View Full Version : Hellz yah! new event coming

truely false
11-21-2012, 06:08 PM
There is going to be 3 new events but the one I'm looking forward to the most is "Fall Festivities - Black and Red" :

[Items available from Event Girl Yul]
Shadowtitanium/Aqua weapons: 50 Black Feather and 5,000,000 Alz
Redosmium/Topaz weapons: 50 Gold Feather and 30,000,000 Alz
Critical DMG: 32% / 16%
Critical Rate: 16% / 8%
- All items are 2 slot.
- All items have a 7 day duration, will become permanent when you succeed in enchanting to +14.

I'm going for the Great Sword...;)

11-21-2012, 06:13 PM
i want forcy oc event with sghh and sehh but nooooo x.x

11-21-2012, 07:02 PM
i want forcy oc event with sghh and sehh but nooooo x.x

Is your credit card ready?! =)))

To buy and sell vouchers, don't rage @ me >.<

truely false
11-21-2012, 07:10 PM
Is your credit card ready?! =)))

To buy and sell vouchers, don't rage @ me >.<

or just find a sugar daddy he'll buy whatever your heart desires...lol...:p :rolleyes: :p

11-21-2012, 07:46 PM
all this money and no-one to spend it on Q.Q #foreverlonley

11-21-2012, 08:41 PM
Is your credit card ready?! =)))

To buy and sell vouchers, don't rage @ me >.<

yep yep.


i have a life lol,this is me:wake up>run>shower>breakfast>go to school>go to gf`s house chill with her and eat cuz vanderbilt university is to far from my house XD>shower > go to work>home and sleep for the next day.
only reason i wanna gear my stupid fb is to get it over with cuz every1 keeps telling me to do so lol so yea w/e
i am barely playing like 1-4 hours which i just logg and leave my char skilling pet then go do homework.
right now i am at work.

11-21-2012, 09:11 PM
yep yep.


i have a life lol,this is me:wake up>run>shower>breakfast>go to school>go to gf`s house chill with her and eat cuz vanderbilt university is to far from my house XD>shower > go to work>home and sleep for the next day.
only reason i wanna gear my stupid fb is to get it over with cuz every1 keeps telling me to do so lol so yea w/e
i am barely playing like 1-4 hours which i just logg and leave my char skilling pet then go do homework.
right now i am at work.

lol i wasnt aiming towards you lol . . . im talking bout me >_<

this is me
wakeup>facebook>shower>breakfast>class>friends>no gf>cabal>facebook/twitter>movies>game/cabal

and no im not a nerd . . .
lol i played football/basketball and tennis back in highschool

11-21-2012, 09:43 PM
Nerd =3

11-21-2012, 09:48 PM
lol sorry man x.x

truely false
11-21-2012, 09:50 PM
all this money and no-one to spend it on Q.Q #foreverlonley

Chingu = someones future sugar daddy...:rolleyes: