View Full Version : Any Tech Fans/Junkies In HURR?

03-24-2013, 07:35 PM
I'm really ignorant when it comes to computers :/ and i don't know anybody who knows much about them so im asking this question here :D. The main reason i'm getting a new comp is also to play cabal so i might as well ask you guys hehe.

I need a new computer to play Cabal and that new Terra online game. I will be purchasing one within the next few days and was hoping some of you can help me choose my next gaming rig :D!

Keep in mind that i'm not rich and my budget is 500-600 bucks. Doesn't have to be exactly within those numbers it can go a bit over if it makes a huge difference.

Here are the few that i can afford. http://www.newegg.com/Product/ComboBundleDetails.aspx?ItemList=Combo.1171052



i really loved this white one but i'm not sure if it's that much better than the ones above. http://www.newegg.com/Product/ComboBundleDetails.aspx?ItemList=Combo.1242837

03-24-2013, 09:54 PM
B u M p.

03-25-2013, 03:53 AM
1st, 3rd and 4th ones forget them completly. Onboard graphics is........ *shudders*

2nd one would do fine on a small budget, but if I were you I would still plan to spare on a normal HDD (128gb will get used pretty quick... On my laptop I have my windows and software seperated from my other files and that alone is 115gb. Keep in mind Tera alone is what, about 25gb?)

Something like this isnt horribly expensive : http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16822148767

Now letme ask you this. You say you're really ignorant when it comes to computer. From what I understand those are parts bundles. That means it would get to you as seperate parts. Do you know how to put a computer together? Cooling paste for the CPU? which cable goes where? Do you have a windows7 CD (because the hard drive will come with absolutely nothing on it)?

if not, take a look at this one :


fits your budget, comes already assembled, windows7 installed. (whatever you decide DO NOT GET WINDOWS8!!!!! we all know microsoft makes 1 good, 1 bad, 1 good, 1 bad. We're due for the bad one with win8....)

Those specs are better than the toaster I'm using at the moment so you should definitly do fine with it.

03-25-2013, 04:30 AM
1st, 3rd and 4th ones forget them completly. Onboard graphics is........ *shudders*

2nd one would do fine on a small budget, but if I were you I would still plan to spare on a normal HDD (128gb will get used pretty quick... On my laptop I have my windows and software seperated from my other files and that alone is 115gb. Keep in mind Tera alone is what, about 25gb?)

Something like this isnt horribly expensive : http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16822148767

Now letme ask you this. You say you're really ignorant when it comes to computer. From what I understand those are parts bundles. That means it would get to you as seperate parts. Do you know how to put a computer together? Cooling paste for the CPU? which cable goes where? Do you have a windows7 CD (because the hard drive will come with absolutely nothing on it)?

if not, take a look at this one :


fits your budget, comes already assembled, windows7 installed. (whatever you decide DO NOT GET WINDOWS8!!!!! we all know microsoft makes 1 good, 1 bad, 1 good, 1 bad. We're due for the bad one with win8....)

Those specs are better than the toaster I'm using at the moment so you should definitly do fine with it.
Yah, i recently learned how to assemble one. Always wanted to give it a go and i finally put some money together. I'm aware that it doesn't come with a CD. Really want the one you just linked me to tho lol :D. That thing looks HOT!!

I'll be able to game with that PC right out of the box or am i going to have to buy a graphics card for it? I think i'm gonna get it ^^.

Thanks a load BTW. Glad i made the thread and appreciate you looking through my links <3.

I know those onboards are junk thats why i was going to buy a graphics card if i had decided to go with one of those.

03-25-2013, 04:37 AM
The computer I linked already has a graphic card

GPU/VPU Type AMD Radeon HD 6670 1GB
this means the graphic card itself has 1gb of ram, ontop of the computer's 8gb.

like I said, you have a small budget. Can't really get you a beast, but this is solid.

You might hear some people argue that NVidia is better than Radeon. I listened to those people for a few years. Both times I had nvidia GPU, I kept having drivers crash. Have had my radeon for a year and a half and never once did the driver crash. So yeah.... I don't know. If I were to buy something today, I would definitly go for another radeon.

I wont be claiming to be an expert, just average knowledge. To be honest I didn't want to reply to your thread but no one else seemed to lol

03-25-2013, 04:56 AM
The computer I linked already has a graphic card

GPU/VPU Type AMD Radeon HD 6670 1GB
this means the graphic card itself has 1gb of ram, ontop of the computer's 8gb.

like I said, you have a small budget. Can't really get you a beast, but this is solid.

You might hear some people argue that NVidia is better than Radeon. I listened to those people for a few years. Both times I had nvidia GPU, I kept having drivers crash. Have had my radeon for a year and a half and never once did the driver crash. So yeah.... I don't know. If I were to buy something today, I would definitly go for another radeon.

I wont be claiming to be an expert, just average knowledge. To be honest I didn't want to reply to your thread but no one else seemed to lol
You seem to know a lot more than i do and i would bet that you know more than most. Also, that rig you linked me to has a bunch of great reviews so i'm glad you replied otherwise i would have gone with my gut which probably wouldn't have been a good idea haha. I don't really play games that require high end graphics card. Just want one that can play Terra online and Cabal online and maybe a little LoL. Been saving money for a computer to play Terra online so im stoked to get this new PC.

Can i still add more ram later on or is the maximum 8 gb?

03-25-2013, 05:38 AM
Memory Capacity8GB DDR3
Memory SpeedDDR3 1333
Memory Spec4GB x 2
Memory Slot (Total)2

you only have 2 RAM slots on that motherboard which are alredy filled with 2x4gb.

I'm not sure if it would support higher such as 2x8gb. would need to ask someone else

03-27-2013, 02:30 PM
Abi i found what i think is a better rig. What do you think about it?

http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16883229364R Same price except made by intel which i keep reading are much better than AMD for gaming.

Let me know what you think about it.
I know the graphics card it comes with is weak but i can always upgrade that in the future.

03-27-2013, 04:11 PM
Graphic card is meh
windows8 is meh

rest is solid
this one has spare room to upgrade your RAM, which is always good

Also, this is an open box item. I'd stay away from it if i were you. It's about as bas as refurbished

03-27-2013, 04:22 PM
Yah i noticed that. I read a load of reviews on open boxed items when coming from newegg.com and like 90% of the people said they usually come in perfect condition.

Still has 30 day return even if its open boxed. Thanks for checking it out.

03-28-2013, 08:56 AM
The one abi posted is pretty solid for a small budget
If you plan on playing Tera gl trying to play with a onboard card lol just saying

03-28-2013, 09:36 AM
The one abi posted is pretty solid for a small budget
If you plan on playing Tera gl trying to play with a onboard card lol just saying
Yah, i liked it a lot also. Did a load of reading on it and apparently all of the fx series are bad for gaming.
I also wanted a rig i could upgrade in the future if needed.

03-28-2013, 10:25 AM
My fx bulldozer runs great ......
Honestly your better off saving up about 300 more and having cyber pc bus you a better one
Can get a monster pc built by them for like 900

03-28-2013, 10:55 AM
My fx bulldozer runs great ......
Honestly your better off saving up about 300 more and having cyber pc bus you a better one
Can get a monster pc built by them for like 900

Too late for that :D. I'm suppose to be getting this comp. tomorrow noon. Finally get to war again and try out Terra Online.

The thing about this rig i bought is i can simply buy a motherboard and i'll be set. The power supply is 700w so wont have to worry about replacing that and a better graphics card. Memory capacity is 32gb(really only need 8) so im good. This is the main reason i went with this computer. I knew upgrading it would be cheap and fairly easy.

I think in the end it's basically the same thing. Just realized ive learned so much about computers. It's actually not as complicated as i had imagined Hehe.

Couldn't wait any longer >.>. Playing cabal on a laptop is difficult. It's not even a high end laptop its like one of those 300-400 bucks laptops. I have to guess where my combo bar is going to land thats how laggy it is. Just being in town with more than 10 people makes it hard to turn the view.