View Full Version : CABAL Online On Steam Greenlight: How YOU Can Help!

[GM] Lorkan
07-24-2013, 05:30 PM
Champions of Nevareth,

Support the cause and help make CABAL Online available on Steam!

Valve’s Greenlight program is a community driven method of selecting which games will be available on Steam. Players can vote and encourage support for candidates on Greenlight. If a game receives enough votes and shows a strong community following, Valve will select the game to be made available on Steam, the world’s leading digital distribution platform for games.

The benefits of making CABAL Online available on Steam will be substantial. More players will be made aware of CABAL Online, and the game’s population will increase rather dramatically. This will allow us to boost development and work to give players more of what they want from our continuous content updates. We also have special incentives and perks planned for those supporting us through this campaign, if we are successful. Stay tuned for more updates about these benefits in the near future.

Here’s what YOU can do to support CABAL Online in its campaign for availability on Steam:

Vote for CABAL Online on Greenlight! Every vote counts, and every vote gets us closer and closer to the top. Let’s do all we can to make sure CABAL Online is not just noticed among the rest, but standing out above the rest.

Add CABAL Online to your Favorites on Steam, and Follow our Greenlight page for updates! Just like votes, every Favorite counts.

Start discussions on the Greenlight page! Interact with the community as you interact with our own community here on the forum, but keep in mind that visiting players are lurking about. It’s the perfect opportunity to show off your character and achievements in CABAL Online. Show off the awesomeness of our game, and others will feel encouraged to join in on the action and support the cause themselves!

Spread The Word
By far, this is the most important thing that can be done to help us through this campaign. Spread the word about CABAL Online on Greenlight, and let everyone know about our aspirations to be available on Steam. If you belong to gaming forums or communities, let people know! Provide a link to our Greenlight page (available below) and encourage the support of as many people as you can. Use forums, Facebook, Twitter, blogs, and everything else you can think of. Tell your friends! Bottom line: Let people know and encourage them to help get an awesome game on Steam by following all of the points made above.

CABAL Online Greenlight Page (Vote/Favorite/Comment Here!):

Get Steam Here:
You must be a registered Steam user and own at least one game on Steam in order to vote.

Coming up, we will have details about direct perks and rewards that will be made available to our loyal supporters, should we succeed.

You are the reason for our success, and only you can help us move forward. The Greenlight program is all about hearing out the community and putting the power in their hands. Let’s show the world that CABAL Online has the best community in the world. We already know it’s true-- it’s time to show everyone else.

CABAL Support Team

08-06-2013, 12:05 AM
i know you guys are hoping to get into Steam's Systems with Cabal, but trust me this is not all that a great thing, i personally have played a game on Steam's Network, and they continuously FUBAR it every damn update they do. this game, if ur wondering is the ElderScrolls V: Skyrim. with every damn update you never know if its gonna crash or not. its like playing russian roulette with these guys