View Full Version : lots of bots in Mercury's channel 15 at the Green Despair

11-27-2012, 12:10 PM
I spotted several bots around the area of Green Despair at Mercury server's channel 15. These are the screens of them.
They're really hard to keep up with so forgive me for the bad screenshots. (SolaraOtan is my char. The others are the botters.) They run really fast. I suspect they also use speed hacking. There's also so many that it's hard for me to keep up with so these are the 3 to 4 I found. A gm please do something about these annoying botters. They're ruining the fun for the rest of us that are legitly trying to level and play. :( It would be nice if they are taken care off. Thank you very much.

11-27-2012, 05:47 PM
Exactly my thoughts. I went around switching to the least populated servers I can enter thinking they won't be a bother then suddenly, surprise... More active bots than the first channel. -.-' I'm new here. I began this game just yesterday. At first, seeing ad bots in towns on channel 1 wasn't annoying. But then all these botters starts killing stuff I need for quests on channel 15 is a mess. I love this game so I don't want to quit this game because of bot overflow. So if any GMs are reading this, please do fix the problems thank you. Oh by the way, the bots are more and more active. Even though there's a "bot reporting" option ingame, it's useless.... I mean I can't even keep up with the screenshots because most are super-fast.

11-28-2012, 06:28 PM
Yeah, the it's the same on Venus too. Could something please be done about this?

11-28-2012, 07:31 PM
I'm sure the GMs are working hard to solve the bot issues. It's overwhelmingly difficult I guess because botters can do just about anything to get around bans. >_<; Oh well. Let's just hope the GMs can take care of things.

[GM] Kato
12-06-2012, 03:08 PM
Hi SaberGirl,

We're constantly monitoring bot activity and we're doing our best to get rid of them. We understand they're unpleasant to be seen running around, especially if you're questing.

We do appreciate the report and if you happen to come across more suspicious activity, please let us know.

[GM] Kato