenFA with a formal ticket and ss. it was lv 157 yet it was wallhacking at alis in pi which as u guys know is a 160+ map, that alone should've been enough to ban it yet it's still running around today. more recently, with the golem event, autolooting/macros have become a real problem. for example this one person (not giving out a name cuz im not interested in a flame war) has alrdy looted a bof8, cr3 and an sehh which im sure him and his guildies will claim is due to pure "luck" or speed. anyways i wanna keep this short. thoughts anyone?

09-11-2012, 11:58 PM

And where's my thread? Was asking serious questions against the rules?

09-12-2012, 01:44 AM
if they did their job half of cabal would be banned which is prolly y they dont.

hah point taken, kinda made this post cuz there's still a small amout of legits out there and i was getting the impression that they're getting rly fed up with all the cheaters, noticing alot of ppl quitting of late and thinking of leaving myself, just wanted some opinions

09-12-2012, 04:55 AM
if u guys would LOOK u can see it still on forum

09-12-2012, 06:51 AM
This is why you don't vote for Sei representatives for Camp Global because they won't bring this issue up.

09-12-2012, 06:59 AM
bumba speaks.

this game is goin down the hole. they are only interested in revenue. hence why they didnt put in perfect cores in the craft list. i had to actually do it myself just so i can craft myself perfect cores which was hell finding the item ID.

this game has so many holes in it, so many exploits available that isnt public its amazing they dont do anything.

but in relation that they dont ban people who hurt their pocket. i put in 3 grand in this game they still banned me on an account that only ran dungeons and no records held. But its ok, i got that 3 grand from selling alz to alz sellers from the quest i turn in which is 2T(as in trillion). so they probably banned me from that :) but its ok i got the 2t sold quicker then they banned me.

they are just lazy or only wanting money.

09-12-2012, 07:05 AM
I seriously hope no one is actually surprised by any of this

09-12-2012, 07:15 AM
This is why you don't vote for Sei representatives for Camp Global because they won't bring this issue up.

Hi mr dromar, you seem to be misinformed. Mechanics/ developer questions =/= something you can simply HD ticket here.

09-12-2012, 07:46 AM
I would consider making the game less vulnerable to hacks, exploits, and cheat engine much more important than updating it with new content. As to why the developers wouldn't be interested in knowing why one of their branches of the game neglects their customers and the game itself is beyond me.

09-12-2012, 07:50 AM
While I agree with you on some points such as having them aware/ fix exploits, hacks, and such, I don't really believe in corruption of NA's branch in terms of anyone having GM gear or anything in this point in time. Sure alz buyers are still running around, but id imagine that proving that they did is more difficult than accusing.

09-12-2012, 07:51 AM
I would consider making the game less vulnerable to hacks, exploits, and cheat engine much more important than updating it with new content. As to why the developers wouldn't be interested in knowing why one of their branches of the game neglects their customers and the game itself is beyond me.

That's out of the Cabal Devs' jurisdiction.

In terms of making the game less vulnerable to hacks, you'd have to talk to the nProtect GameGuard developers about that.

But as for the original point of this thread, banning players is something that the NA GM's do; that also has nothing to do with the Dev's that are going to be at the Global Camp.

Basically: Global Camp has absolutely nothing to do with this...

09-12-2012, 07:59 AM
While I agree with you on some points such as having them aware/ fix exploits, hacks, and such, I don't really believe in corruption of NA's branch in terms of anyone having GM gear or anything in this point in time. Sure alz buyers are still running around, but id imagine that proving that they did is more difficult than accusing.

It's exactly unbelievably easy to track alz buyers because after bots are banned they can check logs to determine who traded what with them. Third party software is also extremely easy to detect on their part. The sad part is that gms don't bother to look for these things. Rather it has become a situation similar to getting pulled over by a cop for speeding just to have him discover other illegal things that you were doing. Do something completely retarded and the gms will look into, for example, if you were also alz buying. But the community is so small that even if you do they can't perma ban you because they would lose too much money in the long run.

09-12-2012, 08:43 AM
bumba the problem isnt gameguard.

my bypass hooks before gameguard then overwrites gameguard protection effectively negating gameguard but still send a heartbeat to cabal so it thinks gameguard is still running. So they can make all the updates they want, it will never remove my bypass.

09-12-2012, 09:32 AM
o u must mean those things ppl use to send that got answers....crazy, i coulda swore they was just copy an paste replies now.

edit: like so0wxz and this raid is saying, they are able to tamper with cabals files very easily. cabal global camp should hear this, and can do somethin about it.

Are you jimbo or something? You seem pretty retarded.

09-12-2012, 09:38 AM
cronic sounds legit to me. all the replies i get regardless if its banned or not is standard copy+paste replies.

09-12-2012, 09:39 AM
There is nothing negative about bringing this up @ global camp. There is no reason not too whats the worst than can happen? They just wont do anything like our GMs. I don't understand why you guys seem to be afraid to just bring it up. Seems suspicious to me. what do you guys fear? Even if they cant do anything still u have to try something. Anything at all is better than nothing.

09-12-2012, 09:57 AM
I love how you guys find a little issue and make it bigger than it should be.

Bumba -

Tell me which MMORPG out there doesn't have any bots or hackers. Last time I checked, new and old games have them, Tera, GW2, and WoW.

I love how you guys came back for 1 specific reason, trash talk in the forum. Months of being inactive and came back just to flame.

09-12-2012, 09:58 AM
There is nothing negative about bringing this up @ global camp. There is no reason not too whats the worst than can happen? They just wont do anything like our GMs. I don't understand why you guys seem to be afraid to just bring it up. Seems suspicious to me. what do you guys fear? Even if they cant do anything still u have to try something. Anything at all is better than nothing.

Even if they bring it up it's not like they'll do anything about it lol. That's like asking the architect who designed your home to set up a security system in your home for you. And then asking your architect to make a list of all the people who try to break into your home.

Global camp is a meeting with the people who designed the game. They have absolutely nothing to do with the management. A meeting with NA's GM's would be more appropriate for that.

09-12-2012, 10:09 AM
Even if they bring it up it's not like they'll do anything about it lol. That's like asking the architect who designed your home to set up a security system in your home for you. And then asking your architect to make a list of all the people who try to break into your home.

Global camp is a meeting with the people who designed the game. They have absolutely nothing to do with the management. A meeting with NA's GM's would be more appropriate for that.

They'll be in Korea and the Korean devs have more direct access to the Korean branch meaning that it's more likely that anything they say or bring up will actually reach them. It's not really such a far fetched idea.

Also I love how all the people talking about how this is a bad/pointless idea are from the same guild that always defends the "pointless" attempt of trying to do anything to stop hackers/alz buyers and such.

09-12-2012, 10:11 AM
They'll be in Korea and the Korean devs have more direct access to the Korean branch meaning that it's more likely that anything they say or bring up will actually reach them. It's not really such a far fetched idea.

Also I love how all the people talking about how this is a bad/pointless idea are from the same guild that always defends the "pointless" attempt of trying to do anything to stop hackers/alz buyers and such.

Well, I don't think that they should stop making the banned player list. And I do think they need to perma-ban alz buyers instead of just 7 day banning.

But I'm also not in Sei, and I also think that bringing it up at Global Camp isn't going to do anything.

09-12-2012, 10:19 AM
I'm not defending anyone, I'm simply saying everyone who thinks that bad help desk ticket answers is an issue that should be brought up at Korea is a sped.

Herp derp, going to Korea to tell the Korean devs that the NA branch HD tickets aren't helping herp derp, diz guy buy da alz and dun get da ban@@

On another note, informing them that their security is faulty is a different issue, which I agree that should be made a point at the devs meeting in Korea.

09-12-2012, 10:21 AM
I love how you guys find a little issue and make it bigger than it should be.

Bumba -

Tell me which MMORPG out there doesn't have any bots or hackers. Last time I checked, new and old games have them, Tera, GW2, and WoW.

I love how you guys came back for 1 specific reason, trash talk in the forum. Months of being inactive and came back just to flame.

for sure i agree all games have hacks/bots. through my personal experience cabal has alot more exploits that r very harmful than many other games though. that being said im not expecting any mircales here, hacks/bots exist in every game like u said, i dont expect the devs or w/e to fix anything or everything, however wat im dissapointed in is the lack of action against OBVIOUS hackers/cheaters (c QueenFA example in original post).

09-12-2012, 10:23 AM
Well, I don't think that they should stop making the banned player list. And I do think they need to perma-ban alz buyers instead of just 7 day banning.

But I'm also not in Sei, and I also think that bringing it up at Global Camp isn't going to do anything.

You don't think an event RUN by EST in Korean will have any more direct access to the Korean branch staff than the American branch that has to worry about language barrier, time zone difference etc? It's a lot easier to tell someone staffed in Korea that you have an issue and for them to approach someone who has more authority when they're in the same country and likely work with those people than it is for someone across the planet.

It's only logical that the Korean devs work closer and have more direct access to the Korean management that is more likely to be able to do something to address these issues. You realize that even the development issues that get brought up at this camp will likely go higher up and have a wider discussion among the company than just the devs that are there. It's not really such a stretch that informing the people there of your concerns and other issues so that they can take that down the chain to someone that can do something about it. Much easier to imagine one Korean dev walking through an office or making a phone call within the branch than it is for us to reach them any other way.

I'm not defending anyone, I'm simply saying everyone who thinks that bad help desk ticket answers is an issue that should be brought up at Korea is a sped.

Informing the higher-ups at the branch that owns the branch here isn't a "sped" issue. When there's a problem with an employee you go to the manager to complain. It's not far fetched to think that the management of EST in Korea have power over looking into the fact that their workers in our branch are doing their job and doing it correctly/well. Having concerned players that represent the community can raise a big flag for them to lead them to look into how things are being handled here.

The Truth
09-12-2012, 10:29 AM
I dont understand why its soo hard for ppl to get whats above ^.

09-12-2012, 10:31 AM
Informing the higher-ups at the branch that owns the branch here isn't a "sped" issue. When there's a problem with an employee you go to the manager to complain. It's not far fetched to think that the management of EST in Korea have power over looking into the fact that their workers in our branch are doing their job and doing it correctly/well. Having concerned players that represent the community can raise a big flag for them to lead them to look into how things are being handled here.

