View Full Version : xraed proc bringer t4 caught hacking in bm2

01-02-2013, 06:45 PM
6:00pm pst war 1/2/13
as you all know that we are both FA bringer in t4, we are both in bm2, but im in bm2+aura, as you all know how fast fa bm2 can hit per sec and the dmg it does, xraed bm2 shoot slower but does more dmg, what does that tell you, you be the judge!!! i say thats hacking!!!wat do you guys think, and no its not lagg!!!!!

01-02-2013, 07:21 PM
*Removed by GM Kato*
here is proof i found on youtube...how the hack works... as you can see xraed bm2 shoot jux like the video.. twin gunner AOE HACK!!!!

01-03-2013, 03:34 AM
oh so u r the cap hacker...i know xraed i don't think he can hack...but u i always c u aoe hack and wal hack etc i just can't fraps u

01-03-2013, 08:10 AM
1 yes the bm2 slower attack can be caused by lag just like the bm3 when it looks like there standing still
2 there us no aoe hacks I'm that vid
3 funny you call him a hacker cause he can roll you

Brb lolling

01-03-2013, 09:30 AM
lol me hacking sure buddy!!!!if i was hacking y did i catch xraed hacking...all ya say i hack but the video prove it...who the real hacking is..u sure no him good and jux trying to back him up or maybe u was the other one that was hacking too.....how did i get roll when xraed ran frum a 1vs 1 in bm2 while all other proc is there!!! + that is no lagg. no fa will ever shoot that slow..the number proves it when i got hit by bm2!!!oh yah after i post this up the next war xraed didnt use bm2 the whole war, he no he got caught!!!!

01-03-2013, 10:17 AM
thats so hacking right there
twin gunner AOE hack FTW

01-03-2013, 12:21 PM
this coming from the FA that shoots around corners, uses BM3 about the same speed as BM2, oh and dont forget how your damage is DOUBLED when you dont use a leg, yet you yourself said it doesnt change any stats cept give you more defense, right on there

01-03-2013, 03:22 PM
say that to ur fa n urself before u say that to me, here r 2 video that show u my dmg on ur bringer, without using potion, if that was u i will do more dmg on u dud!!!get ur fact straight..dont be mad cuz i do more dmg then u....leg is useless to me in t4. if it was in t5 ill use leg but never on t4..

01-03-2013, 03:31 PM
I don't get it u.u

01-03-2013, 03:32 PM
say that to ur fa n urself before u say that to me, here r 2 video that show u my dmg on ur bringer, without using potion, if that was u i will do more dmg on u dud!!!get ur fact straight..dont be mad cuz i do more dmg then u....leg is useless to me in t4. if it was in t5 ill use leg but never on t4..
You click your hp pots with your mouse. you're bad

01-03-2013, 03:53 PM
mokablooddriver say i hack cuz i was doing frum 1.5 and then later i did 2.9k crit without using a leg on him. so im proving his point that i dont need leg to do 2.9k crit...i did 3k on that wizzy while chasing proc bringer...

01-03-2013, 04:25 PM
You click your hp pots with your mouse. you're bad
wowowow i do that too when there is nothing to click while im in a dung

01-04-2013, 12:26 AM
Anybody who tries to say its not is just trying to coverup

01-06-2013, 06:48 AM
6:00pm pst war 1/2/13
as you all know that we are both FA bringer in t4, we are both in bm2, but im in bm2+aura, as you all know how fast fa bm2 can hit per sec and the dmg it does, xraed bm2 shoot slower but does more dmg, what does that tell you, you be the judge!!! i say thats hacking!!!wat do you guys think, and no its not lagg!!!!!

at this video as u can see that WI behind u was attacking u with bm3 while xraed was running so that mean he wasn't attacking u while he was running watch it again and u will see

01-06-2013, 07:48 AM
im just wondering how your damage jumps like that when you say it doesnt change your stats at all

01-06-2013, 08:12 AM
1- i didn't expect u to hate me that much. GM's can check me out and of course they watched ur thread and i'm sure i'm innocent :P
. well i did wut i want lool in fair way . i dont buy alz to enjoy cabal like you . the real excitement is hard working
2- cancel Maximum zoom out limit for better vision
3- im smarter than u :P i can teach u how to war with FA .... but i wont :)) im not calling my self a beast or something its just u cant use ur FA ..
and keep hating me like oOHitManOo .
4- but nice toTake advantage of the opportunity off being the bringer and tell ppl ima hacking ....... and last , ATTEMPT HAS BEEN FAILED ....... try again later ^.^5999 sry hitman

