View Full Version : GM WTF are u doing

12-12-2012, 01:19 AM
BOT every where WTF............................................... ...................

12-12-2012, 01:23 PM
What are you, 12?

truely false
12-12-2012, 04:50 PM
when will people learn to report correctly. General Discussion is not the place and just saying there are bots will not get the job done. Report here http://forum.cabal.com/forumdisplay.php?44-Bad-User-Report-Forum with screen shot, server, channel, map and time.

12-13-2012, 12:46 AM
when will people learn to report correctly. General Discussion is not the place and just saying there are bots will not get the job done. Report here http://forum.cabal.com/forumdisplay.php?44-Bad-User-Report-Forum with screen shot, server, channel, map and time.

THIS is how it should be done! +infinity

12-13-2012, 01:23 AM
when will people learn to report correctly. General Discussion is not the place and just saying there are bots will not get the job done. Report here http://forum.cabal.com/forumdisplay.php?44-Bad-User-Report-Forum with screen shot, server, channel, map and time.

THIS is how it should be done! +infinity

Of course! but this is lightice we're talking about...

12-13-2012, 04:34 AM
when will people learn to report correctly. General Discussion is not the place and just saying there are bots will not get the job done. Report here http://forum.cabal.com/forumdisplay.php?44-Bad-User-Report-Forum with screen shot, server, channel, map and time.

I wouldn't waste the time. They don't do anything about HD reports anyway. You get a generic response back, but nothing gets done. Just gotta learn to live with the bots.

[GM] Kato
12-13-2012, 09:17 AM
I wouldn't waste the time. They don't do anything about HD reports anyway. You get a generic response back, but nothing gets done. Just gotta learn to live with the bots.

Not necessarily.

Anyone reported is thoroughly investigated by myself or another member of the GM team. We look at numerous things before we come to a conclusion, such as the the provided evidence (screenshots/videos), player logs, server data, etc. for each and every reported account. If we find substantial evidence that warrants an action to be taken, we make sure to do so. We respect the privacy of every CABAL player, so the action we chose to take isn't usually disclosed to the public.

We have a very strict policy against anyone we find using third party programs. We're constantly patrolling the game and removing any bots we see, but your reports definitely help. We encourage you guys to keep sending in reports as you come across anyone you think might be hacking/botting. You can either send us a Help Desk ticket, or post on the Bad User Report section of the forums as said above by 'truely false'. :)

12-13-2012, 09:22 AM
Kato;367071'] We're constantly patrolling the game and removing any bots we see

Harry Porter lets play with ur invisibility cloak.

[GM] Kato
12-13-2012, 09:29 AM

Harry Porter lets play with ur invisibility cloak.

12-13-2012, 01:15 PM
Have you guys been working on ways to prevent bot creation or are you going to be simply removing them every so often.

12-13-2012, 02:02 PM
Harry Porter lets play with ur invisibility cloak.dont blame them there
They wouldn't get anything done if they wernt due to player harassment

12-13-2012, 02:06 PM
Kato;367071']Not necessarily.

Anyone reported is thoroughly investigated by myself or another member of the GM team. We look at numerous things before we come to a conclusion, such as the the provided evidence (screenshots/videos), player logs, server data, etc. for each and every reported account. If we find substantial evidence that warrants an action to be taken, we make sure to do so. We respect the privacy of every CABAL player, so the action we chose to take isn't usually disclosed to the public.

We have a very strict policy against anyone we find using third party programs. We're constantly patrolling the game and removing any bots we see, but your reports definitely help. We encourage you guys to keep sending in reports as you come across anyone you think might be hacking/botting. You can either send us a Help Desk ticket, or post on the Bad User Report section of the forums as said above by 'truely false'. :)

well, it once took me 3 tickets and a few days to get my own hacking accounts banned. so, obviously, this is not completely true.

[GM] Kato
12-13-2012, 03:09 PM
Have you guys been working on ways to prevent bot creation or are you going to be simply removing them every so often.

We're doing both, actually.

Our dev's are actively looking for a solution to keep the bots permanently out of the game. Meanwhile, we're also banning bots when they're reported or when we see them in-game.

12-13-2012, 04:42 PM
Kato, is using a macro on your keyboard to play for you while you are afk legal? Or is that considered botting?

[GM] Kato
12-13-2012, 04:48 PM
Kato, is using a macro on your keyboard to play for you while you are afk legal? Or is that considered botting?

Any program/macro that automates gameplay is considered illegal, sorry.

12-13-2012, 05:07 PM
Kato;367132']Any program/macro that automates gameplay is considered illegal, sorry.

No need to apologize to me. A certain 190 FB in venus is the one you need to apologize too.

This was reported via HD, and nothing was done about it. Hence my comment on why reports to HD fall on deaf ears.

Ticket# 71552 if you want to go back and take a look.

12-13-2012, 06:29 PM
No need to apologize to me. A certain 190 FB in venus is the one you need to apologize too.

This was reported via HD, and nothing was done about it. Hence my comment on why reports to HD fall on deaf ears.

Ticket# 71552 if you want to go back and take a look.

Sniiiiiiiitch c_c!!!! Lol

12-13-2012, 10:30 PM
Report here http://forum.cabal.com/forumdisplay.php?44-Bad-User-Report-Forum with screen shot, server, channel, map and time.Not trying to undermine the GM efforts here or anything, but that's quite a bit the player has to do in order to report a single bot, right? Couldn't an update be patched into the game that gives players a single "Report Bot" button, that automatically takes a screenshot, fills in the info of the current server, channel, map, and time, and have that sent to the appropriate venue? It achieves the same goal, but makes it easier for a player to report, which would definitely provide more incentive to players to do so versus having to manually go through the effort.

12-14-2012, 12:11 AM
Not trying to undermine the GM efforts here or anything, but that's quite a bit the player has to do in order to report a single bot, right? Couldn't an update be patched into the game that gives players a single "Report Bot" button, that automatically takes a screenshot, fills in the info of the current server, channel, map, and time, and have that sent to the appropriate venue? It achieves the same goal, but makes it easier for a player to report, which would definitely provide more incentive to players to do so versus having to manually go through the effort.


Already have one

[GM] Kato
12-14-2012, 08:47 AM
Not trying to undermine the GM efforts here or anything, but that's quite a bit the player has to do in order to report a single bot, right? Couldn't an update be patched into the game that gives players a single "Report Bot" button, that automatically takes a screenshot, fills in the info of the current server, channel, map, and time, and have that sent to the appropriate venue? It achieves the same goal, but makes it easier for a player to report, which would definitely provide more incentive to players to do so versus having to manually go through the effort.

This is completely understandable. However, as Sprite said, we have a button that works similar to what you suggested though not to that extent (such as sending in a screenshot). It's a great idea though, for sure, and I'll be sure it's brought up to our Dev's for consideration.

In the mean time, if you happen to stumble across a lot of them all of a sudden and it's fairly obvious, you can leave something vague for your report and it'll still be as effective. For example, "Hey GM, there's like 6000 bots in Green Despair right now. Channel 4, Merc. Kill em', k?". There are occasions where they will randomly create a ton of new characters, even after we just finished patrolling a specific channel.

With your report(s), this'll help us take them out faster. I'm always roaming the forums. :)