Yes, because the senior GMs here (Valentine, Daisy, Q) aren't higher up at all! You realize all 3 of these guys speak fluent Korean and pretty much run the show here right? The equivalent of you going to Korea talking to "higher ups" is the equivalent of you talking to one of those 3 and telling them their branch of the company is doing poorly.

Brb, going to Korea to tell the branch manager this guy isn't getting banned for buying alz because the branch in NA is too incompetent.

The Truth
09-12-2012, 10:36 AM
So....ur saying just dont do anything? How can a reasonable person not understand that taking any kid of action is better than doing nothing. Ur telling me that they dont care about the job that gms here do? If you were in a company and your peers werent doing a good job it would be fine? you would not care?

09-12-2012, 10:37 AM
Chingu For Korea 2012
Dont Forget To Vote For Me At The Polls!
Hoping To See Everyone Participate ^^

09-12-2012, 10:37 AM
So....ur saying just dont do anything? How can a reasonable person not understand that taking any kid of action is better than doing nothing. Ur telling me that they dont care about the job that gms here do? If you were in a company and your peers werent doing a good job it would be fine? you would not care?

Send in a HD ticket bro.
Name me all your problems here with this game. I bet you can't name more than 3 that are actually relevant to bring up as a cause.

Alz buyers not banned? - Prove it. Prove there wasn't just a friend quitting and giving his friend money. Prove there was no proxy involved.

Hackers not banned? - Probably the only reasonable thing to suggest to the devs that their security is faulty.

GM corruption? - There is none. Prove me wrong. If you're talking about OGP GM corruption, then that's not even relevant.

The Truth
09-12-2012, 10:41 AM
I thought we all knew that did not work, which is why bringing it up at the global camp is a suggestion at all. If that worked i wouldn't be here i've tried that and nothing was done. So something else must be done.

09-12-2012, 10:45 AM
Devs are releasing the new patch with updates and want to hear opinions and suggestions by people around the world that play. If it was a complain session then Thailand would be there for 2 days complaining about how corrupt their GMs are.

EDIT: In any case, to be honest I've seen hacked and scammed people get their stuff back on this server which is pretty damn good for a F2P game. I've also seen hackers and bots get banned on a daily basis. I'd say HD is doing their job pretty well. But like I said in my previous post, there are some cases which takes more investigation than others such as weeding out the alz buyers.

09-12-2012, 11:01 AM
The corruption is with the GM's. GM Lorkin gave out Cronic21's personal information here on the forum and when he commented on the breech of privacy the gm then banned Cronic21 and deleted both of their posts.

09-12-2012, 11:09 AM
What personal information was released? I read what the gm said before he deleted it. No such thing as personal information was released except for a cronic requested for an issue to be investigated and no specific information was released either.

You may want to get your story straight, cronic.

09-12-2012, 11:11 AM
Problems In This Game
- Lack Of FUN Events
- Dramatic Population Difference Between Servers
- Players want more GM interaction ingame
- There are still bots walking around even tho i noticed a decrease of the amount of them there are.
- http://i50.tinypic.com/a3mgcg.png <- this thing is broken
- Alz Spammers Are Still Shouting and Mailing People
- "Scammers" What are the steps EST is taking to lower the amount of scammers and cases of people getting scammed?
-http://i49.tinypic.com/140est2.png <-- this was kinda funny months ago but now its like "really?" when are they gonna fix this -___-

everything else is pretty much irrelevant at this point

^^ Chingu For Korea 2012
"For the Players!"

09-12-2012, 11:17 AM
- "Scammers" What are the steps EST is taking to lower the amount of scammers and cases of people getting scammed?

Wait? You want them to fix stupid?

I highly doubt anyone can fix stupid. Scams and people who fall for it is at fault and the gms already made changes for this. If you got scammed report them and make sure you have the gms ask for and they'll help you.

09-12-2012, 11:22 AM
Wait? You want them to fix stupid?

I highly doubt anyone can fix stupid. Scams and people who fall for it is at fault and the gms already made changes for this. If you got scammed report them and make sure you have the gms ask for and they'll help you.
when i say this i mean
what does est do to the scammers? give ppl back their gear and dont do anything toward the scammer?
i known so many ppl who got scammed , but had back up like screenshots and everything they sent it in and everything and the scammer is still walking free . . . . megashout and doing it all over agian -___-

its sounds like you defending the action of scamming
so u dont hold the scammer responsible at all
but you put it all on the person who got scammed

- "Scammers" What are the steps EST is taking to lower the amount of scammers and cases of people getting scammed?

^^ Chingu For Korea 2012
"For the Players!"

09-12-2012, 11:32 AM
when i say this i mean
what does est do to the scammers? give ppl back their gear and dont do anything toward the scammer?
i known so many ppl who got scammed , but had back up like screenshots and everything they sent it in and everything and the scammer is still walking free . . . . megashout and doing it all over agian -___-

its sounds like you defending the action of scamming
so u dont hold the scammer responsible at all
but you put it all on the person who got scammed

^^ Chingu For Korea 2012
"For the Players!"

Well then obviously if someone were to fall to a scamming from a well known scammer it's their fault for being dumb.

