View Full Version : WHAT THE HELL!!!only 20%

12-03-2012, 12:06 PM

Only 20% each blade buff, so i guess astral enhancement=15 Crit rate=35% total but why so that mean to get lv:11 on astral enhancement=forcium crystal/orb, i feel bad for those of us that got 7/40

12-03-2012, 12:37 PM
lolol fb 60rate lawl

12-03-2012, 12:40 PM
pretty cool with the instant buffs, they didn't have that at the global camp yet - so i didn't get to experiment if it worked in combo

noob shinji didnt read

and i believe sig/ forc are equal 15 rate for astral weapons

12-03-2012, 01:36 PM
yea rate will still be the same for FB, just now u get some from the buff, and some from your astral weapon thingy

12-03-2012, 01:50 PM
pretty cool with the instant buffs, they didn't have that at the global camp yet - so i didn't get to experiment if it worked in combo

noob shinji didnt read

and i believe sig/ forc are equal 15 rate for astral weapons

Why would they make sig give the same bonus as forcium? Not that I'd complain since I use sig...

12-03-2012, 03:01 PM
fb wont have 60 rate becasue u cant cast all 3 at once

12-03-2012, 03:26 PM
pretty neat...so....if im dashing in combo..will i be able to cast cats, ii, bears etc?

12-03-2012, 04:13 PM

Only 20% each blade buff, so i guess astral enhancement=15 Crit rate=35% total but why so that mean to get lv:11 on astral enhancement=forcium crystal/orb, i feel bad for those of us that got 7/40


i dont know how updated this video is but from what it shows...lv1 and lv6 has the same crit rate = 15rate. I dont know what you're thinking only lv11 = 15 rate, ill buy your 7/40 for 2mil XD.

12-03-2012, 06:35 PM
you will not be able to combo cast instant immunity/cats/bear

12-03-2012, 06:39 PM
lol.. just buff combo... Start combo *short range skill* Buff Skill, repeat and keep in chain.

12-03-2012, 08:38 PM

INCOMING!!!! nice stats

12-03-2012, 09:49 PM
so .. buff + astral enchant is 35 rate? + base = 40 rate? seems fine to me.

12-03-2012, 09:59 PM
I see no issues there, all you'd need is a merg and you'd be set, not to mention crit rate rune. Worry more about ways to increase your max crit rate now :P

12-03-2012, 10:35 PM
so for a fb is better to have like both weaps forcy/sig +15 even if they dont have rate.....like u will get rate bonsu from the enchant buff anyway right? or have 2 40/7 pieces (helm and crystal/orb)?

12-04-2012, 06:27 AM
so for a fb is better to have like both weaps forcy/sig +15 even if they dont have rate.....like u will get rate bonsu from the enchant buff anyway right? or have 2 40/7 pieces (helm and crystal/orb)?

Well it depends on the grade not the + forcium+0= +15 sig, All Mr.Wormy knows is that the crit rate for fb is held 35% still, he didn't say anyting about rate coming from Astral Enhancement!

12-04-2012, 09:40 AM
Well it depends on the grade not the + forcium+0= +15 sig, All Mr.Wormy knows is that the crit rate for fb is held 35% still, he didn't say anyting about rate coming from Astral Enhancement!


and i meant sig +15 and forcy +15.i mean as a fb i would like to have at least 2 40/7 and people are choosing attack/cd over base so i wonder if having 1 forcy katana +15 craftman,sig helm 40/7(ofc) and a sig or topaz crystal/orb 40/7 is still a good idea x.x

12-04-2012, 09:51 AM
Why would they make sig give the same bonus as forcium? Not that I'd complain since I use sig...

They are not. The *critical damage column is different

Aqua 12
Lapis 13
Topz 14
Sig 15
Forc 16 [ lowered base attack * not sure * ]
Lyc 17 [ and a change in base attack to surpass forcium * i think * ]

can someone confirm ?

12-04-2012, 11:10 AM
They are not. The *critical damage column is different

Aqua 12
Lapis 13
Topz 14
Sig 15
Forc 16 [ lowered base attack * not sure * ]
Lyc 17 [ and a change in base attack to surpass forcium * i think * ]

can someone confirm ?

If you have seen well it says mr.Wormy is not sure about lyc orb/crystal so you gotta wait...

12-04-2012, 11:11 AM

and i meant sig +15 and forcy +15.i mean as a fb i would like to have at least 2 40/7 and people are choosing attack/cd over base so i wonder if having 1 forcy katana +15 craftman,sig helm 40/7(ofc) and a sig or topaz crystal/orb 40/7 is still a good idea x.x

I'd say sig crystal/orb 7/40 the blade/katana doesn't matter the update only wants your orb/crystal so make it sig... cuz topaz gives a hell lower stats than the rest unless you can go with 7/40 and make up for those lost stats yeah

12-04-2012, 11:18 AM
i was thinking topaz crystal 40/7 and a forcy katana craftman +15 and the sig helm.i know ppl are going full forcy +15 but they are forgetting about the rate and thats when "i died in pvp cuz i didnt crtic"<excuse comes to life lol.

