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View Full Version : CABAL Online Enters The Top 25 On Steam Greenlight!

[GM] Lorkan
08-28-2013, 05:44 PM
Champions of Nevareth,

All of your support and hard work is paying off!

CABAL Online has entered the Top 25 on Steam Greenlight!

Your support and encouragement is now more important than ever. Tell your friends, spread the word, and if you haven’t voted yet, please head over to our page on Steam Greenlight (http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=159372296), vote YES for CABAL Online, and leave a comment about how awesome CABAL is while you’re at it!

We’re getting close, Champions. We couldn’t have gotten this far without your help.

To celebrate our inclusion in the Top 25, we’ve decided to extend the Favorite Moments event on the Greenlight page! So head on over there (http://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/discussion/159372296/846961716479667909/) and post about your personal favorite experience in CABAL Online. Be sure to include your in-game name and server, because we will continue to honor the original event’s (http://cabal.com/Notice/Detail?boardIdx=2996) prizes: 1x Blessing Bead - Skill EXP 100% (3-Days) if your character is under level 100, and 2x Stain Clone if your character is over level 100!

Expect more updates about CABAL Online’s progress on Steam Greenlight soon! In the meantime, spread the word, support CABAL (http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=159372296), and win some great prizes while you’re at it!

CABAL Support Team

08-29-2013, 02:27 AM
The information that cabal is in the top 25 on steam is meaningless without more information.

First what category are we in the top 25?

second, what is our target number to be accepted by steam? Do we need to be top 10, #1 or what?

Clarification and more information would be useful

08-29-2013, 09:25 AM
Or maybe give out better prizes like...odd circles or something cash shop exclusive. 2 stain clones isn't going to help out the veteran players at all. I understand that it's not mandatory to vote but if you want votes, please, PLEASE give out better prizes.

[GM] Stormcrow
08-30-2013, 04:59 PM
First what category are we in the top 25?

We are in the Top 25 on the entire platform, competing with all other games currently on Greenlight.

second, what is our target number to be accepted by steam? Do we need to be top 10, #1 or what?

This varies, and several different factors are involved. There's no clear-cut requirement for being accepted, but various factors such as ranking, votes, community support, and general public opinion of the game all play key roles. Thanks to our supportive community, we're doing very well on the platform. Continuing the trend of positivity will be an important factor looking forward. Announcing the Top 25 status does mean this: We're close. We're very close, and depending upon the size of the next few batches Valve decides to Greenlight, we may be able to bring CABAL to the platform sooner rather than later. It simply can't be done without the aid of our incredible community.

We have more opportunities coming up for players looking to help us out, and we have more plans for giving back to the community as thanks for their vital support. I can't be too specific just yet, but updates are just around the corner.

Helping us achieve this goal will result in a positive outcome for everyone involved. Whether players choose to play CABAL through Steam or not, it will present the game to a very large demographic, increase the overall population, and enable us to expand upon new features and content we bring to the game.

Thanks for your questions, and thanks for your support. :cool:

08-31-2013, 08:19 PM
Thank you for the information :)