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View Full Version : Def rate/Atk rate what do they actually do?

05-28-2010, 09:11 PM
I've been bothered by a couple of guildies to change one of my upgrades from increasing my atk rate to increasing my def rate. I understand that the atk rate is related to the % you hit targets with your atks. I'm assuming def rate is the % which people miss you. I just want to know the formula relating the two together. In other words my 2001 def rate makes monsters miss me what % of the time? I want to know if its worth it to switch between atk rate and def rate. (Note: my character has 4777 atk rate unbuffed). Switching the two would drop my atk rate to 3466 and increase my def rate to 2799.

I also understand that using combos always hits targets so atk rate is useless when grinding by combos. I also have a tendeny not to use combos and die, due to an overwhelming amount of hits from the mob. But I can survive when I use vamp and combos.

I've also looked around for a guide, and have not been successful. If there is one, could you point me to that? Also since this is my first post since the server move, I'm assuming this is the correct spot to post this kind of question.

05-29-2010, 06:50 AM
as long as u don't get an attack rate upgrade ur good stick with ur setup

05-29-2010, 03:41 PM
Well clearly I have the atk rate upgrade, I just wanna know the formula so I can figure out if its worth it to switch to def rate upgrade. I'm a mathematician so I can figure out if its worth the switch or not If I know the formula.