View Full Version : I cant change maps with GPS Warp

06-18-2013, 07:43 AM
Im ketomania, from Argentina, so sorry for my english, i know its real bad, hope you can understand me.

I cant change maps using the GPS Warp. I have to run and dash to each door to change worlds.
I've pay for the Premiun Diamond Booster 30 days like 2 weeks ago and i cant change maps neither.
Does someone has the same problem?

I've opened a ticker on the Help Desk and the did not give me an answer about what the problem could be, just told me that they are going to refund the eCoins that i spent on the Diamond Booster.

I would like to know if there ir a premiun wich let you change maps using the GPS Warp. When i press the TAB Key or M to see the GPS the big blue arrow it doents apear. And i have lots of return stones, for those who are going to tell me that.

Again, i hope that you can understand me.

Thanx for the help!

06-18-2013, 01:21 PM
NO idea lol

06-18-2013, 02:50 PM
NO idea lolreally helpful post amigo

06-18-2013, 06:45 PM
Did you possibly change your UI skin? also does it say you have Diamond Active in the bottom left of your screen

06-19-2013, 06:57 AM
Hola keto mira si tu nación esta en posecion de la bandera entonces podras utilizar el gps, debes tener en cuenta que tambien debes tener las piedras de return en tu inventario.