View Full Version : Account blocked for no reason. GG GM's .

08-20-2013, 05:49 PM
Hi to everyone who plays cabal and reads the forum.
Please take time and read what I have to say today about Cabal NA.

To clear this up, I know your going to say "who cares, its cabal, get over it" and such but if you feel that way, then please don't even bother to read what I have to say and leave such comments.

First off, I will admit that I have hacked on cabal and I have learned my lesson and got
the consequences. I have got banned and so I learned to not hack on my new account.
My friend gave me his FA and I played that for a couple of days after being hacked.
And by "gave" , I bought USD to afford for transfer to my new account and so I wasn't using his
account or anything, I don't know his information.
And not even after a week of playing this FA and and being banned on my main account,
this FA gets banned for no reason. I have admit, I have hacked on my main, but
I think I know better then to not hack on my new account.
I sent in a ticket regarding this issue and they have told me I was using third party user system, and
I requested evidence from them, any pictures, or something to prove that I was acutally hack, which in reality I was not.
After 3 tickets of requesting some evidence, GM Lorkan has closed my ticket and says it was a duplicate from the 2nd ticket.

Also considering I have played cabal for some years, this is pretty sad.
I get banned for no reason and I don't get any evidence.
Good going, and have fun blocking more people and losing some cabal population.
If anyone doesn't believe me, I can also attach pictures upon request.
This is way to depressing and this situation is like :
"I haven't done anything wrong but people are blaming me for doing something bad but deep inside, I know I'm innocent but there still blaming me"

And again I will say this again, for this people who will leave comments such as "get over it, stop being a whinny baby", please don't even bother to leave comments, because I know what im posting and I know im being a whinny baby.

Thank you for who ever took their time to read this, and for you wondering if I have a life posting this, yes I have a life and I like my life.

I just wanted to share my sad experience of cabal and the GM's.

Goodluck to any continuous cabal players.

08-20-2013, 07:06 PM
Let's pretend you're telling the truth about not hacking on the new account. I'm going to ask you 1 or 2 questions.

Have you removed whatever you used to hack on cabal?

Were you the programmer of the third party software, or did you get it from the internet? The reason I ask this is : if you're getting a hacking software from an exterior source, what guarantees you that this very same source did not add a little something else inside of this software which you were unaware of and that implemented itself somewhere else in your computer and could possibly gather information about your account, etc.

Have you crashed recently and got the message asking you if you wanted to send an anonymous report to ESTsoft and clicked yes? I'm kind of sceptical about this whole anonymous thing. but hey. what do I know.

Doesn't matter anyways, there are other games out there =)

08-20-2013, 07:25 PM
Let's pretend you're telling the truth about not hacking on the new account. I'm going to ask you 1 or 2 questions.

Have you removed whatever you used to hack on cabal?

Were you the programmer of the third party software, or did you get it from the internet? The reason I ask this is : if you're getting a hacking software from an exterior source, what guarantees you that this very same source did not add a little something else inside of this software which you were unaware of and that implemented itself somewhere else in your computer and could possibly gather information about your account, etc.

Have you crashed recently and got the message asking you if you wanted to send an anonymous report to ESTsoft and clicked yes? I'm kind of sceptical about this whole anonymous thing. but hey. what do I know.

Doesn't matter anyways, there are other games out there =)

Lol I don't do programming, so I got it from the internet and also there is no reason to lie, I learned there is nothing good into lying, you may not believe me or other ppl might not believe me but I know inside my head that's its the truth.

And considering what you said, I think because the hack was on the computer , it did something with cabal, even though I didn't open the cabal hack.

This is just messed up and cruel, GM's don't even give evidence and keep closing my ticket.
Honestly I also tried so many games out there, I always end up coming back to cabal and this just kinda made me cry and not want to play anymore, and im just stuck here being bored as hell now.

And I haven't got a message saying I want to send an anonymous report to ESTsoft, and I wouldn't do that kind of stuff anyways in the first place.

And considering the amount of people I know who hacks cabal and some of them are perfecltly fine, kind of pisses me off but just cus that pisses me off I wont snitch on them.

But I really appreciate you taking your time and reading this and leaving a comment, means a lot that not every NA players can be douche bags.

08-20-2013, 08:32 PM
So after stop hacking, did u or did u not make a clean installation? Cuz some sort of information probly could still have saved on your computer earlier.

08-20-2013, 09:01 PM
So after stop hacking, did u or did u not make a clean installation? Cuz some sort of information probly could still have saved on your computer earlier.

Did not make a clean installation.
Probly why I got banned.
Pretty depressing when your innocent.

I guess its my fault , except GM's come out to harsh without any evidence.
Sorry if it seems that Im making a big deal on the whole no evidence thing.

And thank you for taking your time and reading this.

08-20-2013, 09:51 PM
I suppose it could have been because of not doing a re-clean install. It is interesting that they'd ban the new account so suddenly without a good evidence. However, unfortunately for us players, is that the GM's reserve the right to ban us for whatever reason they deem fit and not have to tell us why. It'd just be courteous to know though. If you read up the ToS you'll be amazed at how little rights we players have and how easily they could ban almost every single player. Note: (The ToS location is STILL labeled wrong on the website because they're horribly slow at fixing errors like that despite me having mentioned it to them personally multiple times on facebook or HD tickets)

I had a similar issue with the tickets and gave the GM a full list of all my installed programs, and background programs to attempt to prove I never used "illegal 3rd party programs", but it wasn't even looked at, or if so, was not for very long and dismissed). Note: These next 2 sentences are really not necessary. I used the base Logitech Gaming Software designed for my G510 keyboard (it's also for the G19 and G15) which isn't an illegal program in of itself (though the response for ban stated says so instead of the real reason of macro-auto usage). Simply how I was using it that was off-limits to the game rules due to it's "unfair advantage" to be able to farm dungeon entries easier (never found any gears).

