View Full Version : Class Strength Chart: Need Community Input!

09-30-2013, 07:05 AM
Hello, everyone!
I am putting together a power chart for all the classes in Cabal Online, and need everyone's input on what they think is the strength and weakness of each class on a scale from 1-5 (1 being weak, 5 being strong). The metrics upon which each class will be graded on is as follows:


PVE Strength will be graded upon the class's ability to survive in PVE environment, their ability to solo, and their speed at which they can accomplish quests, dungeons, and killing mobs/bosses. (1 = Worst; 5 = The Best)
PVP Strength is dependent on the class's ability to do well in: Nation War, Mission Battle, War channel, free style PVP, and traditional PVP. (1 = Worst; 5 = The Best)
Party Utility will be based on how good this class is in groups. Are they essential in a party? Do they have good party support skills? (1 = Unnecessary; 5 = Must Have)
Equipment Cost is how expensive/difficult it is to equip this class. This includes what needs to be slotted in order to maximize specific classes. (1 = Expensive; 5 = Cheap)
Class Difficulty will be based on how hard/easy the class is to play for beginners, and how hard it is to master the class. (1 = Hardest; 5 = Easiest)
Battle Mode 1 score is how awesome you think the class's battle mode 1 is. (1 = Worst; 5 = The Best)
Battle Mode 2 score is how awesome you think the class's battle mode 2 is. (1 = Worst; 5 = The Best)
Battle Mode 3 score is how awesome you think the class's battle mode 3 is. (1 = Worst; 5 = The Best)

So for example, I would say

-PVE Strength: 5
-PVP Stregnth: 2
-Party Utility: 1
-Equipment Cost: 3
-Class Difficulty: 5
-Battle Mode 1: 4
-Battle Mode 2: 4
-Battle Mode 3: 3

And you would do this for every class! You can reply with explanation on why you gave the class whatever score you gave them and I will include the most popular and most repeated ones on the chart.

After a month or so, I will average all the scores and publish the charts for everyone to view.

Please don't flame anyone for their scoring!

09-30-2013, 07:42 AM
-PVE Strength: 3
-PVP Stregnth: 3
-Party Utility: 4
-Equipment Cost: 2
-Class Difficulty: 3
-Battle Mode 1: 2
-Battle Mode 2: 3
-Battle Mode 3: 1

PVE str: good tanking ability, cant survive long enough in bloody, requires healing, low DPS
PVP str: outside of war(in stand pvp its prorably the third best FS and Str built FB are superior. Mission battle its basically garbage, War its decent in terms of pvp
Party Utility: has the best party synergies IMO, AOS, Fury all the good stuff, best for support
Equipment Cost: No rate buff, think about that...... have to buy slot extenders for the GS, extreming requires the use of more cores
Class difficult: after the current patches id say it would become harder for the WA that are ungeared to survive in pvp or pve situations.
BM1: its basically a def atk BM, nothing special other than 100 hp LOL.
BM2: Prolly our best BM, has decent vamp, quick DPS, plus the knockdown, still not as ez to use as WI, FA bm2, not as strong as BL bm2.
BM3: SLOW, WEAK COMPARED TO OTHER CLASS, nuff said about that

09-30-2013, 07:45 AM
Thanks for the first reply, cloud! Just FYI, you are not limited to grading your class, you can grade other classes as well :)

09-30-2013, 07:47 AM
-PVE Strength: 2
-PVP Stregnth: 1
-Party Utility: 4
-Equipment Cost: 4
-Class Difficulty: 2(depending on player)
-Battle Mode 1: 2
-Battle Mode 2: 3
-Battle Mode 3: 3

09-30-2013, 07:54 AM
Thanks for the first reply, cloud! Just FYI, you are not limited to grading your class, you can grade other classes as well :)

np, idc bout any of the other classes haha

09-30-2013, 09:43 AM
-PVE Strength: 2
-PVP Stregnth: 4
-Party Utility: 4
-Equipment Cost: 3
-Class Difficulty: 2
-Battle Mode 1: 2
-Battle Mode 2: 4
-Battle Mode 3: 3