Let's be practical here, pretend I'm emailing you something of the following
"I'm an African King and I need $10,000 to take my country back and I'll return you 10 fold of what you give me."
Obviously it's a scam and anyone who's stupid enough to believe everything someone says is beyond me.

There's a difference in something you can prevent and something you can't. (e.g random hacking)
A scamming is something you just have to be smart about.

09-12-2012, 11:53 AM
Well then obviously if someone were to fall to a scamming from a well known scammer it's their fault for being dumb.

Let's be practical here, pretend I'm emailing you something of the following
"I'm an African King and I need $10,000 to take my country back and I'll return you 10 fold of what you give me."
Obviously it's a scam and anyone who's stupid enough to believe everything someone says is beyond me.

There's a difference in something you can prevent and something you can't. (e.g random hacking)
A scamming is something you just have to be smart about.\

agian ...... so the scammer shouldnt be punished at all?

09-12-2012, 11:59 AM
- Players want more GM interaction ingame

The retards killed this. Each time a gm goes in-game or in the forum a lynch mob is right behind them.


agian ...... so the scammer shouldnt be punished at all?

I highly doubt those who got blocked for scamming post on the forum. I also highly doubt you keep track of everyone's scam report and the scammers.

09-12-2012, 12:13 PM
The retards killed this. Each time a gm goes in-game or in the forum a lynch mob is right behind them.
well that should tell you something -__- lol

I highly doubt those who got blocked for scamming post on the forum. I also highly doubt you keep track of everyone's scam report and the scammers.
but u still didnt awnser my question lol should scammers be punished? its a yes or no question meng lol dont try to answer more than i asked you lol TY

09-12-2012, 12:43 PM

agian ...... so the scammer shouldnt be punished at all?

No, they didn't do anything illegal/ against the TOS.

09-12-2012, 01:01 PM
but u still didnt awnser my question lol should scammers be punished? its a yes or no question meng lol dont try to answer more than i asked you lol TY

Your question is retarded. There's always multiple answer to this and it's all base on morals.

If you're asking my personal thoughts about scamming, then the answer is "nothing, should be done about it."

If you want to be political, then my answer is "yes, this shouldn't be allowed."

09-12-2012, 01:02 PM
No, they didn't do anything illegal/ against the TOS.

Your question is retarded. There's always multiple answer to this and it's all base on morals.

If you're asking my personal thoughts about scamming, then the answer is "nothing, should be done about it."

If you want to be political, then my answer is "yes, this shouldn't be allowed."
There we go . . . I guess i have my awnser lol

To everyone who get or has gotten scammed good luck cuz the people who scam you shouldnt get punished at all cuz they are protected by the TOS


but i want to know . . . who is protecting the players? hmmm

09-12-2012, 01:08 PM
Who is protecting the players? Hopefully their brain. Tbh it's pretty hard to get scammed unless you're completely stupid or the scam was the ol' be your friend for 3 years then steal your gear type of thing.

Well that's beside the point anyways. GMs on NA restore scamme goods with good enough proof :) be thankful.

09-12-2012, 01:11 PM
Well that's beside the point anyways. GMs on NA restore scamme goods with good enough proof :) be thankful.

XI lmao just stop talking

Who is protecting the players? Hopefully their brain.


its ok xi
you already said that its ok to scam

tbh im agianst scamming , i think scammers should be punished
preying on the weakminded isnt good

but you sitting here tryna justify scamming but its ok your XI so your always right

09-12-2012, 01:17 PM
I don't have to sit here and justiy scamming. It's already justified by not being against TOS.

09-12-2012, 01:24 PM
I am extremely outraged by the GMs of Cabal. My friend Airwaves has posted his video which included hackers in T2 nation war. The GMs did nothing. They simply locked his thread and proceeded to go on with their everyday lives.

09-12-2012, 01:36 PM
Scamming isn't in the ToS maybe because it's the victim's fault just as much as it's the scammers fault?

[GM] Lorkan
09-12-2012, 01:41 PM
To answer the question about scams -
Below is the template we use.
The most important part has been bold and underlined. If you have been scammed, please provide the information listed below. Please be advised that we are only able to investigate issues that recently occurred.

We are truly sorry that this issue has occurred. We require some information before we are able to start an investigation. Please provide us the following information to enable us to assist you further.

Required Information:
1. Agreed with our Limited Restoration Terms:
2. Exact Time and Date when the issue occurred.
3. A screenshot of the trade agreement.
4. Detail Explanation of how the issue occurred:

We usually have a hands-off policy when it comes to player-to-player trade disputes. Thus, we always highly recommend to our players to be very careful when attempting to trade with another player. However, on special situations we do assist our players with player-to-player trade issues.

Please be advised that Item, Alz and/or Character restorations are limited per account. Once you’ve used all of your limited restorations, we will be unable to provide this limited restoration in the future. Please confirm that you understand the terms and wish to continue with your request.

Regarding the Blocked User List -
I apologize that this hasn't been updated. However, I can assure you that we're constantly working on finding players who violate our policies.

Just to keep everyone updated, an estimated 8,000 accounts has been blocked since 1/20 - 9/12

Regarding players being reported for Illegal Third Party Programs -

We appreciate the screenshots and videos that you've submitted. However, we do need to investigate the issue further and before we can take action.