Edit: I've come to learn through other players that the population of hackers in cabal now outweighs the non-hackers, which is very sad.

08-20-2013, 09:58 PM
I suppose it could have been because of not doing a re-clean install. It is interesting that they'd ban the new account so suddenly without a good evidence. However, unfortunately for us players, is that the GM's reserve the right to ban us for whatever reason they deem fit and not have to tell us why. It'd just be courteous to know though. If you read up the ToS you'll be amazed at how little rights we players have and how easily they could ban almost every single player. Note: (The ToS location is STILL labeled wrong on the website because they're horribly slow at fixing errors like that despite me having mentioned it to them personally multiple times on facebook or HD tickets)

I had a similar issue with the tickets and gave the GM a full list of all my installed programs, and background programs to attempt to prove I never used "illegal 3rd party programs", but it wasn't even looked at, or if so, was not for very long and dismissed). Note: These next 2 sentences are really not necessary. I used the base Logitech Gaming Software designed for my G510 keyboard (it's also for the G19 and G15) which isn't an illegal program in of itself (though the response for ban stated says so instead of the real reason of macro-auto usage). Simply how I was using it that was off-limits to the game rules due to it's "unfair advantage" to be able to farm dungeon entries easier (never found any gears).

Edit: I've come to learn through other players that the population of hackers in cabal now outweighs the non-hackers, which is very sad.

It is very sad, I played sine 2009 and I decided to hack all of a sudden in mid 2013, which s badly.
As much as I want to play cabal and come back, I lost my gear and what I had was really special and I feel like its not even worth it anymore. Spent so much so USD even after I got banned for the new character and kind of regretting it so much.
Its not fun starting from bottom up.

I don't know how you guys can come back to this game and start over.
Too much for me after getting banned twice.

So brave, goodluck and thanks.

08-20-2013, 10:40 PM
shady stuff

08-20-2013, 11:38 PM
Probably the program u used for hacking. If u havent u remove it yet then GMs will keep on thinkin ur using hacks
Same goes to me. Bought an account which is really cheap and didnt know that acc. Has hacking issues.
Well it cant be helped.. Just move on and play different games

08-21-2013, 05:08 AM
They don't F u over for no reason !
U must do something wrong !

08-21-2013, 07:56 AM
It is very sad, I played sine 2009 and I decided to hack all of a sudden in mid 2013, which s badly.
As much as I want to play cabal and come back, I lost my gear and what I had was really special and I feel like its not even worth it anymore. Spent so much so USD even after I got banned for the new character and kind of regretting it so much.
Its not fun starting from bottom up.

I don't know how you guys can come back to this game and start over.
Too much for me after getting banned twice.

So brave, goodluck and thanks.

it's pretty much your fault tho, you hacked and didnt delete correctly, if GM would unbanned every player who claims they got "banned for no reason" it would be 80% of the ppl.
Gm dont ban people for no reason

Lord Kronius
08-21-2013, 08:10 AM
You admitted hacking on cabal... therefore anything you say cannot be trusted.. yeah we make mistakes but that one is like... a pretty far mistake lol, especially if you expect any support from the game you screwed over by using illegal software.. zzzzzz
why would you expect help? you should move on. I'm pretty sure illegal and offensive hacking goes hand in hand with lying and stealing..

08-21-2013, 08:14 AM
Edit: I've come to learn through other players that the population of hackers in cabal now outweighs the non-hackers, which is very sad.

Thought that was common knowledge since the merge with Global ?

08-21-2013, 09:33 AM
They will not show proof because it might reveal how you got caught
And you can use that to do it again and try not to get caught

How do you know that char you bought was not hacking before you purchased it ? Even though it's been xfered they will ban it

I doubt you stopped hacking once a cheat always a cheat
You get what you deserve

08-21-2013, 09:40 AM
And being the prog was still installed on your comp shows motive and proof you were still planning on using it
Thanks for playing :)

08-21-2013, 10:36 AM
it's pretty much your fault tho, you hacked and didnt delete correctly, if GM would unbanned every player who claims they got "banned for no reason" it would be 80% of the ppl.
Gm dont ban people for no reason

hush apoc boy :3

08-21-2013, 03:37 PM
You admitted hacking on cabal... therefore anything you say cannot be trusted.. yeah we make mistakes but that one is like... a pretty far mistake lol, especially if you expect any support from the game you screwed over by using illegal software.. zzzzzz
why would you expect help? you should move on. I'm pretty sure illegal and offensive hacking goes hand in hand with lying and stealing.. So anybody who ever installed a third party program for whatever the reason may be are now considered liars and thieves? I'm sure over 50% of the people who play pc games have tryed it at one point in some way on some game, i don't think its right of you to be saying that just because somebody downloaded a third party program that you can categorize them with people who lie and steal.

08-21-2013, 04:03 PM

08-21-2013, 04:17 PM
You admitted hacking on cabal... therefore anything you say cannot be trusted.. yeah we make mistakes but that one is like... a pretty far mistake lol, especially if you expect any support from the game you screwed over by using illegal software.. zzzzzz
why would you expect help? you should move on. I'm pretty sure illegal and offensive hacking goes hand in hand with lying and stealing..

lol cant be trusted?

