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View Full Version : Cannot link items in chat

01-05-2013, 09:47 AM
As the title states, CTRL+rightclick does not work for me.
Yes I tried the search function, no results.

This is a fresh install on a new windows 7 machine.
I do not see any settins in options that affect this feature.

What gives? Why can't I link items in chat?

P.S. I've asked in game, no one knows what the problem might be.

01-06-2013, 10:05 PM
Have your tried sending a ticket about your concern to their support site?

01-07-2013, 07:40 PM
it does it to me somtimes aswell, i just go outside town exit anything ive clicked on and then it usually works

01-07-2013, 10:38 PM
Im QA on cabal EU. I lurk on your bug report so as to help replicate it on my server and debug it ultimately.

So some questions (same may seems irrelevant for you, but trust me they are):

You tried link an item you had with you or was you trying to "re-link" a link that someone else linked you?

How many chat lines you use? 5/10/15/20/25?
Does changing number of chat lines helps?

You have all your chat types "ticked"?
If you tick all chat types, does it help?

This occur only on 1 of your character?
Playing on another character helps?

Cabal EU

01-10-2013, 12:20 AM
Im QA on cabal EU. I lurk on your bug report so as to help replicate it on my server and debug it ultimately.

So some questions (same may seems irrelevant for you, but trust me they are):

You tried link an item you had with you or was you trying to "re-link" a link that someone else linked you?

How many chat lines you use? 5/10/15/20/25?
Does changing number of chat lines helps?

You have all your chat types "ticked"?
If you tick all chat types, does it help?

This occur only on 1 of your character?
Playing on another character helps?

Cabal EU

Thanks for these suggestions. I will try this afternoon and get back to you.

01-10-2013, 02:23 PM
I have tried both, items in my inventory as well as items linked in chat by others.

Normally 10 lines. I tried 20, 15, I even hit the default button on the chat options page but no change.

I do have all chat types ticked.

It is the same on several characters on both Mercury and Venus.

Im QA on cabal EU. I lurk on your bug report so as to help replicate it on my server and debug it ultimately.

So some questions (same may seems irrelevant for you, but trust me they are):

You tried link an item you had with you or was you trying to "re-link" a link that someone else linked you?

How many chat lines you use? 5/10/15/20/25?
Does changing number of chat lines helps?

You have all your chat types "ticked"?
If you tick all chat types, does it help?

This occur only on 1 of your character?
Playing on another character helps?

Cabal EU

01-11-2013, 09:26 AM
Right or left control I've noticed the right control key does not like to work only the left >.>

01-11-2013, 04:31 PM
Right or left control I've noticed the right control key does not like to work only the left >.>

tried them both several times. Items in inventory, items on character, items in WH, items in AH, doesn't work.

My CTRL keys DO work. for instance, CTRL+A on this page.

01-21-2013, 07:00 AM
Today, just for the hell of it, I clicked "Check Files" and it ran the test and downloaded some files and now I am able to link items, go figure.