09-12-2012, 01:49 PM
8000 accounts O.o

I wonder how many of those are bots considering theres only like 200 people that actually play the game...

09-12-2012, 01:54 PM
Lorkan;354633']To answer the question about scams -
Below is the template we use.
The most important part has been bold and underlined. If you have been scammed, please provide the information listed below. Please be advised that we are only able to investigate issues that recently occurred.

We are truly sorry that this issue has occurred. We require some information before we are able to start an investigation. Please provide us the following information to enable us to assist you further.

Required Information:
1. Agreed with our Limited Restoration Terms:
2. Exact Time and Date when the issue occurred.
3. A screenshot of the trade agreement.
4. Detail Explanation of how the issue occurred:

We usually have a hands-off policy when it comes to player-to-player trade disputes. Thus, we always highly recommend to our players to be very careful when attempting to trade with another player. However, on special situations we do assist our players with player-to-player trade issues.

Please be advised that Item, Alz and/or Character restorations are limited per account. Once you’ve used all of your limited restorations, we will be unable to provide this limited restoration in the future. Please confirm that you understand the terms and wish to continue with your request.

Regarding the Blocked User List -
I apologize that this hasn't been updated. However, I can assure you that we're constantly working on find players who violate our policies.

Just to keep everyone updated, an estimated 8,000 accounts has been blocked since 1/20 - 9/12

Regarding players being reported for Illegal Third Party Programs -

We appreciate the screenshots and videos that you've submitted. However, we do need to investigate the issue further and before we can take action.

All i want to know if someone is found scamming? Will there be an action agianst that person? But no one wants to awnser that question
you guys telling me about ppl getting their stuff back but does the scammer actually gets in trouble?
and if its not agianst the TOS why bother giving ppl back their stuff? hmm since its not agianst the ToS

09-12-2012, 01:59 PM
All i want to know if someone is found scamming? Will there be an action agianst that person? But no one wants to awnser that question
you guys telling me about ppl getting their stuff back but does the scammer actually gets in trouble?
and if its not agianst the TOS why bother giving ppl back their stuff? hmm since its not agianst the ToS

I don't know if you're really retarded or what but your first 2 questions have been answered at least 3 times already.
They obviously give people their stuff back because they feel it's morally correct. And all you people do on these forums is bash GMs how bad they do their job. Jesus you're dumb.

09-12-2012, 02:00 PM
XI lmao just stop talking


its ok xi
you already said that its ok to scam

tbh im agianst scamming , i think scammers should be punished
preying on the weakminded isnt good

but you sitting here tryna justify scamming but its ok your XI so your always right

if you can find me where in the TOS is it to ban people who acquire other peoples "items" through manipulation and misleading statements, then u can get your 'scammers punishment". Now i have gotten scammed before and i have had my items restored, and i am grateful, but the fact that i fell for a simple lie or a "too good to be true" statement isn't the scammers fault. Best thing to do is use it as a learning experience, move on, and don't fall for that sht again

09-12-2012, 02:03 PM
I don't know if you're really retarded or what but your first 2 questions have been answered at least 3 times already.
They obviously give people their stuff back because they feel it's morally correct. And all you people do on these forums is bash GMs how bad they do their job. Jesus you're dumb.

i never bashed a GM but

if they feel morally correct to give ppl their stuff back
why not punish ppl who took it in the first place
its morally correct

09-12-2012, 02:04 PM
oops sorry about the double post Q.Q

09-12-2012, 02:04 PM
i never bashed a GM but

if they feel morally correct to give ppl their stuff back
why not punish ppl who took it in the first place
its morally correct

It's not, because both people are equally at fault. (Well actually imo, the person stupid enough to fall for such a blatant scam is more at fault.) I don't know how many times you're going to keep asking the same question and make me say the same thing but you're just going to keep making yourself look stupid.

[GM] Lorkan
09-12-2012, 02:07 PM
Scammers are punished base on the offense.

09-12-2012, 02:08 PM
TY lorkan for awnsering my question

as long as scammers are being punished them im good
thats all i wanted to hear

idk why xi and everyone else thinks its ok to do it since its not in the tos
but i still dont get why its not agianst the ToS

09-12-2012, 02:10 PM
ill keep asking the question cuz no one is awnsering me

what action are taken agianst the scammer? nothing? ok so now i understand that scamming is totally legit and is acceptable to do

smh im done

LOL, i have no idea in which part of this whole thread did someone say that its acceptable to scam..but if you are that into your idea and still acting so stubborn about specific answers from not only other people but from a GM, why not go see what happens if you scam someone

09-12-2012, 02:16 PM
LOL, i have no idea in which part of this whole thread did someone say that its acceptable to scam..but if you are that into your idea and still acting so stubborn about specific answers from not only other people but from a GM, why not go see what happens if you scam someone
are u serious i just asked xi and that other dude and this what they said

i asked xi should scammers be punished xi said this

No, they didn't do anything illegal/ against the TOS.

same thing 6ix said this

Your question is retarded. There's always multiple answer to this and it's all base on morals.

If you're asking my personal thoughts about scamming, then the answer is "nothing, should be done about it."

If you want to be political, then my answer is "yes, this shouldn't be allowed."