12-04-2012, 11:48 AM
i was thinking topaz crystal 40/7 and a forcy katana craftman +15 and the sig helm.i know ppl are going full forcy +15 but they are forgetting about the rate and thats when "i died in pvp cuz i didnt crtic"<excuse comes to life lol.

You can easily get ~60 rate with buffs and tyrant ring.

12-04-2012, 11:54 AM
pretty cool with the instant buffs, they didn't have that at the global camp yet - so i didn't get to experiment if it worked in combo

noob shinji didnt read

and i believe sig/ forc are equal 15 rate for astral weapons
:( I read 20% each blade thats all LOL.

12-04-2012, 01:44 PM
i was thinking topaz crystal 40/7 and a forcy katana craftman +15 and the sig helm.i know ppl are going full forcy +15 but they are forgetting about the rate and thats when "i died in pvp cuz i didnt crtic"<excuse comes to life lol.

you might want to double check with crystal getting a 20% boost in damage ...
i.e. it might be that forcy crystal + 7/40 blade > forcy blade + 7/40 topaz, if you get 20% boost in damage for crystals.

Wait for the final patch notes before rushing to a forcium + 15 blade. :) , saving my alz at the moment.

12-04-2012, 03:24 PM
you might want to double check with crystal getting a 20% boost in damage ...
i.e. it might be that forcy crystal + 7/40 blade > forcy blade + 7/40 topaz, if you get 20% boost in damage for crystals.

Wait for the final patch notes before rushing to a forcium + 15 blade. :) , saving my alz at the moment.

The whole 20% crystal damage boost thing is so weird. Why would they put a damage boost on an item that won't show in stats? Almost sounds like an urban myth like the golden entrita.

12-04-2012, 03:37 PM
The whole 20% crystal damage boost thing is so weird. Why would they put a damage boost on an item that won't show in stats? Almost sounds like an urban myth like the golden entrita.
Hey bro, that entrita 1 shot me ok??

And I think it's only 20% added to base atk. It'll probably show the atk value in the brackets correctly though.
(I'm so glad my crystal is forci. It might even do more dmg than dromar's orb next update)

12-04-2012, 04:07 PM
60 rate is sooo 2010 for fb...with ep10, im going for 70+ rates lmao.

12-04-2012, 04:29 PM
60 rate is sooo 2010 for fb...with ep10, im going for 70+ rates lmao.

thats the korean metagame right now

12-04-2012, 08:13 PM
you might want to double check with crystal getting a 20% boost in damage ...
i.e. it might be that forcy crystal + 7/40 blade > forcy blade + 7/40 topaz, if you get 20% boost in damage for crystals.

Wait for the final patch notes before rushing to a forcium + 15 blade. :) , saving my alz at the moment.

LOL... Astral Enhancement= secondary weapon= orb/crystal.... duhhhh man secondary weapon isn't your blade.... it's forcy+any type of blade

i think it's better to prepare right now, before prices go up, unless you have no life of gaming or buy alz...

12-07-2012, 01:15 AM
so wuts better then? dual forcy or 1 forcy katana and topaz/sig 40/7.......... >.>

12-07-2012, 01:33 AM
so wuts better then? dual forcy or 1 forcy katana and topaz/sig 40/7.......... >.> If your forci is 2 slot 10%craft or better then duel forci ofc. Or go get a 14/12 forci cry like mine o.o.

Just look at the attack base differences of them and decide.

12-07-2012, 02:27 AM
so wuts better then? dual forcy or 1 forcy katana and topaz/sig 40/7.......... >.>

u would lose 2critdmg and 16atk of ur astral-weapon going for topaz crystal (1critdmg 8atk at sig)

up to u

atleast at eu alot of fb`s change to forcy26 or 20/3amp atm
(at +15 tho
due to the event we had which gave like 3-4sgh/sghh per hour of farming there are loads of +15-items)

12-07-2012, 06:48 AM
The whole 20% crystal damage boost thing is so weird. Why would they put a damage boost on an item that won't show in stats? Almost sounds like an urban myth like the golden entrita.

Think of it as having 20% boost in damage from orange text. Basically the same thing.

Why would they make sig give the same bonus as forcium? Not that I'd complain since I use sig...

They're making ALL grades of astral weapon have +15 rate, the same way that all grades of astral bow give +1 range. So low level FB's wont have to wait for 140 or 170 rank for their crit rate; to even out the extra buffs that other classes are getting (such as WI's +m.attack buff which you can use at any level)