View Full Version : [NOTICE] Block User List For 3rd Party Program Usage on 5/16 ~ 5/22

[GM] CoCoBall
05-23-2010, 08:40 PM
Hello CABAL Players,
This is CABAL Support Team.

Here are blocked user lists for using 3rd party program from 16th to 22nd of May. As you know, any 3rd party program usage is

strictly prohibited.
Below accounts will be permanently banned and please be noted that purchasing Alz through alz-sellers would eventually bring

out botters around the field and dungeon.

anninhi***, exchj***, blam***, mar***, com***, let***, chae***, lanbu***, niime***, nomixl***, borm***, bormi***, horml***, elvisss***, elvisss***, cont***, lenvxc***, redib***, kich***

sion***, exc***, inai***, niaur***, spectat***, mmiss***, che***, polly***, excursi***, rudolst***, comw***, gills***, sion***, ney***, da***, day***, ror***, ylc***, che***, beho***, tariva***, rin***, rth***, belh***, hsis***, bertsud***, loomll***, lemein***, inclin***, nilebr***, thomasp***, prino***

int***, jam***, rlea***, che***, yo***, ney***, da***, day***, linr***, ror***, nalio***, tho***, noui***

emycr***, crobalo***, hae***, defe***, isaa***, sidney***, kam***, elvissss***, brownb***, int***, jam***, ti***, rl***, liv***, che***, mis***, heni***, niel***, mil***, par***, tmen***, weep***, verv***, ern***, cro***, yvet***, beli***, linda***, hig***, rash***, uras***, bern***, matt***, gwe***, derric***, sop***, pau***, iber***, sand***

kam***, cro***, beli***, bern***, gwe***, iber***, norm***, excl***, rtm***, tho***, partm***, jam***, bensdf***, bens***, nson***, prim***, cor***, com***

fortan***, dragonsh***


We will keep patrolling continuously to pull away botters from game, and to provide you a better game circumstance.

Thank you.
CABAL Support Team

05-23-2010, 09:18 PM
ooh gj thanks est :)

05-24-2010, 01:52 PM
Hi guys , u shouldn't use 3rd party software, i mean the rest of us r working hard lvling up and stuff, good job GM's
anyways rate my first video lol, byez


Yours truly,

05-24-2010, 03:35 PM
ur vid is nice. u should do one at eod2 :) I think u can solo that by now

on topic: not defending the farmer botters, and good job on this ESTSoft, but there were cases too when xtrap back in ogp days reported false positives. I am sure EST knows those cases all too well too that's why like other servers (perhaps?) they are now using gameguard. hackers can't get around gg just yet, lol. so those crying for xtrap back, watch it. u might have a hidden agenda there. not accusing anyone tho.

also, if gg detects other apps as 3rd party --- task manager? anti virus?, fraps? --- then EST Soft have to be careful not to be banhammer happy. I'm sure they will investigate any detection thooroughly BEFORE (and hopefully, not after a block) they block anyone. And when an accidental block happens, they might be slow in replying to your appeal but they do a fair and just job at them.

i got blocked for a completely diffrent reason --- paypal security made it appear that I was scamming them in cs (be careful with using Paypal, it auto refunds suspicious transactions to protect your account but it can screw your account here!) , but after a thorough but long investigation, they reinstated my account. They are fair. they gave back to my lost premium. If that happened in OGP, by the 3rd message, they would have responded with "any future correspondence will be ignored". Be thankful EST is doing a good job of their game so far. My honest opinion.