View Full Version : Question about prices.

11-11-2012, 03:03 AM
Greetings from EU (non updated to arcane trance server).
I came so far from home to ask you guys, about some item prices. Yes, I would like to buy some things which will get more expensive after we get the update too.
1. Critical Ring +2
2. Critical Ring +3
4. Ring of Luck +2
5. Ring of Luck +3
6. Amulet of Pain +6
7. Bracelet of Sage +7
8. Bracelet of Fighter +7
9. FCH
10. FCHH
11. Perfect Core (Medium)
12. Perfect Core (High)
13. Perfect Core (Highest)
14. Mithril Blade 2 slot
15. Mithril Katana 2 slot
16. Mithril Orb 2 slot
17. Mithril Crystal 2 slot
18. Mithril Great Sword 2 slot
19. Mithril Daikatana 2 slot
20. Epaulet of Fighter +8
21. Epaulet of Sage +8
22. Sig Eos +7
23. Sig Eof +7
24. Killian's Limbic Tonsil Cell
25. Bronze Voucher

I might add some more items on this list. Sorry because I have to post it here, but since I can't join in-game, I can't check them myself.

Thank you.

I would also like to know which would be the easiest and the cheapest way, to get basic craft lv 8 now or in arcane trance ? (which will be converted into amity level or w/e)
- How many chloe's token's are required to register SEH recipe?
- How's the rate in crafting a SEH, for example?

11-11-2012, 03:44 AM
1. Critical Ring +2- 270mil
2. Critical Ring +3- although rare to drop the price is not yet known some ppl want 3bil for it others sell it for less than that
4. Ring of Luck +2- 300mil
5. Ring of Luck +3 - same thing as cr3
6. Amulet of Pain +6- between 900mil-1.1 bil
7. Bracelet of Sage +7- got mine for 240 mil each
8. Bracelet of Fighter +7- 470 mil or less
9. FCH- 170k
10. FCHH-90k
11. Perfect Core (Medium)500mil to 700mil varies with market
12. Perfect Core (High) - 500 to 740mil varies with market
13. Perfect Core (Highest) last ive heard ppl sold them for 2.5 + bil
14. Mithril Blade 2 slot- dont know since none in AH atm
15. Mithril Katana 2 slot- 19mil
16. Mithril Orb 2 slot- 39mil
17. Mithril Crystal 2 slot- 9.9 mil
18. Mithril Great Sword 2 slot- 10mil
19. Mithril Daikatana 2 slot- 8.9 mil
20. Epaulet of Fighter +8- price range from 2.7 to 3.0 bil
21. Epaulet of Sage +8- ranges from 1.9 to 2.3bil
22. Sig Eos +7- none in AH
23. Sig Eof +7 - around 900mil to 1.4 bil
24. Killian's Limbic Tonsil Cell- 320mil
25. Bronze Voucher- atm sellin at 135mil

I would also like to know which would be the easiest and the cheapest way, to get basic craft lv 8 now or in arcane trance ? (which will be converted into amity level or w/e) there is no cheapest way, only way to lvl it is by doin it the same way its been doin forever.

- How many chloe's token's are required to register SEH recipe? you need 250 chloe tokens but you can only get 1 per day so it would be 250days later or you can pay in alz to register and that amount is 5bil or here in NA we can buy tokens in Cashshop which cost 199 ecoins for 1 token

- How's the rate in crafting a SEH, for example? its terribad same as the old SEH formula card recipe you're better off farmin one!

all the prices are written based on the cheapest item in AH and are subject to change from being cheaper to more expensive depending on the demand the server Mercury in NA

hope this helps

11-11-2012, 03:52 AM
Greetings from EU (non updated to arcane trance server).
I came so far from home to ask you guys, about some item prices. Yes, I would like to buy some things which will get more expensive after we get the update too.
1. Critical Ring +2 (before : 600m / now : 250m)
2. Critical Ring +3 (only saw one few days ago and it was like 2-3b)
4. Ring of Luck +2 (before : 4b / now : 250m)
5. Ring of Luck +3 (before : 10b / now : 3-4b)
6. Amulet of Pain +6 (before : 4b / now : 750-850m)
7. Bracelet of Sage +7 (before : 850m / now : around 300m)
8. Bracelet of Fighter +7 (before : 1.2-1.5b / now : 450-500m)
9. FCH (same prices)
10. FCHH (same prices)
11. Perfect Core (Medium) ( before : 800m / now : 650m)
12. Perfect Core (High) (before : 800m-1b / now : 600-650m)
13. Perfect Core (Highest) (same prices)
14. Mithril Blade 2 slot (same prices)
15. Mithril Katana 2 slot (same prices)
16. Mithril Orb 2 slot (same prices)
17. Mithril Crystal 2 slot (same prices)
18. Mithril Great Sword 2 slot (same prices)
19. Mithril Daikatana 2 slot (same prices)
20. Epaulet of Fighter +8 (before : 4-6b / now : 2-3b)
21. Epaulet of Sage +8 (before : 3-4b / now : 2b)
22. Sig Eos +7 (same prices)
23. Sig Eof +7 (same prices)
24. Killian's Limbic Tonsil Cell (same prices)
25. Bronze Voucher (same prices)

I might add some more items on this list. Sorry because I have to post it here, but since I can't join in-game, I can't check them myself.

Thank you.

I would also like to know which would be the easiest and the cheapest way, to get basic craft lv 8 now or in arcane trance ? (which will be converted into amity level or w/e)
- How many chloe's token's are required to register SEH recipe?
- How's the rate in crafting a SEH, for example?

and for the cheapest way its before AT update to get max basic craft now its pain in da ass
i think SEH require around 250 token i don't remember

p.s. may be am not exact about all the prices but its almost the normal average and yea stuff got cheaper

Sig Event 15 now worth 2b when it used to worth 3.5b same goes for forcy amp i saw a forcy amp yest for 1.5b O.o
Have Fun:D

11-11-2012, 04:26 AM
I wanted to make some extra alz with the update, but it seems that the only thing which changed radically(in Mercury server) is the perfect core medium and the FCH.

Are there any other items which worth buying before and selling after AT?

11-11-2012, 05:18 AM
2 slot armor pieces red osm and higher went up in price.

Also keep in mind that people will be able to craft lvl 2/3 disks into higher levels, so their prices will change quite a bit too.

11-11-2012, 10:53 AM
Which is more profitable in arcane trance? Basic craft or Professional craft?

11-11-2012, 11:25 AM
Which is more profitable in arcane trance? Basic craft or Professional craft?

Basic craft will take a crazy amount of time or money to get anywhere. Chloe token requirements are very high, so are the alz prices. Hell we don't even know the success rate on most the crafts just because how long it would take to unlock the crafts.

Professional crafting rates are not very high, but higher than they were before the update. With the introduction of epic craftman armor/weapons, easier to make aop crafting and cr2/rol2 crafting also makes professional crafting more attractive.

11-11-2012, 02:02 PM
save all your upgrade and force core peices

11-11-2012, 03:34 PM
Oh and Circuit Jewels lvl 3 and higher will all spike in price when the update first comes out.