View Full Version : New Skill Cooldowns

03-06-2013, 05:38 PM
So with the new update the cooldowns have obviously changed. I was wondering if anybody can help my with the most common used skills for the Force Bladers and if the new cooldown is faster or slower than level 9 or 12. Thanks for the help.

03-06-2013, 06:49 PM
Honestly we won't know until the update is applied. I haven't seen any external sources that give this information at lengths. I wish I knew too bro. I'll be sure to PM ya in-game fave FB.

03-07-2013, 03:48 AM
Honestly we won't know until the update is applied. I haven't seen any external sources that give this information at lengths. I wish I knew too bro. I'll be sure to PM ya in-game fave FB.

Alright, I just thought it would be good for all the other FBs to know the difference too. :P

03-07-2013, 06:56 AM
I can check cooldowns on my FB later today :p

But I know on my FA cooldowns haven't all been shortened; some are longer

For my Completer skill, cooldown is way shorter than it was at lv.9

but for my Trans skill, cooldown is longer than it was at lv.9.

they are all much shorter than they would have been at lv.20 though, with lances being the exception. I believe the cooldowns are the same as they were at lv.20 before.

03-07-2013, 08:10 AM
Yeah, I was able to get on earlier today. You can keep a regular combo of assassinate, infernal impact, and seal of damnation without a cooldown break. You can also have a good seal, impact stab, force slash, force assault, and assassinate combo also. I put all the skills into level 20, including those sword skills, my cannons, fire blade, all the other non-blade buffs, and enervation, execration, hard luck, mana freeze, and field of execration(not sure about field of enervation) and still had some 600 points if I believe correctly. So hopefully this'll mean that FBs can have all the debuffs for their class. However, I'm not sure about this supposed ice spike skill.

03-07-2013, 12:43 PM
they all have the same cool downs no matter what level the skill is.....it's stupid.

03-07-2013, 07:13 PM
they all have the same cool downs no matter what level the skill is.....it's stupid.

I agree....the old way made it so people could have unique combo strings...now everyone will just be spamming the same couple of skills all the time....cooldown and cast times made a big difference in how well you could do verse different opponents...dumbing the skills down to the same cool and cast times regardless of their level, just makes everyone closer to cookie cutter....I guaranteed before this update, there weren't anyone in the game that used attack rotations like mine, because I custom made my rotations through careful cooldown + cast time + debuff effect analysis.

On the good side, I guess i can dump a lot of useless skills not (like impact stab) because no need to do IS when I can pop assassinate, SOD or infernal again....so I'll take the better damage attack over a filler that doesn't give you any added benefit now....because for example, IS was just a filler skill and dps skill, but now you can have level 20 on your hard hitting abilities but with level 9 cooldowns...so I'll be using them more often and won't need IS...but I still have some experimenting to do...I may find that IS is still useful, who knows.

03-07-2013, 08:55 PM
I agree....the old way made it so people could have unique combo strings...now everyone will just be spamming the same couple of skills all the time....cooldown and cast times made a big difference in how well you could do verse different opponents...dumbing the skills down to the same cool and cast times regardless of their level, just makes everyone closer to cookie cutter....I guaranteed before this update, there weren't anyone in the game that used attack rotations like mine, because I custom made my rotations through careful cooldown + cast time + debuff effect analysis.

On the good side, I guess i can dump a lot of useless skills not (like impact stab) because no need to do IS when I can pop assassinate, SOD or infernal again....so I'll take the better damage attack over a filler that doesn't give you any added benefit now....because for example, IS was just a filler skill and dps skill, but now you can have level 20 on your hard hitting abilities but with level 9 cooldowns...so I'll be using them more often and won't need IS...but I still have some experimenting to do...I may find that IS is still useful, who knows.

With cooldowns the way they are now it's only 4-5 skills per combo.....game is waaaaay boring now.

Lord Kronius
03-07-2013, 09:13 PM
It's a different game now, time to move on xD.. i mean bm3 now this.. meh.

03-07-2013, 09:16 PM
It's a different game now, time to move on xD.. i mean bm3 now this.. meh.

I'm going back to Diablo 3....What's the point of getting new content if everyone is gonna use the same combo now?

That and using one root now sends them both into cooldown.....Everyone should be happy now that FB's got nerfed

03-13-2013, 07:03 PM
I'm going back to Diablo 3....What's the point of getting new content if everyone is gonna use the same combo now?

That and using one root now sends them both into cooldown.....Everyone should be happy now that FB's got nerfed

Any ability that can't be countered as often as it can be used is probably considered OP....root could only be countered once and only by 3 classes for a short duration...afterwards a 2nd root didn't allow anyone to defend against it without paying money in cash shop or being the lucky few with titles that gave you enough resistance to FB debuffs and roots.

Overall, FB should have never been allowed to render other classes 100% useless over and over again....so hope you enjoyed your OPness while it lasted....and just to clarify, I am not a FB hater, I love FB, it was my 2nd favorite class (to FS)...I am simply a realist though and I feel that FB had far too many unfair advantages over other classes...that's why there were so many FB's in NW...double root, MF, delevel, range reduction, DOTs, fastest attack skills in the game..etc. You can't tell me that isn't OP and a bit unfair since every other class was extremely limited in their ability to defend against all those debuffs.