09-12-2012, 02:17 PM
TY lorkan for awnsering my question

as long as scammers are being punished them im good
thats all i wanted to hear

idk why xi and everyone else thinks its ok to do it since its not in the tos
but i still dont get why its not agianst the ToS

Now you're just putting words in my mouth. Nowhere have I said it's "OK" to scam. I'm simply telling you that non-banned scammers are justified because of the fact that nowhere in the TOS states that it's ban/ block worthy. Stop being a little 10 year old kid who can't comprehend. It's annoying, not funny.

09-12-2012, 02:19 PM
Now you're just putting words in my mouth. Nowhere have I said it's "OK" to scam. I'm simply telling you that non-banned scammers are justified because of the fact that nowhere in the TOS states that it's ban/ block worthy. Stop being a little 10 year old kid who can't comprehend. It's annoying, not funny.

i just quoted you

09-12-2012, 02:21 PM
i just quoted you

Where did I say specifically "it's ok to scam"

You seriously cannot read.
Your first question:
"Do you think scammers should be punished."
My answer: No, due to TOS

Maybe if you asked something else like
"Do you think it's right to scam"
Then obviously the answer would be different.


09-12-2012, 02:23 PM
are u serious i just asked xi and that other dude and this what they said

i asked xi should scammers be punished xi said this

same thing 6ix said this

think about it like this, you tell someone, who is a gullible person who is selling a eof8, and u tell them hey! ill give u 100m for you're eof8 its completely worth it and you'll be rich!!, and they say...hmm ok!, then later on the person reports the item as scammed and recovers it, and u get the item taken from you. You already received the punishment of losing your 100m alz as well as the eof8 u got.. scammers do receive a punishment, would u wanna be punished for another persons stupidity?

09-12-2012, 02:25 PM
Where did I say specifically "it's ok to scam"

You seriously cannot read.
Your first question:
"Do you think scammers should be punished."
My answer: No, due to TOS

Maybe if you asked something else like
"Do you think it's right to scam"
Then obviously the answer would be different.


if u dont think its right to scam then why dont you think they should be punished? o.o

09-12-2012, 02:27 PM
if u dont think its right to scam then why dont you think they should be punished? o.o

Because it's nowhere in the TOS for this game. Smarter people taking advantage of stupid people. Are you f'ing kidding me? That's like 7th time I've been over this.


09-12-2012, 02:30 PM
Because it's nowhere in the TOS for this game. Are you f'ing kidding me? That's like 7th time I've been over this.


thats bs idc if its not in tos i still think they should be punished but lorkan awnserd my question so im happy

09-12-2012, 02:33 PM
thats bs idc if its not in tos i still think they should be punished but lorkan awnserd my question so im happy

Then you should be mad at all the whiners and qqers on this forum that say NA GMs aren't doing anything. Obviously something is being done right if people are getting their scammed goods back (even though GMs don't have to give it back), your scammers are being punished based on the offense (even though it's not on TOS), there isn't any 21amp GM given gear floating around, and bots and such are being blocked daily.

09-12-2012, 02:40 PM
Then you should be mad at all the whiners and qqers on this forum that say NA GMs aren't doing anything. Obviously something is being done right if people are getting their scammed goods back (even though GMs don't have to give it back), your scammers are being punished based on the offense (even though it's not on TOS), there isn't any 21amp GM given gear floating around, and bots and such are being blocked daily.

i never said GM's not doing anything . . i actually think the opposite but im just asking about the steps they take for scammers and lorkan answered my question so im done and happy. you xi and everyone else wasn't even remotely close in answering my questions ... kinda dumb

09-12-2012, 02:46 PM
i never said GM's not doing anything . . i actually think the opposite but im just asking about the steps they take for scammers and lorkan answered my question so im done and happy. you xi and everyone else wasn't even remotely close in answering my questions ... kinda dumb

What? Your questions were answered perfectly. You just don't know how to write or comprehend in general.

I don't know if they taught you this in school yet, but asking different questions yield different answers and perspectives.

Should scammers be punished? =/= is it right to scam?

Please learn the difference

09-12-2012, 02:54 PM
i never said GM's not doing anything . . i actually think the opposite but im just asking about the steps they take for scammers and lorkan answered my question so im done and happy. you xi and everyone else wasn't even remotely close in answering my questions ... kinda dumb

I'm just gonna sit here and lol for a bit.

Okay dude, no offence meant by this, but how can you not understand what XI is saying? All he's saying is that scammers not being banned is understandable because nowhere in the TOS does it say that you can't scam. It's not morally correct, and GMs may restore gear depending on the situation, but scammers don't get banned as they are not breaking any rules in the TOS. If they were banned, I'm sure they'd have a legitimate reason to complain. This still doesn't mean it's morally correct, and they're still as$holes.

09-12-2012, 02:55 PM
get your panties out of a bunch geez GM answer something that you couldn't its OK

You don't think scammers should be punished you made that clear.Already
lets just move on

09-12-2012, 02:58 PM
get your panties out of a bunch geez GM answer something that you couldn't its OK

You don't think scammers should be punished you made that clear.Already
lets just move on

You stupid? Oh wait, already know this one.





sped kid is sped. It's not too hard to admit that you have no idea what you're saying or reading.

