View Full Version : oh please I want a new costume for X-mas !!!

12-13-2012, 11:51 AM
I wish EST would have already make a drei frame or bm3 costume in cash shop !!!!
We never get to really see those kind of set (drei frame) in-game and it is a shame since they are soooooo awesomly smexy!


QQ some more

or release that new eod3 costume before update =D

*I wish* -____________________-

QQ so many more.

K, am done.

Merry Christmas fellow Cabalians.

12-14-2012, 02:48 AM
I personally would like neither of those ideas as they're not BAD ideas they just won't sell very well. They know better than to put out things that either aren't already or going to be popular. The drei frame costume idea is a pretty swell idea, but it would get old and nobody would buy them like the forcium sets did. What I PERSONALLY would suggest is for GM to have development team come up with some good ideas that aren't 4 years old and being randomly shuffled around which brings the hype back.

12-14-2012, 06:12 AM
Well, in my opinion, forcium set costume was quite popular as I can see alot of people wearing those costume. Also, when you consider the new appearance system, we can definitly say that forcium costume is now obsolet, but with the drei frame being not easily accessible, i think people would prefer to keep their drei frame pieces (if they get any) instead of using them for appearance system for ...7 days? As I said previously, its a shame that we got such a sweet set that we can't even appreciate the style because its not accessible. It's just a way to give estsoft game designers a chance to appreciate their great work on the unique style cabal ever had.

Also, when you consider your point about stuff that would sell more easily in cash shop: why is there still trans skill, sig weps\armor now!, x1-2-3 astral board, extracts and other regular pots, etc. I understand what you meant by when you say they know what will sell better *cough sghh cough* but i think at first est need to reorganize what they are selling in cash shop.

W/E, you got a lots of good point there fellow cabalian.

on that note, may everyone here have great drops and a merry chrismas. ^^