I admit I hacked, and I think that takes a lot for someone to admit they hacked a game.
lol I don't really care what people have to say cus like again, I know the truth inside me and I know whats right, I don't need other people telling me wether I didn't hack or hacked.

08-21-2013, 04:18 PM
They will not show proof because it might reveal how you got caught
And you can use that to do it again and try not to get caught

How do you know that char you bought was not hacking before you purchased it ? Even though it's been xfered they will ban it

I doubt you stopped hacking once a cheat always a cheat
You get what you deserve

Lol please, I wish you can go onto my computer and check whens the last time I even opened the hack,
im not confident about myself, there is no reason to lie so why lie?
and that account was an old friend of mine and he hasn't played for like 4+ months, and he didn't use his fa much and so hence why he gave me his fa and I did the transfer with him.

08-21-2013, 04:20 PM
it's pretty much your fault tho, you hacked and didnt delete correctly, if GM would unbanned every player who claims they got "banned for no reason" it would be 80% of the ppl.
Gm dont ban people for no reason

lol they ban people but some people are innocent,

such as another guy who posted here that got banned cus of some other reason, and he didn't hack, just whatever he was using, the GM's didn't like and it got detected or something. and
how was I suppose to know the unused hack would trigger cabal in game ?

08-21-2013, 04:21 PM
They don't F u over for no reason !
U must do something wrong !

GM's f u over for no reason.
Cus I had a hack on my desktop and never used it, I get banned
wether I used it or not, I get banned.
GG. nice one GM's

08-21-2013, 04:31 PM
I hack in Pokemanz. Emulator comes with Action Replay function right on it :> no 3rd party program needed.

I guess the emulator itself is the 3rd party program though, from Nintendo's point of view o.o

08-21-2013, 04:37 PM
So anybody who ever installed a third party program for whatever the reason may be are now considered liars and thieves? I'm sure over 50% of the people who play pc games have tryed it at one point in some way on some game, i don't think its right of you to be saying that just because somebody downloaded a third party program that you can categorize them with people who lie and steal.

lol cant be trusted?

I admit I hacked, and I think that takes a lot for someone to admit they hacked a game.
lol I don't really care what people have to say cus like again, I know the truth inside me and I know whats right, I don't need other people telling me wether I didn't hack or hacked.

Kids. As soon as they get caught doing something wrong they try and make it sound like they're such great people for admitting they did something wrong.

"oh i dont care blah blah even though im complaining about it i really dont care blah blah i know im right and justified in everything i do and i dont need anybody telling me the truth blah blah. everyone cheats on pc games blah blah im not worse than the rest of the population everyone does it blah blah i dont deserve to be treated like a bad person blah blah."

Way to pull a Carlos Danger.

[GM] Lorkan
08-21-2013, 05:01 PM
GM's f u over for no reason.

For no reason? Really? Serious? We're going there? AGAIN?

Cus I had a hack on my desktop and never used it, I get banned

You were caught before for using illegal third party programs and you decided you should keep them? For what? Keep sake? Old memories? Heirloom for your grandchildren?

wether I used it or not, I get banned.

Whether or not you used it? You used it! That's what our data said and we blocked you for it.

GG. nice one GM's
We're the bad guys now? This is our fault?

We're to take your word on it. Ignore the facts that our data states other wise. Because you are a beacon of trust!

08-21-2013, 05:08 PM
So anybody who ever installed a third party program for whatever the reason may be are now considered liars and thieves? I'm sure over 50% of the people who play pc games have tryed it at one point in some way on some game, i don't think its right of you to be saying that just because somebody downloaded a third party program that you can categorize them with people who lie and steal.

Yeah, actually you categorize them in that specific category. It's called cheating. What part of cheating do you not understand?

Why in the hell wouldn't you be cautious around someone who is not trust worthy? That's the same as stating "it's ok guys, we all think about murdering someone at some point, this guy just actually committed it. But, it's cool, he's really cool guy. We should spend the night at his basement one of these days."

You are mental to think that way.

08-21-2013, 05:21 PM
Lol I don't do programming, so I got it from the internet and also there is no reason to lie, I learned there is nothing good into lying, you may not believe me or other ppl might not believe me but I know inside my head that's its the truth.

And considering what you said, I think because the hack was on the computer , it did something with cabal, even though I didn't open the cabal hack.

This is just messed up and cruel, GM's don't even give evidence and keep closing my ticket.
Honestly I also tried so many games out there, I always end up coming back to cabal and this just kinda made me cry and not want to play anymore, and im just stuck here being bored as hell now.

And I haven't got a message saying I want to send an anonymous report to ESTsoft, and I wouldn't do that kind of stuff anyways in the first place.

And considering the amount of people I know who hacks cabal and some of them are perfecltly fine, kind of pisses me off but just cus that pisses me off I wont snitch on them.

But I really appreciate you taking your time and reading this and leaving a comment, means a lot that not every NA players can be douche bags.

People are just fed up of all the hacking that has been going on these days. There seems to be no win for you on this, as we can see, you hacked before and got caught, and they do not tolerate hackers. You love this game but its too late to change because you lost your credibility, you had some time to enjoy it before you got banned though, I am sorry but I hope you find another MMO soon, like - better than this. If you do, dont screw it up again remove that program. >.<

08-21-2013, 06:20 PM
Yeah, actually you categorize them in that specific category. It's called cheating. What part of cheating do you not understand?