PvE: I guess we have decent dps...survivability is an issue even with regen+spirit shield
PvP: Nation War - We have the best mobility so we can easily scout.
Mission Battle - Decent, our mobility becomes useless if there's a person on a bike circling around the Ice Lord.
Freestyle/War Channel - Probably the best, given that you can utilize blink well, in and out of combo.
Traditional PvP - We have low defense and damage reduction so it's a lost cause unless we have tons of resist rate and resist damage.
Party Utility: Wizards used to be a necessity in party dungeons, but ever since Arionell mercenary was released...not so much.
Equipment Cost: No rate buff, need at least 3 Slot Extenders for helm and 2 orbs.
Class Difficulty: Hard to master if you have bad latency and cannot utilize blink in combo, or even dash in combo.
Battle Mode 1: I only use it in nation war and it's only for hitting harder and being able to combo so...nothing special.
Battle Mode 2: One of the best BM2s next to bladers and their aof (if they can 1 claw retarget that is). However, BM2 can get annoying at times when you get knockedback frequently
Battle Mode 3: Pretty good for constant aoeing, can easily hit and run.

09-30-2013, 09:53 AM
If this game was still fun i'd rate FA >:

09-30-2013, 12:16 PM
-PVE Strength: 4
-PVP Stregnth: 4
-Party Utility: 3
-Equipment Cost: 3
-Class Difficulty: 2
-Battle Mode 1: 1
-Battle Mode 2: 1
-Battle Mode 3: 4

09-30-2013, 12:34 PM
-PVE Strength: 3
-PVP Stregnth: 3
-Party Utility: 3
-Equipment Cost: 4
-Class Difficulty: 3
-Battle Mode 1: 5
-Battle Mode 2: 0
-Battle Mode 3: 4 or 5 depending if you think silence thunder blade is redic lol

09-30-2013, 12:42 PM

PVE -3
PVP -4-5
Party utility- 3
Equipment Cost-5
Class Difficulty-3
Battle Mode 1 -5
Battle Mode 2 -1
Battle Mode 3 -4-5

Party Utility- 1
Equipment Cost-2
Class Difficulty-2
Battle Mode 1- 3
Battle Mode 2- 4 in 1v1(PVP and Bosses) 1 If Against multiple enemies
Battle Mode 3- 2

09-30-2013, 01:23 PM
-PVE Strength: 5
-PVP Stregnth: 4
-Party Utility: 5
-Equipment Cost: 3
-Class Difficulty: 1
-Battle Mode 1: 4 (compared to other classes)
-Battle Mode 2: 5
-Battle Mode 3: 3

-PVE Strength: 4
-PVP Stregnth: 5
-Party Utility: 5
-Equipment Cost: 2
-Class Difficulty: 5
-Battle Mode 1: 1
-Battle Mode 2: 4
-Battle Mode 3: 5

-PVE Strength: 3
-PVP Stregnth: 4
-Party Utility: 4
-Equipment Cost: 5
-Class Difficulty: 1
-Battle Mode 1: 5
-Battle Mode 2: 2
-Battle Mode 3: 3

-PVE Strength: 3
-PVP Stregnth: 4 (-1 cause they blow at mb)
-Party Utility: 3
-Equipment Cost: 3
-Class Difficulty: 3
-Battle Mode 1: 3
-Battle Mode 2: 3
-Battle Mode 3: 2

09-30-2013, 07:59 PM
-PVE Strength: 3
-PVP Stregnth: 2
-Party Utility: 5
-Equipment Cost: 3
-Class Difficulty: 5
-Battle Mode 1: 2
-Battle Mode 2: 4
-Battle Mode 3: 1

Force Archers:
-PVE Strength: 2
-PVP Stregnth: 5
-Party Utility: 5
-Equipment Cost: 5
-Class Difficulty: 3
-Battle Mode 1: 1
-Battle Mode 2: 3
-Battle Mode 3: 5

Force Bladers:
-PVE Strength: 3
-PVP Strength: 4
-Party Utility: 4
-Equipment Cost: 5
-Class Difficulty: 2
-Battle Mode 1: 5
-Battle Mode 2: 2
-Battle Mode 3: 4

-PVE Strength: 3
-PVP Strength: 4
-Party Utility: 5
-Equipment Cost: 1
-Class Difficulty: 1
-Battle Mode 1: 3
-Battle Mode 2: 5
-Battle Mode 3: 4

-PVE Strength: 5
-PVP Stregnth: 3
-Party Utility: 1
-Equipment Cost: 1
-Class Difficulty: 5
-Battle Mode 1: 4
-Battle Mode 2: 5
-Battle Mode 3: 3

Force Shielder:
-PVE Strength: 4
-PVP Stregnth: 4
-Party Utility: 4
-Equipment Cost: 5
-Class Difficulty: 5
-Battle Mode 1: 2
-Battle Mode 2: 1
-Battle Mode 3: 4

10-01-2013, 03:14 PM
good stuff, keep them coming! i may have to outsource this thread to cabaleu to get more data entries at this rate.

