View Full Version : Question on skills from books

12-04-2012, 06:35 PM
Every time I read a book to gain the skill, the game tells me I can't have any more skills. So it looks like the five or so skills I've already learned are going to be the only skills I'll ever be able to use on this character? That doesn't sound right. What have I overlooked?

Thank you in advance.

p.s. I actually had this question on another thread but it was off topic so I thought I'd break it out into its own, more focused, thread.

truely false
12-04-2012, 10:31 PM
It sounds like you need to do your BSLV quest. I'll explain:
First off 5 skills is not the total for any character. As your character reachs every 10th level and it has the stat requirement for the BSLV quest upon completion of said quest your character will be rewarded with stat, honor increase and a few Alz as well as more skill slots.

12-05-2012, 03:58 AM
So I googled BSLV (he he, I keep reading that as "BDSM") and was a little confused. It seems those are available starting around level 100? I'm level 30 or so at the moment.

12-05-2012, 06:33 AM
every 10 lvls u get a new skill rank ever time u skill ur rank up u can add more skills so just keep on skilling after u do ur rank ups every 10 lvls