View Full Version : FB Dex extraction

08-13-2013, 10:47 AM

Just for those who needs any advice on the STR stat build i made a video of my extraction i did weeks ago. I had no real ss of my stats before i extracted idk why lol

Important stats before extraction:
4941 Def rate
2350 Evasion
5485 attack rate
249(349 ice blade) (no rune) damage reduce
6185 hp

Stats after:
4282 Def rate ( It's different from the video because i didnt have drosnins on)
1444 Evasion
4579 attack rate
367(467 ice blade) (no rune) damage reduce
6282 hp

Stats lost and gain:
659 Def rate lost
906 Evasion lost
906 Attack rate lost ( 831 lost now with attack rate rune maxed)
118 Damage reduce gain
97 HP gain

Overall: I like the damage reduce gain and the hp gain was pretty tight. Paired with damage reduce buff you can survive better for 12secs and even without it i feel that i survive better. There are ways to make up your def/attk rate lost (maxing runes, drosnins, reflex passive). Also at 5:03 there is a 100 hp drop due to STR going over 599. Iunno why that happens but i was able to regain 52 hp with the rest of the STR. Another thing about this STR build, i feel that blade/crystal maximizes the STR build better due to lower dex. My katana/orb build needs me to use more dex compared to blade/crystal users. If your able to get past 500dmg reduce ( more str, dmg reduce rune, mixed charm) + have a resist bike, fbs can tank like crazy!

08-13-2013, 02:22 PM
Wow u such a bad FB like wow I don't even

and if thars an hp drop wouldn't that be a HUGE hint to stop


08-13-2013, 06:23 PM
So we stop at 599 and continue to put it back in dexterity?

08-13-2013, 06:31 PM
To me hp doesn't matter that much since you can gain back the hp with many different ways np. You can stop at 599 and just pump back dex for attk/def rate/evasion if you feel that you need it. But to me the dmg reduce is pretty tight and i think that its better than the trade off for attk rate/def rate/ evasion. Its all personal preference of what you like at the end of the day :)

08-13-2013, 07:21 PM
To me hp doesn't matter that much since you can gain back the hp with many different ways np. You can stop at 599 and just pump back dex for attk/def rate/evasion if you feel that you need it. But to me the dmg reduce is pretty tight and i think that its better than the trade off for attk rate/def rate/ evasion. Its all personal preference of what you like at the end of the day :)

exactly what a physics major would say nawb

08-14-2013, 03:32 AM
I remember telling exp about this :D but eh T4 and lower should max at 599 is my suggestion. T5 and higher should just go full str and and stat match forci armour and weps with dex, int.

08-14-2013, 05:03 AM
sall bout da archridium

08-14-2013, 10:37 AM
#shoutouts to nex.

08-14-2013, 02:12 PM
Why 500 damage reduce? Do you get extra defend when you reach 500 damage reduce?

08-14-2013, 03:09 PM
no its just one of those benchmark things people like to have. theres really not a huge dif between 499 damage reduce and 501 damage reduce.

08-14-2013, 03:58 PM
Na there isn't no defense gained, but a high enough dmg reduce paired with many other resist stats is pretty tank

08-15-2013, 10:17 PM
huh? what's that? toma best fb?

08-16-2013, 06:38 PM
Peaches best fb duh

08-19-2013, 01:35 AM
Dmg reduce is nice and all, but is really mainly applicable to only war in terms of noticeable. I built a further def rate build than most FB with nothing above +8 for upgraded armors but the same def rate than you started with before extracts. (with your armors I should have around 6000 def rate base)

Personally I like a couple more misses and blocks than a reduction of a little damage seeing as I can vamp a lot of it back, or an HP pot quickly to recover it. My overall survivability is better with the additional 900 def rate than with the 100 dmg redux. That's why I've been able to survive on a Leth Tyrant as a 17X with half-decent gears better than several 180-190s with decently-good gears. Yea I do get hit for more, but I get hit less often.

So saying, it really comes down to personal preference with both being similarly effective. However I think you should have paid attention to all the stats and not only those 5. Attack and defense are minimally different, but they are not the same. It might be the difference between a katana and a blade base attacks, and when you're looking at the end game gears, that may be where you'd want to make your gains.

Perhaps I'll make a complete chart using about 2400 extracts (something like 800 ea stat points) with no armors on once I hit 190 (if ever) to show the accurate numbers of gains+losses from stat points.

08-19-2013, 02:48 AM
It really comes down to gear.

Damage reduce useless unless you're already rocking huge defense brah

08-21-2013, 09:43 PM
It really comes down to gear.

Damage reduce useless unless you're already rocking huge defense brah If you recall from developer discussions that your defense acts on a % based on you level (I think it's more rank up based) so I'm not wholly sure how dmg reduct works in with that.

08-21-2013, 10:04 PM
Speaking of tanky fb's o.o u guys need to check alucard out. 803 score in tg that guy is something else !

Lord Kronius
08-30-2013, 09:35 AM
meh, bunch of trash fbs like pioneer.

08-30-2013, 10:53 AM
meh, bunch of trash fbs like pioneer.
looks like a certain Dawkinz is butthurt about every other FBs. Poor dawkinz, it s ucks when you're not skill huh and all you can say is trash fbs. Dont worry we are in the same boot. I don't understand Fbs either so all i can say is "YOU TRASH FBS LIKE PIONEERS!".

08-30-2013, 01:55 PM
whoa 803 that's pretty high for a fb, i'm assuming he has a lot of resist on him