View Full Version : integration between Venus and Mercury

02-02-2013, 07:54 PM
Why Holiness did not work integration between Venus and Mercury Venus is Died and Everything Expensive if you want get alz you should buy voucher at Mercury everyone craft Hope You GM can integration between venus and mercury and make Cabal only 1 server

This is a dream I hope you will come and forever you vote this works

IF ppl Accept it Do it Plz

02-02-2013, 08:25 PM
The reason they don't do this is because it makes them look bad. Another reason is with name issues. There is another Faowin on Mercury on an account that I lost the information too. So if it were to merger, which Faowin would be kept? The answer may be clear here, but what if that other Faowin also happened to be owned by another person?

02-02-2013, 09:45 PM
They Should Make anything to active venus its really died server and why i should buy account trasfer gm should make Advertising to venus ppl join merc all the time

02-03-2013, 03:23 AM
transfer to merc betta >.>
coz that not gonna happen :confused:

02-03-2013, 03:46 AM
Name issue could be solved the same way it did on other game's server merges. The person that had the name first get priority to their name (whichever character was created first). At the same time both people get a choice to change their name. So lets say there were 2 people with the same name, and the guy that had it first would rather change his, then the 2nd person could keep their name if they choose to. Otherwise if the first person wants to keep the name then the 2nd person is required to pick a new one.

02-03-2013, 03:50 AM
I've mentioned this a few times. It's not a factor of name issue, and making them look bad. It has to do with contracts. Pretty sure their contract says they'll host 2 servers. To merge them would be to break it. They'd have to wait until it's term ended to start a new one. Or go into alot of paper/legal work with ESTsoft to do it. I don't think they want to spend the time+money to do that when they're making money fine with 2 servers still.

In otherwords, unless you could think of a way for them to still maintain 2 servers and merge the current two so that there are still 2 servers AND have enough people to play on both of them to be worth it and approved by all their staff and a majority of the players, then let us know or send the HD ticket :D.


02-03-2013, 05:16 AM
Er, I don't really think there's contracts involved since Cabal NA is just run by ESTsoft's NA branch. They're still part of the same company as far as I understand.

truely false
02-03-2013, 07:28 AM
Aaaaaah sh*t, here we go again with the QQ about server merging. They will never merge the servers and an indicator is in the upcoming Ep10 update. If I remember correctly it was mentioned there would be introducing server wars or some type of server battle arena. If this is so why go through the trouble of creating and then just merge the servers. Highly doubtful merging will ever happen even if they don't add these types of updates...;)

02-03-2013, 09:18 AM
Aaaaaah sh*t, here we go again with the QQ about server merging. They will never merge the servers and an indicator is in the upcoming Ep10 update. If I remember correctly it was mentioned there would be introducing server wars or some type of server battle arena. If this is so why go through the trouble of creating and then just merge the servers. Highly doubtful merging will ever happen even if they don't add these types of updates...;)

Because Euro and Korea have a lot of servers?

02-04-2013, 12:14 AM
There are some nice inputs about a server merge and there are also some nice inputs why this is impossible.

Also let's say if this is merged, there will be a problem about the economy of the game since there will be some equipment will be uber expensive and this might shock players because the prices will change.

Good intentions though.

02-04-2013, 07:35 AM
They Should Make anything to active venus its really died server and why i should buy account trasfer gm should make Advertising to venus ppl join merc all the time

Don't like Venus buy your xfer
Don't wanna buy it live with it that's all there is to it

02-04-2013, 12:10 PM
Er, I don't really think there's contracts involved since Cabal NA is just run by ESTsoft's NA branch. They're still part of the same company as far as I understand.
ESTsoft Inc. =/= Estsoft.

Yes the head workers at ESTsoft Inc, work for ESTsoft, but they are separate. Kinda like how you have a few brand of cars all owned by 1 company. They do work independently for the most part. They don't have the same budgets as the main ESTsoft. It was more like a splinter group off to keep the NA servers alive.

Don't like Venus buy your xfer
Don't wanna buy it live with it that's all there is to it

He, like 90% of America, need to learn how to " it up." Being military I don't have a choice often, but I still manage to come out fine in the end. Learn to not worry or care, or it up and everything in life gets easier. Yea, even in games.

02-04-2013, 12:17 PM
Though I agree if people don't like it they should just transfer, it is a fact that Venus is dead and has almost no activity in comparison to Mercury. I'd also agree that it's rather unfortunate that every player on Venus is faced with the choice: pay 45$ to switch and sell all your extra gear or play a game with no population.

truely false
02-04-2013, 04:43 PM
Though I agree if people don't like it they should just transfer, it is a fact that Venus is dead and has almost no activity in comparison to Mercury. I'd also agree that it's rather unfortunate that every player on Venus is faced with the choice: pay 45$ to switch and sell all your extra gear or play a game with no population.

The so called choice is there only if one wish to transfer point is not everyone in Venus wants to transfer. And to those who are constantly QQ about merge or transferring issues, thou you have a right to your opinion, speak for yourself cause you’re not the voice for the entire Venus server.

02-04-2013, 05:25 PM
The so called choice is there only if one wish to transfer point is not everyone in Venus wants to transfer. And to those who are constantly QQ about merge or transferring issues, thou you have a right to your opinion, speak for yourself cause you’re not the voice for the entire Venus server.
No, he's right.

You can:

1. Complain about it.
2. X-fer.
3. Not care.

Pretty simple IMHO

02-05-2013, 12:37 AM
i believe if we we want one server the best way is GM make a worm hole that can wrap back and forth freely between the 2 server. Just have a low cost of alz to wrap to the other server or some.. And also by doing this GM don't have to break contract of hosting 2 server.

let me know what u guys think

02-05-2013, 08:19 AM
i believe if we we want one server the best way is GM make a worm hole that can wrap back and forth freely between the 2 server. Just have a low cost of alz to wrap to the other server or some.. And also by doing this GM don't have to break contract of hosting 2 server.

let me know what u guys think

That's a great idea lets destroy the economy more with people bringing items back and forth ....

02-05-2013, 07:33 PM
It'll never happen for 2 reasons.Order is key here.

1) Technical Boundaries.
- You can argue all day how easy it would be to merge the two realms but at the end of the day it's just not worth the effort it would take.

2) Economy Exploitation
- Ill start off by saying I'm 'Pro-CashShop' but if you were EST why wouldn't you take advantage of two separate economies. I guarantee you, per capita,the CS sales numbers when set side by side would shock most people. Even though most people would assume them to be quite close.

In the end it's a money game. If they can't quantify a fiscal value that would break their current earnings, a server merge will never happen.

EDIT: 100 posts in 2 years. GG.COM

02-05-2013, 09:42 PM
Dont think a game will ever be released with just ONE server imo =/