Why in the hell wouldn't you be cautious around someone who is not trust worthy? That's the same as stating "it's ok guys, we all think about murdering someone at some point, this guy just actually committed it. But, it's cool, he's really cool guy. We should spend the night at his basement one of these days."

You are mental to think that way.

Dangit, I wanted to use that example.

08-21-2013, 06:24 PM
Lorkan;394801']For no reason? Really? Serious? We're going there? AGAIN?

You were caught before for using illegal third party programs and you decided you should keep them? For what? Keep sake? Old memories? Heirloom for your grandchildren? Literally LOLed.

Whether or not you used it? You used it! That's what our data said and we blocked you for it.

We're the bad guys now? This is our fault?

We're to take your word on it. Ignore the facts that our data states other wise. Because you are a beacon of trust!

If I ever get a job as customer service, I hope my boss is like you.

08-21-2013, 06:36 PM
Lorkan;394801']For no reason? Really? Serious? We're going there? AGAIN?

You were caught before for using illegal third party programs and you decided you should keep them? For what? Keep sake? Old memories? Heirloom for your grandchildren?

Whether or not you used it? You used it! That's what our data said and we blocked you for it.

We're the bad guys now? This is our fault?

We're to take your word on it. Ignore the facts that our data states other wise. Because you are a beacon of trust!

Lol its called being lazy and not removing it, have you heard of someone being lazy ?
Yeah I used it on my first account but I never used it on my 2nd account, so even without using it on my 2nd account, I get banned automatically ?
That makes no complete sense, please explain to me.
If your data says other wise, why don't you just show us or are you too afraid and take other peoples word for it and hide behind it, such as how you guys have the "right" to not show us and ban us for whenever you want.

08-21-2013, 06:40 PM
I swear, I would freaking dare you guys to go onto my dam computer, and check the logs of if I ever open the dam hack or not after I made my new account, only if that kind of crap was possible.

This is just outrageously stupid. No offense.

08-21-2013, 06:51 PM
Since when did being lazy become a good trait anyways? Use this as a life lesson.

Being lazy won't get you anywhere.

08-21-2013, 07:03 PM
Since when did being lazy become a good trait anyways? Use this as a life lesson.

Being lazy won't get you anywhere.

its not 100% a bad trait either, im pretty sure being lazy can bring in 1 good thing into ur life, out of the maybe 50+ years you'll live.

08-21-2013, 07:19 PM
Lol its called being lazy and not removing it, have you heard of someone being lazy ?
Yeah I used it on my first account but I never used it on my 2nd account, so even without using it on my 2nd account, I get banned automatically ?
That makes no complete sense, please explain to me.
If your data says other wise, why don't you just show us or are you too afraid and take other peoples word for it and hide behind it, such as how you guys have the "right" to not show us and ban us for whenever you want.

Because since you left the software on your computer, you still had intentions of using it. If you love Cabal so much that you don't know what to do without it, then you wouldn't keep it.
Lorkan;394801']You were caught before for using illegal third party programs and you decided you should keep them? For what? Keep sake? Old memories? Heirloom for your grandchildren?

08-21-2013, 07:22 PM
its not 100% a bad trait either, im pretty sure being lazy can bring in 1 good thing into ur life, out of the maybe 50+ years you'll live.

Yes, it is. -.- You don't get on the Seven Deadly Sins for being slightly bad.

08-21-2013, 07:32 PM
Because since you left the software on your computer, you still had intentions of using it. If you love Cabal so much that you don't know what to do without it, then you wouldn't keep it.

Lol are you a physic? Or how ever you would spell that cus obv im not a spell genius.

Not bashing or anything, and most people probly wouldn't believe me but I'll say it anyways,
I had no intentions of even using that hack anymore cus I was scared I was going to get banned again cus
1)spent USD to get back on cabal
2)didn't want hard work to be wasted

and hacking was last thing on my mind to do.
I guess people aren't allowed to be lazy and keep the files?
Lol I have many things on my older 2 laptops that shud be deleted but cus of my lazyiness there still there.
and no there not hacks, there just old files and pictures, if people were wondering.

08-21-2013, 08:12 PM
Yeah, actually you categorize them in that specific category. It's called cheating. What part of cheating do you not understand?

Why in the hell wouldn't you be cautious around someone who is not trust worthy? That's the same as stating "it's ok guys, we all think about murdering someone at some point, this guy just actually committed it. But, it's cool, he's really cool guy. We should spend the night at his basement one of these days."

You are mental to think that way.
I don't support hackers or alz buyer. but isn't that what they say to the alz buyer? "it's ok guys, this guy is an alz buyer who cheated us but since he's a cool guy who spends USD were only banning him for a week unlike the hackers who don't use USD, they are ban forever". "shakes head" so many people are mental.

kkkkkkkk go ahead I said the word "alz buyer". Delete this thread :D

Jisook u hack get over it and move on.

08-21-2013, 08:14 PM
I don't support hackers or alz buyer. but isn't that what they say to the alz buyer? "it's ok guys, this guy is an alz buyer who cheated us but since he's a cool guy who spends USD were only banning him for a week unlike the hackers who don't use USD, they are ban forever". "shakes head" so many people are mental.

kkkkkkkk go ahead I said the word "alz buyer". Delete this thread :D

Jisook u hack get over it and move on.

Lol honestly I don't get anything of what you said. call me stupid.

and I have over with it, and im not allowed to show cabal players my situation ? Cus if im not allowed, I feel like that's really dumb, cus im just here to speak.

and its called "hacked" not "hack" . thanks.

and I never bought alz.