01-06-2013, 09:04 AM
6:00pm pst war 1/2/13
as you all know that we are both FA bringer in t4, we are both in bm2, but im in bm2+aura, as you all know how fast fa bm2 can hit per sec and the dmg it does, xraed bm2 shoot slower but does more dmg, what does that tell you, you be the judge!!! i say thats hacking!!!wat do you guys think, and no its not lagg!!!!!
rofl thats not hacking .. . . -__- u just mad cuz she can drop u

01-06-2013, 09:42 AM
Looool u call that hacking??? Cool story Bro, come again.. QQ more.

Getting rolled by a 158 and then try to cover up..

01-06-2013, 10:06 AM
at this video as u can see that WI behind u was attacking u with bm3 while xraed was running so that mean he wasn't attacking u while he was running watch it again and u will see

the first couple hit when xread hit me before he wizzy hit me with bm3 u can c how slow she shoot at me all the low number was frum xread and the big crit yes it frum the wizzy in bm3 , jux look at all the low number how slowly it pop up and u will c, look at the number when xread shoot me, if u guys cant even compare my bm2 and her bm2 at the firing rate at how fast it is and how slow it is, look at the 100s-400s dmg per sec on the both of us, you can clearly see im shooter faster and she shooting slower

01-06-2013, 10:08 AM
say that to ur fa n urself before u say that to me, here r 2 video that show u my dmg on ur bringer, without using potion, if that was u i will do more dmg on u dud!!!get ur fact straight..dont be mad cuz i do more dmg then u....leg is useless to me in t4. if it was in t5 ill use leg but never on t4..

dumb lol .... not my fault i swear ^.^

01-06-2013, 10:09 AM
1- i didn't expect u to hate me that much. GM's can check me out and of course they watched ur thread and i'm sure i'm innocent :P
. well i did wut i want lool in fair way . i dont buy alz to enjoy cabal like you . the real excitement is hard working
2- cancel Maximum zoom out limit for better vision
3- im smarter than u :P i can teach u how to war with FA .... but i wont :)) im not calling my self a beast or something its just u cant use ur FA ..
and keep hating me like oOHitManOo .
4- but nice toTake advantage of the opportunity off being the bringer and tell ppl ima hacking ....... and last , ATTEMPT HAS BEEN FAILED ....... try again later ^.^5999 sry hitman

xread i never hated you, i dont even no u, i play my brother fa frum tyme to tyme in t4 and ya keep bugging me after ech war pming me and saying i hack and stuff when i roll ya, i have a brother in proc n he told me eveything about ya saying i hack and stuff, plus i can war better then you, i seen how u play on ur fa u cant even score high untill u use that hacking stuff to score higher or to get bringer,u cant even tank or do crap u come and try to tank us and get roll, i go up to u guys n can kill everyone, sorry if im putting u on blast but ya started it im jux finishing it.....if u do get away with it...must mean u must had pay them to let u play!!!!shame!!!!

01-06-2013, 10:11 AM
omg .... wid bm3... dude i was on bm2 lmao... u still high ? :O

01-06-2013, 10:13 AM
Soo, u shooting faster... so should i accuse u of speed hacking??

01-06-2013, 10:17 AM
soo y u called me hacks , i can see that's not ur aim
and ikr u can war better than me lool ur vids says that
personal question .. how much usd u watse ? :O
and yea ur right i cant tank coz ima not waste my real money on a game
and ur liar coz u said at this thread ima hacking and im not lol ur know that well
sooooooo get the fuk out 1/4 brain <3

01-06-2013, 10:23 AM
everyone know fa bm2 shoot fast but not that slow

01-06-2013, 10:32 AM
i donn like drama ... u called me hacks , so let GM do his job !! :P

01-06-2013, 12:26 PM
say that to ur fa n urself before u say that to me, here r 2 video that show u my dmg on ur bringer, without using potion, if that was u i will do more dmg on u dud!!!get ur fact straight..dont be mad cuz i do more dmg then u....leg is useless to me in t4. if it was in t5 ill use leg but never on t4..

the only things i see out of those 2 videos is you showing how you dont really know how to play FA that well

01-06-2013, 12:36 PM
Soo, u shooting faster... so should i accuse u of speed hacking??
if u no fa bm2 u wouldnt say that since u dont no mean ur jux covering it up!!!!! anyone who plays fa should already no the answer!!!

