View Full Version : Third world war

04-04-2013, 01:39 AM
So I think the war is going to happen..u think it will be a world war or just between north korea and USA?

04-05-2013, 05:22 AM
with the peace orginization (like nato), it woulden't just be the usa but korea cannot succesful launched a accurate nuke while mounting it on a warhead so its probley to early for this.

04-06-2013, 12:55 AM
Considering how many guns we currently have pointed in their direction, how many anti-missile systems we have designed EXACTLY to take down those kind of threats mid-flight, how arrogant and egotistical their leader is, the fact that their number one ally (CHINA!!) is calling for restraint, and that we have the ability to simply march down their streets and carpet bomb the living hell out of them while they can barely get ONE warhead over water before it drops, I'd say their 150% effed if they actually try anything.

04-10-2013, 02:08 PM

04-10-2013, 02:15 PM
Of course nuclear warfare is a big deal, but North Korea has been warned by China and Russia to stop escalating the crisis. They prepared for a missile launch today to fly over Japan and Japan has warned them they will shoot it down with Germany also backing Japan. And then you got 'Murica ready to mess N.Korea up. When you have the biggest nations against you, it's best to just stand down but mah dawg Kim Jong Un is just trying to keep it real. ya feel?

truely false
04-10-2013, 05:33 PM
NO! is the answer to the original question posed by this thread. No there will be no war what so ever North Korea like Iran is just posturing in an attempt to get the world powers to acknowledge them as a nuclear power nation like the other nuclear power nations of the world.