View Full Version : Re: Frequent Disconnects and Error Code 6

11-29-2012, 12:24 AM
GM, I have seriously about had it with the disconnects and the error codes. My patience is running out.

I have BB Plus and I want to farm t-points in Pontus Ferrum. I can't get the t-points I want if I am always randomly disconnecting or getting error codes. It is a waste of my money.

Not all of us are rich and can afford to spend $150 dollars at random on Black Friday events and whatnot. It is a blessing to be able to spend what I do on whatever game I play for fun---therefore I expect it to go far and to get all I can out of it.

I am certain there are a lot of people getting as mad as I am by now. It is not just the disconnects either but the bots and other errors too. Until these problems are fixed I am done spending any of my money on this game.

I like Cabal. I don't give a "care" about any Cabal 2, yet these issues are about getting me close to rage quitting.