09-12-2012, 03:02 PM
You stupid? Oh wait, already know this one.





sped kid is sped.

You say No to Punish Scammers
But GM just said that they do
so where does that leave you? o.o
even GM knows that scamming is wrong even if its not in ToS and im happy they are doing something agianst scammers
they awnserd my questions and im happy with their awnser so you can calm down now XI


09-12-2012, 03:09 PM
You say No to Punish Scammers
But GM just said that they do
so where does that leave you? o.o
even GM knows that scamming is wrong even if its not in ToS and im happy they are doing something agianst scammers
they awnserd my questions and im happy with their awnser so you can calm down now XI


They said they do but it's nowhere in TOS that scammers will be punished. Not really sure what's so hard to understand. Dumber than a rock much?


I'm done. Didn't know there were this many people as retarded as jimbo here. Oh wait, it's the internet.

09-12-2012, 03:10 PM

It's plain and simple. The GMs decided to take the politically/morally correct way of handling the issue.

The GM actually admitted that they usually have a hands off policy with trade issues.


We usually have a hands-off policy when it comes to player-to-player trade disputes. Thus, we always highly recommend to our players to be very careful when attempting to trade with another player. However, on special situations we do assist our players with player-to-player trade issues.

09-12-2012, 03:13 PM
either why i got my awnser and im happy so u guys can stop trying to make a point ty

09-12-2012, 03:13 PM
XI I personally think you need to think about how you're treating other people and the image you're portraying to others on the forums. While the topic was covered and this is somewhat redundant for it to go on this long, calling people speds and insulting other players isn't really appropriate behavior for someone who is trying to prove to the community that they deserve a spot as a spokesperson to another country to represent our community. Do we really want to further the stereotype of rude jerks etc?

09-12-2012, 03:17 PM
XI I personally think you need to think about how you're treating other people and the image you're portraying to others on the forums. While the topic was covered and this is somewhat redundant for it to go on this long, calling people speds and insulting other players isn't really appropriate behavior for someone who is trying to prove to the community that they deserve a spot as a spokesperson to another country to represent our community. Do we really want to further the stereotype of rude jerks etc?

well, ive pretty much been calling people speds since the start of the forums as well as trolling as many people as possible, yet people still seem to like me due to my non serious nature. but if you want to call me out on it now just because of this global thing, i don't mind. just sayin bro :\


09-12-2012, 03:25 PM
well, ive pretty much been calling people speds since the start of the forums as well as trolling as many people as possible, yet people still seem to like me due to my non serious nature. but if you want to call me out on it now just because of this global thing, i don't mind. just sayin bro :\


I don't personally care, I just think that some people might have a problem with it and there's a time and a place for trolling and for being serious and I'd hope you'd act more serious at the camp etc.

09-12-2012, 03:34 PM
XI I personally think you need to think about how you're treating other people and the image you're portraying to others on the forums. While the topic was covered and this is somewhat redundant for it to go on this long, calling people speds and insulting other players isn't really appropriate behavior for someone who is trying to prove to the community that they deserve a spot as a spokesperson to another country to represent our community. Do we really want to further the stereotype of rude jerks etc?

theres a limit to how much someone can help someone who cannot understand simple logic, and isnt fallen trying to represent as well, i do not see it happening

09-12-2012, 03:39 PM
theres a limit to how much someone can help someone who cannot understand simple logic, and isnt fallen trying to represent as well, i do not see it happening

09-12-2012, 03:54 PM
I don't personally care, I just think that some people might have a problem with it and there's a time and a place for trolling and for being serious and I'd hope you'd act more serious at the camp etc.

gonna be gangnam styling in and out of everywhere nomsayin

09-12-2012, 04:06 PM
gonna be gangnam styling in and out of everywhere nomsayin


09-12-2012, 04:07 PM
if u got scammed, ur pretty retarded :/

09-12-2012, 04:21 PM
I made it to page 6 before chingu's logic destroyed my soul. god bless

09-12-2012, 04:28 PM
I made it to page 6 before chingu's logic destroyed my soul. god bless
danng lol

09-12-2012, 04:38 PM
I made it to page 6 before chingu's logic destroyed my soul. god bless

my logic man im telling you its some powerful stuff

09-12-2012, 04:49 PM
my logic man im telling you its some powerful stuff

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you might be legally stupid.

09-12-2012, 04:51 PM
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you might be legally stupid.
o.o come at me meng

09-12-2012, 06:33 PM
Problems In This Game
- Lack Of FUN Events
- Dramatic Population Difference Between Servers
- Players want more GM interaction ingame
- There are still bots walking around even tho i noticed a decrease of the amount of them there are.
- http://i50.tinypic.com/a3mgcg.png <- this thing is broken
- Alz Spammers Are Still Shouting and Mailing People
- "Scammers" What are the steps EST is taking to lower the amount of scammers and cases of people getting scammed?
-http://i49.tinypic.com/140est2.png <-- this was kinda funny months ago but now its like "really?" when are they gonna fix this -___-

everything else is pretty much irrelevant at this point

^^ Chingu For Korea 2012
"For the Players!"

how about the inbalance between cap and proc in merc =/?

