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View Full Version : Solution to the Bots (Need Help)

11-26-2012, 06:41 AM
I have came up with an idea, but I have a problem. If any of you guys can think of a good solution to this, please tell me. I am accepting critique.

Whenever a character has been logged on for a certain amount of time, a randomly generated math problem appears. The math problem needs to be rather simple, only like one number questions so it can be answered easily and it needs to be a math problem so the global players can answer it also. If the problem isn't answer in about 10 seconds, the player will be disconnected (maybe for a certain amount of time). If it happens again within a certain time period, the user will be banned, or temporarily banned.

However, my problem would be the people who go AFK for firetraps or whatever, and the skill/pet grinders. I was thinking that maybe you can press an "AFK" button on the game and you stay in "AFK mode" until your character moves.

If you can think of a better solution to this, or can add on to it in any way, please feel free to contribute.

11-26-2012, 07:16 AM
wat about the people spinnig for tpoints?

11-26-2012, 07:50 AM
How about CAPTCHA when sending mail (with sending limit and time) or logging in?
That way the spam in mail will be fixed.

I also suggest putting a bot-specialized GM in each server,
to ban all those bots following the SAME pattern i see in them everyday.

Any suggestions for the BOT-WHISPERERS?

11-26-2012, 08:54 AM
Captcha was tried before it didn't stop them they found a way around it
And no thanks ill pass last thing I need to be doing I'd math and responding to that crap while fighting a boss or running a dung not to mention I wouldn't be able to go afk all day anymore lol

11-26-2012, 12:25 PM
the game use to have that when playing for a long time

11-28-2012, 11:00 AM
ur ideas are...lack of better words... a bit childish
Now think about bots from the moment they created...not in game but accounts
since behind every bot is a email account
come up with an idea in that area and then MAYBE there is a way to beat the bots.
(something along the lines:limit player creation for the day, or email verification for some prizes so ppl are willing to participate, since there are ppl behind bots making new emails over and over...solve the problem from the root not the branch)
or maybe change gameguard as the security provider is a suggest lol

11-28-2012, 04:10 PM
I would suggest a list of names that are banned too from previously banned/ deleted bots.