View Full Version : CABAL Global Camp Conclusion: Xi's Interview

[GM] Kato
11-02-2012, 03:19 PM
Hello everyone,

The following is a transcript of Xi and Game Master Lorkan's interview for the CABAL Global Camp. Initially, we planned to have a video interview with XI as well. Unfortunately, due to technical difficulties, the quality of the video suffered and we decided not to air it. You can view the events main thread here: http://forum.cabal.com/showthread.php?34480-CABAL-Global-Camp-Conclusion-An-Overview

[GM]Lorkan: Hey guys this is Game Master Lorkan interviewing Jeremy, aka XI, or should I call you 11?

Jeremy: Either one is fine

[GM]Lorkan: Jeremy, so, how are you doing?

Jeremy: Pretty good! How about you?

[GM]Lorkan: Awesome man. This is going to be the first interview of the Global Camp. So, first question. How was your trip to Jeju Korea?

Jeremy: It was pretty good, really tiring actually. We had to go through two flights, and a whole lot of airport security. Overall, it was totally worth it.

[GM]Lorkan: What part of the trip did you enjoy the most?

Jeremy: Hmm… Uhh, well I’d say the hotel. It was a super luxurious hotel; everything was complementary-even the alcoholic drinks. The food was absolutely delicious.

[GM]Lorkan: Ha, cool. So I hear you didn’t like the PvP.

Jeremy: *laughs*

[GM]Lorkan: Alright, alright. We will discuss that later. Let’s continue… so the presentation that was shown to you guys-I believe it was called the future of CABAL. Which part of that are you most excited about?

Jeremy: Probably the ladder PvP that’s in the frozen coliseum, along with the “seventh class” or whatever you want to call it. Group PvP looks amazing too.

[GM]Lorkan: Which part of that presentation were you least excited about?

Jeremy: Probably the PVE section of the presentation, which is the new EoD 3. Apparently, there is going to be a new ring. So it’s just more dungeoning, which I hate.

[GM]Lorkan: So you really don’t like the PvE aspects of games do you. In that case, overall in regard to the PvP changes, are they good or are they bad? Do you think you will be number one?

Jeremy: Well with its currently early design, the top rankings are definitely not going to be held by Warriors or Force Shielders-for sure but, *laughs* I’m pretty confident about the PvP ladder. Overall, the changes are great.

[GM]Lorkan: What about the new PvE aspect? Do you think a lot more people are going to try and get that new ring? I don’t even know what it’s called but, it seems to be an upgrade for the Killian’s Ring, right?

Jeremy: Yeah that’s right. I don’t know, it really depends on how hard the dungeon will be. It also depends on the drop rates of the ring too. I can’t really say for certain though, we don’t even know that stats on it yet.

[GM]Lorkan: Were you able to test the new dungeon or, was the event more focused on the PvP tournament?

Jeremy: Well we really didn’t get much time outside of the PvP tournament, so we didn’t test PvE related content.

[GM]Lorkan: Ah bummer. Since we’re talking about PvP-during the PvP tournament, how intense was the competition?

Jeremy: *laughs* *laughs some more* :P It was hectic during the beginning, and we had a couple technical issues since it was such an early alpha build for testing, but they got sorted out. There was a very strict time constraint, so the finals had to be best out of 1 instead of best out of 3. It was really competitive I’d say, overall, everyone was having a lot of fun.

[GM]Lorkan: So you got to do a lot of testing while having a lot of fun?

Jeremy: Yeah it was a good time; the prizes at the end were an added bonus.

[GM]Lorkan: Can you tell us a little about the prizes?

Jeremy: Yeah-sure. They are these really cool plaques that say “1st, 2nd, 3rd, place Jeju CABAL Global Camp”

[GM]Lorkan: I’d like one of those for myself! I believe Romp won 3rd place right?

Jeremy: Yep! Gratz to Romp!

[GM]Lorkan: What’s your opinion on the new mission battle?

Jeremy: There are some things that still need to be fixed in the development of future builds. Other than that, it’s a pretty interesting system and I really look forward to it, along with the other future updates.

[GM]Lorkan: How does it feel to be the biggest let down of 2012?

Jeremy: *LOL*

[GM]Lorkan: Ha, I’m just kidding, you don’t have to answer that.

Jeremy: No, no, I’m going to explain it right now.

[GM]Lorkan: Alright cool!

Jeremy: I’m going to go into a little rant on why melee classes were garbage in the alpha build.
In the new arena, it’s really small, so you’d think that melee classes wouldn’t get kited as much. I was absolutely wrong, because an FA had enough range to outrange the base towers. They were able to start off a combo right as you spawned and get a big advantage. The base tower is designed to prevent this, because it’s capable of killing you in one hit.
Wizards get this new self-buff that’s like shadow shield. It has like a 30 second cool down and absorbs 3000 damage. They also have a new 84 magic damage buff, so magic classes have it real nice in there. Force Bladers can compete since they have root, and you’re able to MFP. As for Warriors and Force Shielders, the suppression effect attached the skills were not implemented in the alpha yet, and that made it very difficult to compete with the BM3 of a ranged class.
I think that the new map also favors amp over crit damage because the FA I was going against, when I decided to play as an FS in the quarter finals was able to exchange damage very well. At one point I was at full health, and he was at half health, we had a standing combo fight and he still won. That exact same situation happened twice in a row so I lost like 200 points there. I should have just stuck with FB. The matches I played up to the quarter finals I was using an FB, it was pretty face roll. I think I’ll just end my rant there.

[GM]Lorkan: Haha well sorry to hear that things didn’t pan out so well. I heard you spoke with Calvin already, one of the CABAL lead developers in Korea. He has said there are going to be changes regarding the game itself in order to keep the game balanced for competitive reasons. Hopefully we will get some details on those changes in the near future. Anyway; what was your overall opinion of the CABAL Global Camp?

Jeremy: I definitely liked it! I had a lot of fun, and I had the chance to meet a lot of amazing people. I hope that next time the event runs a little longer so that the winners can enjoy a slightly longer stay.

[GM]Lorkan: If you had the chance to go again, would you?

Jeremy: Yes! Definitely!

[GM]Lorkan: Awesome man, it was nice talking to you. If you want to give any shout outs, go ahead man.

Jeremy: Uhhhh. Sorry for letting everyone down, biggest letdown 2012! *laughing* No…I’m just kidding. No…I’m not kidding. Aaaand that’s it!

[GM]Lorkan: Haha, alright man, thank you!

11-02-2012, 07:52 PM
Wasn't as competitive as it was for fun*

11-04-2012, 10:02 AM
We should set our own something up then. It'd be fun :D (though our imbalance of gears might make it more lopsided lol)

11-04-2012, 11:35 AM
Would be cool if EST could do a localized tournament like that. Hell they don't even need to bring people anywhere, just give participants temporary accounts or possibly accounts on a tournament specific server with identical gear like they had at the camp.

11-04-2012, 02:21 PM

11-04-2012, 07:27 PM
Would be cool if EST could do a localized tournament like that. Hell they don't even need to bring people anywhere, just give participants temporary accounts or possibly accounts on a tournament specific server with identical gear like they had at the camp.


truely false
11-04-2012, 10:30 PM
[GM]Lorkan: What part of the trip did you enjoy the most?

Jeremy: Hmm… Uhh, well I’d say the hotel. It was a super luxurious hotel; everything was complementary-even the alcoholic drinks. The food was absolutely delicious.

Ofc the trip was fun after all it was to a tropical paradise.

Jeremy:...when I decided to play as an FS in the quarter finals was able to exchange damage very well....I should have just stuck with FB. The matches I played up to the quarter finals I was using an FB, it was pretty face roll...

Its a fine line between a good choice and a bad choice so don't sweat the decision.

Would be cool if EST could do a localized tournament like that. Hell they don't even need to bring people anywhere, just give participants temporary accounts or possibly accounts on a tournament specific server with identical gear like they had at the camp.

Now this is something I would enjoy and I'm sure the majority of Cabal NA's community would participate as well.

11-04-2012, 10:54 PM
bad news is it aint gonna happen.