01-06-2013, 01:10 PM
u say how i did 1.5 and then 2.9 crit on u, that video show u my dmg on ur bringer, if you dont get it that means ur jux a noob fa who cant do dmg like me and saying i hack!!!!im jux proving to u that i can do dmg in war and if i was to use leg my dmg will be lower, so wats the point in using a leg for weaker dmg and more def, when i can use my +15 weapons to do max dmg, u n xread can say i dont no how to play fa but i guess that mean ya jux plain sux then cuz when ya c me ya alwase run even when ur full life and im half life ya run like a chicken and then after war ya be like fight like a man!!!! so run fast forests!!!!!!even when i fight 5 proc ya fa jux run..and called that skill and say i sux..if i sux so bad y keep on pming me after ech war...looking at that pix u post dude ur dmg taken is so low and all that kills was frum ks!!!!that jux prove that ur a running FA!!!not a tanking...yes i spend usd on dis game so wat...everyone does it.....at least i no i dont hack cuz i use usd....unlike sumone, like you who say u dont use usd thats y u use hacking program...cuz its cheap for u rite!!!!thats y u use it rite!!!!thats rite!!!and that pix u post u even say HAX!!!!!!even if u was joking!!!!we all no thats hacking!!!!and we all no that u use hack not jux me even cap say it when u first got bringer u was dashing n fadeing hella fast!!!!! it didnt bother me cuz even with the hack u cant even roll me u can kill ks yes i give u that!!!! untill ya keep saying i hack so i went to prove who the real hacker is!!!only if i had frap that tyme u wouldve been over and after i post up that video u didnt use bm2 all war!!!!u was doing the relog for bm3 and getting roll left to right!!!

01-06-2013, 02:47 PM
this post is still up! should be close by now. i no 1 fact is that both of you are noobs, getting mad all over on a game! WTH! 1 more fact, if she really did use hack and if she paid for the hack program she will not get ban. thats how cabal works sumtime. i know people from merc who use them hack and never got ban because they paid for it and there were proof from screen shot and video. you pay to win! you use usd to win! its a win win for the both of you and why is that you both r crying like a baby! get a real life. dont spend too much time on cabal 24/7. sorry if i went overboard! also one more thing that video does show you were hacking in bm2

01-07-2013, 12:15 AM
u say how i did 1.5 and then 2.9 crit on u, that video show u my dmg on ur bringer, if you dont get it that means ur jux a noob fa who cant do dmg like me and saying i hack!!!!im jux proving to u that i can do dmg in war and if i was to use leg my dmg will be lower, so wats the point in using a leg for weaker dmg and more def, when i can use my +15 weapons to do max dmg, u n xread can say i dont no how to play fa but i guess that mean ya jux plain sux then cuz when ya c me ya alwase run even when ur full life and im half life ya run like a chicken and then after war ya be like fight like a man!!!! so run fast forests!!!!!!even when i fight 5 proc ya fa jux run..and called that skill and say i sux..if i sux so bad y keep on pming me after ech war...looking at that pix u post dude ur dmg taken is so low and all that kills was frum ks!!!!that jux prove that ur a running FA!!!not a tanking...yes i spend usd on dis game so wat...everyone does it.....at least i no i dont hack cuz i use usd....unlike sumone, like you who say u dont use usd thats y u use hacking program...cuz its cheap for u rite!!!!thats y u use it rite!!!!thats rite!!!and that pix u post u even say HAX!!!!!!even if u was joking!!!!we all no thats hacking!!!!and we all no that u use hack not jux me even cap say it when u first got bringer u was dashing n fadeing hella fast!!!!! it didnt bother me cuz even with the hack u cant even roll me u can kill ks yes i give u that!!!! untill ya keep saying i hack so i went to prove who the real hacker is!!!only if i had frap that tyme u wouldve been over and after i post up that video u didnt use bm2 all war!!!!u was doing the relog for bm3 and getting roll left to right!!!
no comment , u can send ticket to GM and we gonna see ,
good thing to know u drop usd to win . and this's my last post i wont waste my time with one like you :S i cant imagine im that good in ur opinion , ask your nation about me that's all i can say , ask xBeastmode or anybuddy eles
watch your videos AGAIN and dont be shy to say your wrong ............

[GM] Kato
01-07-2013, 01:19 PM
Hey Raed,

Thanks for the report!

We'll investigate the matter and make sure the appropriate actions are taken.

Please continue to send us any suspicious activity you might find.

[GM] Kato