09-12-2012, 06:53 PM
honestly after reading all this i think chingu just wanted to know xi's opinion on scamming people(right or wrong) whether it was in the tos or not

09-12-2012, 07:08 PM
honestly after reading all this i think chingu just wanted to know xi's opinion on scamming people(right or wrong) whether it was in the tos or not

Well if you want my honest opinion, I do believe that scamming is morally incorrect, however I can't sympathize with those who get scammed since they were at fault as well. This is why I can understand why the TOS doesn't make scamming a bannable offense seeing as a "scam" is simply someone manipulating someone else for their greater good. It happens all the time online or offline. The smart will pick on the weak.

09-12-2012, 07:15 PM
yea i agree but as you said people will pretend to be your friend and fk u over =/, so its nice that gm's help people out in some cases. had this happen to me once lol now im forever questioning who is legit XD

09-12-2012, 07:16 PM
honestly after reading all this i think chingu just wanted to know xi's opinion on scamming people(right or wrong) whether it was in the tos or not

dam dante you know me so well Q.Q

09-12-2012, 07:19 PM
was easy to pick up little hints lol

09-12-2012, 07:20 PM
was easy to pick up little hints lol
lol haha yup

09-12-2012, 07:29 PM
Nice try, but I highly doubt you're intelligent enough to come up with that kind of ploy.

The whole time XI already stated his stance regarding scamming. I've also mentioned that it goes both ways, political and non-political stand point.

Your attempt to change your stance from being legally stupid to I'm trolling you, will not work.

Sorry, but people already know your stupidity is beyond repair.

Courtesy of DanteX

09-12-2012, 07:40 PM
brah that's copy right, im telling o_o. jk lol i don't even own this D:

09-12-2012, 09:35 PM
Nice try, but I highly doubt you're intelligent enough to come up with that kind of ploy.

The whole time XI already stated his stance regarding scamming. I've also mentioned that it goes both ways, political and non-political stand point.

Your attempt to change your stance from being legally stupid to I'm trolling you, will not work.

Sorry, but people already know your stupidity is beyond repair.

Courtesy of DanteX

sigh .... why are you still talking

09-13-2012, 09:15 AM
sigh .... why are you still talking

Why did you go full retard?

09-13-2012, 09:30 AM
Why did you go full retard?
i could ask you the same thing

09-13-2012, 02:09 PM
Do you guys really think these forum discussions will change anything? GMs are not even respond into this? The GMs are more like community mods, I don't think they know a dam thing about fixing a network security issue or how to secure one.

Gotta agree with all of you that this game have so many exploits than most game. Reality is, I don't think GMs have any power to change anything. They're not the developers or the game architects to get these exploits fix.

They should have an open line that the players could send exploits they found directly to the dev team to collect data so it can be fix. That's more better than these community mods.

09-13-2012, 02:35 PM
Do you guys really think these forum discussions will change anything? GMs are not even respond into this? The GMs are more like community mods, I don't think they know a dam thing about fixing a network security issue or how to secure one.

Gotta agree with all of you that this game have so many exploits than most game. Reality is, I don't think GMs have any power to change anything. They're not the developers or the game architects to get these exploits fix.

They should have an open line that the players could send exploits they found directly to the dev team to collect data so it can be fix. That's more better than these community mods.

Actually, Lorkan did respond to this.

Regarding the cheat and exploits, these things can't be fixed by Game Masters. But, they did mention in my ticket that any major issue is immediately reported to their HQ.

Open line with the with devs? That's retarded, did you even see the arguments on this thread alone? You expect the devs to listen to that kind of retardation?

09-13-2012, 02:57 PM
all of the forum discussions that you guys post on here are retarded just as anything out there. I worked with Devs everyday, they're just a bunch of lazy pile of crap. Mabye a line will give them some real work.

09-13-2012, 03:00 PM
all of these discussions can go on and on with the regular trolls. All I see is the same ppl btching over and over. It's kind of depressing.

09-17-2012, 08:26 PM
Umm what do you mean removed? O.o


truely false
09-18-2012, 04:58 PM
y was the bad user report list thread completely deleted? wonder how long til this thread is locked/deleted then. as i pointed out last thread, estsoft doesnt seem interested in banning cheaters unless it directly affects their pockets. this game has basically become pay2win/cheat2win. im ok with the former because a business needs revenue but the latter is just sad. having to cheat in a GAME just to get somewhere is pathetic beyond words. unfortunately the two go hand in hand in this game where most cheaters also pay. couple months back i reported an fa named QueenFA with a formal ticket and ss. it was lv 157 yet it was wallhacking at alis in pi which as u guys know is a 160+ map, that alone should've been enough to ban it yet it's still running around today. more recently, with the golem event, autolooting/macros have become a real problem. for example this one person (not giving out a name cuz im not interested in a flame war) has alrdy looted a bof8, cr3 and an sehh which im sure him and his guildies will claim is due to pure "luck" or speed. anyways i wanna keep this short. thoughts anyone?

DAAAAAAAAAAM! you all went off topic. All that was required was a small comment about weather action is quick enough or lacking when it come to hacking/botting. As for Xi and Chingu :p if you both want to have a debate so the community can choose who is better to sent to Korea well then start you own thread guys...lmao @ U....:rolleyes: :p :rolleyes: