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View Full Version : What's The Best Character Of Your Opinion ? ( New Player)

10-11-2012, 08:57 PM
Hello everyone,
I'm a new player here and I just wanna know what's the best character ?
please everyone step in this thread tell me his opinion ... Thnx

10-11-2012, 09:33 PM
if you are new the easiest class to use is FS,WA

best class in my opinion is wizard

truely false
10-11-2012, 09:34 PM
All character classes have thier pro and con with that said it really is a personal preference when choosing one over the others. If you are just starting to play cabal well Warrior class is a good character to start off with. The Warrior is the easiest to learn and play the game with but once you are familiar with the game play then try one of the other character classes.

10-11-2012, 09:38 PM
FS/FA are the easiest to learn with imo, WA requires more gear than most classes due to lack of a spammable aoe stun.

10-11-2012, 09:52 PM
overall wa is the strongest class,but i do love fb and they r easier to build and are wayyy more fun than fs.so yea wa/fb. ;)

10-12-2012, 02:44 AM
anyone else to tell us his/her opinion ?

10-12-2012, 06:40 AM
There is no best.
Depends what you like and what you gonna do in game?

Pve solo much? Pve party? Pvp? Pk? Nation War? You're more of a tanky, a support or a nuker type of player? Range, close combat?

FB might me quite tricky at start, though I consider it to be the best all-round class.

You can be support, you can play offensive, you can tank and defend position when needed. All this thanks to your crowd control debuffs. Skills are mostly close combat but you can build it to be somewhat mixed. Trascender skill is ranged and so is abyssal crystal, a very spamable range skill. In addiction you can also do some dmg (pvp/pk-wise) with magic skills such as cannons. A properly build FB can crit nearly 1k/cannon on low def classes. FB is the only class which gains full benefit from the current all skill amp gears, boosting up both its sword as well as its magic dmg. Let's say you root+darkness another class, they won't be able to hit you (beside FA) yet you can keep hiting them ranged for 18 seconds. They'll probably be dead before root wears out.

But all of this will come at the cost of not being the best in particular cases: WA will have much more attack than you; WI will nuke much harder than you and with their bm3 they can finally make use of their range; FA will outdps and outrange you by a lot, if you face a BM3 FA you're dead before reaching him; FS has higher def and... that's it; BL better survival skills and epic buffs coupled with relog.

Make your choice.


10-12-2012, 07:06 AM
Fa is the easiest for sure. i could get a 15x fa through ft2 in osm/ST. like to see a WA do that.

Wiz best class overall. imo

10-12-2012, 07:23 AM
imo FA . . . . wait let me stop before i end up making this thread having 400+ replies
anyways just pick any class you like
there is no class that is better than the other
they are all balanced at the beginning

its always cool to see new players in this game :D

truely false
10-12-2012, 09:01 AM
anyone else to tell us his/her opinion ?

Well as you can read it really comes down to a personal choice. Just play game, make your own and find what best one works for you.

10-12-2012, 09:07 AM
Whatever class I'm playing is the best k?