08-21-2013, 08:19 PM
Lol honestly I don't get anything of what you said. call me stupid.

and I have over with it, and im not allowed to show cabal players my situation ? Cus if im not allowed, I feel like that's really dumb, cus im just here to speak.

and its called "hacked" not "hack" . thanks.

and I never bought alz.
"hacked" or "hack" if you are that picky about "words" than you should of made sure the hacking program was no longer on your computer. nomsayin? and I didn't say you bought alz :o

08-21-2013, 08:24 PM
"hacked" or "hack" if you are that picky about "words" than you should of made sure the hacking program was no longer on your computer. nomsayin? and I didn't say you bought alz :o

Lol im sorry but hacked and hack are way two complete different, have you gone to high school and learned your English ?

Sorry but hacked is past tense and I have hacked, not recently hack.

I don't think you would have the right to say that I still currently hack unless you found some real evidence.

Ridicous considering the fact that you know whats the truth except people wont believe you.
I hope when you get into a situation like this, just goodluck, and don't tell me you wont cus you wont know what life will throw you, and you have plenty of years to live on, and one day, there will be a situation like this. and all ill say is goodluck.

08-21-2013, 08:44 PM
Lol im sorry but hacked and hack are way two complete different, have you gone to high school and learned your English ?

Sorry but hacked is past tense and I have hacked, not recently hack.

I don't think you would have the right to say that I still currently hack unless you found some real evidence.

Ridicous considering the fact that you know whats the truth except people wont believe you.
I hope when you get into a situation like this, just goodluck, and don't tell me you wont cus you wont know what life will throw you, and you have plenty of years to live on, and one day, there will be a situation like this. and all ill say is goodluck. Honestly past tense hardly matters to most people. I used a macro in the past, but it doesn't matter now because my account will still be banned even if I never use them again like I did to get it banned (even if it's less severe a crime than alz buyers who only get a 7 day ban which is very highly unfair to other players as well as stealing from estsoft)

08-21-2013, 08:44 PM
Lol im sorry but hacked and hack are way two complete different, have you gone to high school and learned your English ?

Sorry but hacked is past tense and I have hacked, not recently hack.

I don't think you would have the right to say that I still currently hack unless you found some real evidence.

Ridicous considering the fact that you know whats the truth except people wont believe you.
I hope when you get into a situation like this, just goodluck, and don't tell me you wont cus you wont know what life will throw you, and you have plenty of years to live on, and one day, there will be a situation like this. and all ill say is goodluck.
I have any right to say what I want to say. I can even say you pee in your pants and you still can't do anything about what I say. just like I can't control that you are sharing your experience on the forum. No I haven't gone to high school and learned my English but i'm still smart enough to not hack ;)

08-21-2013, 08:47 PM
I have any right to say what I want to say. I can even say you pee in your pants and you still can't do anything about what I say. just like I can't control that you are sharing your experience on the forum. No I haven't gone to high school and learned my English but i'm still smart enough to not hack ;)

lol so ur saying only dumb ppl hack ? isn't that a little rude to others.

go ahead tell everyone I pee in my pants or I pooped in my pants lmaooo.

u never know what ppl can do, ofc im not dumb enough to come to where you are and do some crazy sht.

08-21-2013, 08:50 PM
Lol its called being lazy and not removing it, have you heard of someone being lazy ?
Yeah I used it on my first account but I never used it on my 2nd account, so even without using it on my 2nd account, I get banned automatically ?
That makes no complete sense, please explain to me.
If your data says other wise, why don't you just show us or are you too afraid and take other peoples word for it and hide behind it, such as how you guys have the "right" to not show us and ban us for whenever you want.

They cannot show proof it breaks there guidlines and from what he said in that message you are full if you hacked with the 2nd

08-21-2013, 08:53 PM
They cannot show proof it breaks there guidlines and from what he said in that message you are full if you hacked with the 2nd

I am full ? Sorry I don't get it.

Lol I guess it doesn't matter how much I tell ppl, words wont get to them.

And I didn't hack, if I did, I'll go to hell for it. That's how confident I am. You probly don't care if I just said that or not, but I just had too.

Sht, i'll even go around do embarrsing things or anything if I did hack on the 2nd. which I didn't.

08-21-2013, 08:54 PM
lol so ur saying only dumb ppl hack ? isn't that a little rude to others.

go ahead tell everyone I pee in my pants or I pooped in my pants lmaooo.

u never know what ppl can do, ofc im not dumb enough to come to where you are and do some crazy sht.
Yes you're dumb for hacking. I don't really care if i'm rude to hackers or not lol

I only said peed I didn't say poop :D but cool

08-21-2013, 08:57 PM
Yes you're dumb for hacking. I don't really care if i'm rude to hackers or not lol

I only said peed I didn't say poop :D but cool

peed or pooped, you could of said anything. it was an example and it doesn't have to be exact.

lol for all you could know, one of your friends could of hacked , and your calling them dumb too, unless you don't really give a crap for your friends, and don't tell me your so confident about how your friends would never hack.

more than over 50% of gamers are bound to hack once in there life time, and your just telling them that more than 50% of them are dumb, including people who you met in ur life or are really close with could of hacked. GG.

08-21-2013, 09:02 PM
Well Jisook, it hurts but u gotta admit the facts that it was your fault. You can't blame GMs for doing their job. You logged into that FA with suspicious data which is related to third party prog. So nothing you can do but deal with it and move on.

