View Full Version : which braces to use

04-23-2013, 07:21 PM
bof6/7 or prideus? I ask because as an FB, max rate is important as we have so much rate. Which prideus braces give. That said, would prideus braces like 10% crit dmg 1% amp and 1% mcr or +24 atk 2% amp, 1% mcr be better than a bof 6/7? This does cause a lost of a lot of amp which makes me not want to give up bofs, however don't we rely on crits usually to win? dps is bad without crits so ideally we would want to raise that over amp then?

04-23-2013, 07:57 PM
AOP6/7 max rate suit( extended) pets, bike( extended) gloves, so no need to change BOF7/8 for prideus.

04-23-2013, 10:32 PM
Counting that fbs have a dry high critical rate prid bracelets are pretty good with high CD crafts on them. I know I have a pair of half decent bracelets that are 10% CD, and 1 amp each and they are better than bos7 when in bm3 aura. So I figure if you could get 15% CD or better bracelets they will likely be very good all the time even if you don't need max rate from them.

04-24-2013, 12:10 AM
BoFs...you can get max rate from other sources. I have 52 rate right now and crit quite often

04-24-2013, 03:20 AM
Errybody can get up to 55 rate really cheap.

Above that requires a bit of alz, and over 60 requires sort of a lot of alz. So if you can get a good prid, use it. Bof7 wins out unless almost all the crafts are pc or near pc though.