08-21-2013, 09:03 PM
peed or pooped, you could of said anything. it was an example and it doesn't have to be exact.

lol for all you could know, one of your friends could of hacked , and your calling them dumb too, unless you don't really give a crap for your friends, and don't tell me your so confident about how your friends would never hack.

more than over 50% of gamers are bound to hack once in there life time, and your just telling them that more than 50% of them are dumb, including people who you met in ur life or are really close with could of hacked. GG.
I don't really give a crap about my friends ingame. and yes if they decide to hack than that makes their decision dumb. even my friends in real life. if they do something stupid and dumb than ofc I will call them dumb and stupid. I wouldn't be a good friend if I lie to them and say "you're not dumb for hacking, keep doing it". Maybe if you had a good friend like me who told you ahead of time that you are an idiot and need to remove that program than you wouldn't be crying on the forum. ;)

08-21-2013, 09:04 PM
Well Jisook, it hurts but u gotta admit the facts that it was your fault. You can't blame GMs for doing their job. You logged into that FA with suppicious data which is related to third party prog. So nothing you can do but deal with it and move on.

Lol I love how everyone is saying move on.

If you read the comments up, I did state that I did move on.

And yes suspious data from not even opening the hack, thats why im saying GG GM's.

08-21-2013, 09:26 PM
Lol I love how everyone is saying move on.

If you read the comments up, I did state that I did move on.

And yes suspious data from not even opening the hack, thats why im saying GG GM's.
If you already moved on, why do you feel the need to continuously justify yourself?

08-21-2013, 09:32 PM
If you already moved on, why do you feel the need to continuously justify yourself?

cus I feel its kinda dumb ppl wont believe me or keep saying I hack or such things.

I quit cabal and I moved on and I got nothing better to do than read this thread I made and reply back.
probly dun needa know this but yup im grounded and I got nothing to do except sit around, watch drama, look for another game and read this.
#nolife , jk f that I have a life xD. just cant do much atm.

08-21-2013, 09:33 PM
Lol I love how everyone is saying move on.

If you read the comments up, I did state that I did move on.

And yes suspious data from not even opening the hack, thats why im saying GG GM's.

Well, this is likely your reasoning for being banned:

2.4.3 The Company has the right to obtain, without notification to you, information from your computer, software, and parts or portions thereof, including, without limitation, your computer's random access memory, video card, central processing unit, hard drive(s) and any other storage devices to assist our efforts in policing users who may develop and/or use "hacks" and/or "cheats" to gain advantage over other users. The information obtained in this Section will only be used for the purpose of identifying persons or entities not in compliance or believed by the Company to not be in compliance with this Agreement and any and all other Company rules, policies, notices and/or agreements.

08-21-2013, 09:42 PM
Well, this is likely your reasoning for being banned:

fk the law lol.

it doesn't really matter but thanks I guess.

08-21-2013, 11:17 PM
bingo! huh? o.o

08-21-2013, 11:22 PM
To clear up any misunderstandings i wasn't siding nor defending them, i was just arguing grouping people who downloaded a third party program with liars and thieves. Because i think they are completely different things that is all, but then again i guess that would depend on what they were doing with the program lol.

08-22-2013, 03:05 AM
once a hacker always a hacker good job gm getting rid of trash in game

08-22-2013, 04:08 AM
fk the law lol.

it doesn't really matter but thanks I guess.

You just like digging yourself deeper, don't you?

08-22-2013, 04:30 AM
fk the law lol.

it doesn't really matter but thanks I guess.

cus I feel its kinda dumb ppl wont believe me or keep saying I hack or such things.

I quit cabal and I moved on and I got nothing better to do than read this thread I made and reply back.
probly dun needa know this but yup im grounded and I got nothing to do except sit around, watch drama, look for another game and read this.
#nolife , jk f that I have a life xD. just cant do much atm.

I don't get it. He cares so much that people believe he's not a lawbreaker tho.

Get over it. Nobody cares about you anyways they just like seeing stupid people throw hissy fits, however yours has gone on far too long to be funny anymore.

08-22-2013, 04:43 AM
Not sure if someone said this before but whether you hacked or not on your 2nd acct we dnt know but the fact you kept the program on your computer is prob the red flag especially since you were caught hacking before.

Wish you all the luck.

08-22-2013, 07:13 AM
There was a similar talk awhile back and lorkan said that they couldn't reveal their methods of detecting hacks because that would be like giving hackers/botters a safe way to never get caught again and why should they provide proof to you.... what makes you special that they should show proof how they came to the conclusion to ban you you're better off starting over again you wont get un banned, either make/buy a new character and re-gear it it should be cheap since gear prices are dirt cheap or move to another game.

08-22-2013, 09:30 AM
There was a similar talk awhile back and lorkan said that they couldn't reveal their methods of detecting hacks because that would be like giving hackers/botters a safe way to never get caught again and why should they provide proof to you.... what makes you special that they should show proof how they came to the conclusion to ban you you're better off starting over again you wont get un banned, either make/buy a new character and re-gear it it should be cheap since gear prices are dirt cheap or move to another game.

It's actually sorcery, that's the method of finding hackers.

If you decide to make ANOTHER character, please make sure to delete the program. We don't want another whine thread.

08-22-2013, 09:36 AM
I don't support hackers or alz buyer. but isn't that what they say to the alz buyer? "it's ok guys, this guy is an alz buyer who cheated us but since he's a cool guy who spends USD were only banning him for a week unlike the hackers who don't use USD, they are ban forever". "shakes head" so many people are mental.

kkkkkkkk go ahead I said the word "alz buyer". Delete this thread :D

Jisook u hack get over it and move on.

Honestly past tense hardly matters to most people. I used a macro in the past, but it doesn't matter now because my account will still be banned even if I never use them again like I did to get it banned (even if it's less severe a crime than alz buyers who only get a 7 day ban which is very highly unfair to other players as well as stealing from estsoft)

You dare compare using macro and hacks to buying alz? Are you retarded?

Why don't we give the same punishments for buying illegal drugs and murder. That sounds like an amazing plan guys! While were at it, traffic violation is now punishable by death penalty.

Nice try Val, you're not saving face on this one. You got blocked not just caused you used a macro, you used macro to bot your characters. Ask the guys who reported you.

08-22-2013, 09:51 AM
You dare compare using macro and hacks to buying alz? Are you retarded?

Why don't we give the same punishments for buying illegal drugs and murder. That sounds like an amazing plan guys! While were at it, traffic violation is now punishable by death penalty.

Nice try Val, you're not saving face on this one. You got blocked not just caused you used a macro, you used macro to bot your characters. Ask the guys who reported you.

He has been trying to save face since he was caught I was asked to watch the vid before it was sent to the hd because I knew him and they wanted my input there is no doubt in the world you were botting ..... I also saw the convo you had with him saying what you were doing was 100% legit and he laughed at you and told you he was going to prove you wrong guess he was right ........
And I wouldn't be surprised that you still do it and are just a lot more careful

08-22-2013, 10:19 AM
You dare compare using macro and hacks to buying alz? Are you retarded?

Why don't we give the same punishments for buying illegal drugs and murder. That sounds like an amazing plan guys! While were at it, traffic violation is now punishable by death penalty.

Nice try Val, you're not saving face on this one. You got blocked not just caused you used a macro, you used macro to bot your characters. Ask the guys who reported you.

dun dun dun dun dun!

Here comes all the alz buyer supporters :D

08-22-2013, 10:22 AM
I support alz buying as long as its thru Ests cash shop :)

08-22-2013, 10:27 AM
dun dun dun dun dun!

Here comes all the alz buyer supporters :D

Here comes fear mongering from a full retard.

Too mentally challenge to tell the difference between alz buyers and hackers? We got an easy solution! Go FULL RETARD and call the other person an alz buyer supporter. EVERYONE JUMP ON THE BANDWAGON AND GET RETARDED!

08-22-2013, 10:29 AM
I support alz buying as long as its thru Ests cash shop :)
but but but we can only buy vouchers ecoins and potions through cash shop. No alz :(

08-22-2013, 10:29 AM
Here comes fear mongering from a full retard.

Too mentally challenge to tell the difference between alz buyers and hackers? We got an easy solution! Go FULL RETARD and call the other person an alz buyer supporter. EVERYONE JUMP ON THE BANDWAGON AND GET RETARDED!

You have seen his other posts I dont think he ever leaves that state .....

08-22-2013, 10:30 AM
but but but we can only buy vouchers ecoins and potions through cash shop. No alz :(
Man you are stupid you can buy the potions for alz ......

08-22-2013, 10:31 AM
Here comes fear mongering from a full retard.

Too mentally challenge to tell the difference between alz buyers and hackers? We got an easy solution! Go FULL RETARD and call the other person an alz buyer supporter. EVERYONE JUMP ON THE BANDWAGON AND GET RETARDED!

A criminal is a criminal.
OMG the name calling is hurting my feelings!
:D alz buyers

08-22-2013, 10:33 AM
Man you are stupid you can buy the potions for alz ......
Dammit! really? let me go check! ;)

with these potions i'm offically a USD user! :o

08-22-2013, 10:34 AM
You have seen his other posts I dont think he ever leaves that state .....

08-22-2013, 11:54 AM
Here comes fear mongering from a full retard.

Too mentally challenge to tell the difference between alz buyers and hackers? We got an easy solution! Go FULL RETARD and call the other person an alz buyer supporter. EVERYONE JUMP ON THE BANDWAGON AND GET RETARDED!

Hi, you never go full retard.. Not ever

08-22-2013, 01:45 PM
Hi, you never go full retard.. Not ever This isn't a movie. So yes, he can go full retard. Also look at our modern culture. We breed stupidity like lemmings dude.

08-22-2013, 01:46 PM
This isn't a movie. So yes, he can go full retard. Also look at our modern culture. We breed stupidity like lemmings dude.

I have too much swag to care about smartness. YOLO!

08-22-2013, 02:12 PM
This isn't a movie. So yes, he can go full retard. Also look at our modern culture. We breed stupidity like lemmings dude.

hey if you wanna get on that topic....

nvm I won't say it cos people always say I'm horrible and heartless

08-22-2013, 02:35 PM
hey if you wanna get on that topic....

nvm I won't say it cos people always say I'm horrible and heartless

Please do :)

truely false
08-22-2013, 03:24 PM
I saw this thread yesterday and past on it but after reading todays post I desided to post.

I get it he just needed to vent and thats why he started this thread but after the first 2 pages he should've stopped and left it at that. Now no one believes him...:(

08-22-2013, 03:39 PM
I saw this thread yesterday and past on it but after reading todays post I desided to post.

I get it he just needed to vent and thats why he started this thread but after the first 2 pages he should've stopped and left it at that. Now no one believes him...:(

If I have to pick between believing one of two people:

one: some random hacker
two: a GM

ill believe the GM

08-22-2013, 04:20 PM
Years ago, that happened to me too. Just send a ticket about your issue and tell them to reinvestigate your case. (And I got unblocked)

08-22-2013, 04:23 PM

I just agree with that bold statement. That's all.

So anybody who ever installed a third party program for whatever the reason may be are now considered liars and thieves? I'm sure over 50% of the people who play pc games have tryed it at one point in some way on some game, i don't think its right of you to be saying that just because somebody downloaded a third party program that you can categorize them with people who lie and steal.

I just hope they didn't ban this person because he got caught using a 3rd party program before (therefore he has no right to play again). I know some players who cheated before on their first accounts, got banned, and now have their second accounts and are still playing. It's like not fair

08-22-2013, 04:54 PM
If I remember correctly, if the character you transferred to your account was used for hacking by the previous owner, then the new account will get banned. Maybe you need to talk to your friend you got the FA from.

08-22-2013, 05:11 PM
If I remember correctly, if the character you transferred to your account was used for hacking by the previous owner, then the new account will get banned. Maybe you need to talk to your friend you got the FA from.
They already mentioned that their friend was inactive for 4 months and supposedly came back just to pass it on to them.

08-22-2013, 06:14 PM
If I have to pick between believing one of two people:

one: some random hacker
two: a GM

ill believe the GM
Sometimes GM can be wrong. Remember my case, at first place, 3 GMs accused me involving with ring of fraudulent accounts, all my tickets were closed then. After posting on forum, GM Snow took a look on my case and she said its not about dirty vouchers but I accquired a large amount of alz which seemed to be an alz seller/buyer. Actually, I just did middleman job. A lot of players want to buy noob accounts (below 1b) without transfer, they just need to change owner email. I was asked to keep alz from buyer then gave them to seller after both confirmed the deal. The thing is ppl always ask me to open a shop and put on a trashy item to get alz from buyer then buy a trashy one from seller.

However, its hard for GM to believe it, i shoulda capture a video the whole process. I paid for my careless my FA which i spent months to get on 190 and 20b item worth. Its pretty much same as u Jisook if you are telling the truth. I can't blame GM because it was my fault. Im just sad when some ppl did the same thing but only got blocked for 7 days or 14 days but me, a perm block.

And never ever say they ban for no reason, thers' s always a reason

08-22-2013, 06:37 PM
I ain't got banned wekeke

Lord Kronius
08-23-2013, 07:40 AM
He got banned because he was already caught hacking once before and they still found the programs on him.

Once you get caught, your privileges get reduced.. One privilege is called "being trusted".

And hacking is cheating... am I right? Against the game you "like to play"?? The gm's work to update the game and help people. you screwed them by hacking their stuff. Now they're supposed to help you out? v_V

And cheating doesn't go hand in hand with lying? or Stealing?? I believe anything that is mischievous like that, deserves good punishment. obviously you don't understand morals and maybe need to be taught some?

Give a good reason why you should be trusted ??? and a better one for why you won't just move on? x]

Lord Kronius
08-23-2013, 07:42 AM
You gave them a reason not to trust you. Congrats.. carry on with your invalid arguments lol Why play a game that you hacked on.. and still have hacking programs on your computer... logic is lost.

08-23-2013, 08:05 AM
You gave them a reason not to trust you. Congrats.. carry on with your invalid arguments lol Why play a game that you hacked on.. and still have hacking programs on your computer... logic is lost.

1 because he still used it
2 he is stupid
3 the tears bring me joy

08-29-2013, 01:26 AM
I just agree with that bold statement. That's all.

I just hope they didn't ban this person because he got caught using a 3rd party program before (therefore he has no right to play again). I know some players who cheated before on their first accounts, got banned, and now have their second accounts and are still playing. It's like not fair

Yeah lol i just don't think people understand that "third party programs" can also be considered botting/maybe macroing? but the word can be used in a lot of situations and you don't know what she was using it for so i think calling it "lying and stealing" isn't really correct.. plus there are like you said a lot of people who started over on a new account because they really like to play and learned there lesson the first time they got banned for it. All in all we wont really know if she was actually using the program again or if because of whatever reason she didn't uninstall it and got banned just for having it on the computer. Nothing we can do but leave that up to the gm's

08-29-2013, 08:46 AM
1 because he still used it
2 he is stupid
3 the tears bring me joy

Oh you, always know how to give a good smile.

Immortal Dilemma
08-29-2013, 10:55 AM
Maybe the Gms need to read the reports of everyone that is logging in with a suspicious program attached to the Cabal Server. Such as a program thats up when your playing Cabal. Man...see you better make sure you close everything before logging into Cabal eachtime.

Don't stop fighting for your account back.

08-29-2013, 01:18 PM
Maybe the Gms need to read the reports of everyone that is logging in with a suspicious program attached to the Cabal Server. Such as a program thats up when your playing Cabal. Man...see you better make sure you close everything before logging into Cabal eachtime.

Don't stop fighting for your account back.

send another ticket so they can keep closing it

Lord Kronius
08-31-2013, 10:56 AM
send another ticket so they can keep closing it

08-31-2013, 11:13 AM
All in all we wont really know if she was actually using the program again or if because of whatever reason she didn't uninstall it and got banned just for having it on the computer. Nothing we can do but leave that up to the gm's

He/She would get banned if the hack program is working while he/she is playing in game, being unaware of this program working was not a valid reason. I think that's the case.

09-07-2013, 01:17 PM

09-13-2013, 08:03 PM
GMs do their jobs, they get yelled at.
GMs don't do their jobs, they get yelled at.

Congrats, you divided by zero. Please shut the door behind you oh wait, the GMs locked the door when you got banned. Bai bai.