10-03-2013, 01:53 PM
bump~ help me finish this survey by the end of this month for the new players!

if you dont feel comfortable posting your grades here, you can PM them to me :)

10-03-2013, 10:34 PM
-PVE Strength: 4
-PVP Stregnth: 3
-Party Utility: 4
-Equipment Cost: 2
-Class Difficulty: 2
-Battle Mode 1: 3
-Battle Mode 2: 5
-Battle Mode 3: 3

-PVE Strength: 5
-PVP Stregnth: 4
-Party Utility: 5
-Equipment Cost: 3
-Class Difficulty: 4
-Battle Mode 1: 2
-Battle Mode 2: 4
-Battle Mode 3: 5

-PVE Strength: 4
-PVP Stregnth: 4
-Party Utility: 4
-Equipment Cost: 3
-Class Difficulty: 3
-Battle Mode 1: 5
-Battle Mode 2: 2
-Battle Mode 3: 4

-PVE Strength: 3
-PVP Stregnth: 3
-Party Utility: 3
-Equipment Cost: 4
-Class Difficulty: 4
-Battle Mode 1: 3
-Battle Mode 2: 3
-Battle Mode 3: 2
-PVE Strength: 5
-PVP Stregnth: 3
-Party Utility: 1
-Equipment Cost: 3
-Class Difficulty: 4
-Battle Mode 1: 3
-Battle Mode 2: 5
-Battle Mode 3: 3

Force Shielder:
-PVE Strength: 4
-PVP Stregnth: 3
-Party Utility: 4
-Equipment Cost: 3
-Class Difficulty: 5
-Battle Mode 1: 2
-Battle Mode 2: 1
-Battle Mode 3: 4

Lord Kronius
10-04-2013, 09:23 AM
-PVE Strength: 3
-PVP Stregnth: 3
-Party Utility: 4
-Equipment Cost: 2
-Class Difficulty: 3
-Battle Mode 1: 2
-Battle Mode 2: 3
-Battle Mode 3: 1

PVE str: good tanking ability, cant survive long enough in bloody, requires healing, low DPS
PVP str: outside of war(in stand pvp its prorably the third best FS and Str built FB are superior. Mission battle its basically garbage, War its decent in terms of pvp
Party Utility: has the best party synergies IMO, AOS, Fury all the good stuff, best for support
Equipment Cost: No rate buff, think about that...... have to buy slot extenders for the GS, extreming requires the use of more cores
Class difficult: after the current patches id say it would become harder for the WA that are ungeared to survive in pvp or pve situations.
BM1: its basically a def atk BM, nothing special other than 100 hp LOL.
BM2: Prolly our best BM, has decent vamp, quick DPS, plus the knockdown, still not as ez to use as WI, FA bm2, not as strong as BL bm2.
BM3: SLOW, WEAK COMPARED TO OTHER CLASS, nuff said about that

I aggreee to a lot of this!! Great breakdown of the WA!!
bm2 = that throwing scythe move that stuns ur opponent. master this and its op for when fb roots u. I always $u,cked with retargeting in this mode though Q_Q wish I had the skill to use it to its full potential I bet it's nice if you can.
bm2 I would always use ii with
bm3 = bomb! I love it on smashing guardians. once you hit that bm3 3 skill like all 3 in a row you're talking srs dmg and pretty fast from what I remember. if some1s knocked down and u hit the c skill 3 tiems they are usually dead lol. especially if 2 crit.and mixing the shorts you use with certain bms, the cooldown is relatively close.
when I used to war in merc in t5 on my friends 180 wa 80dmg redos +15 gs I was smashing up so high with bm3's atk. I would always bloddy and pc in bm3. and they would cool down at the same time relatively. and I would score pretty high..

10-25-2013, 08:36 AM
hello, everyone! i will be concluding the survey at the end of this month. appreciate all the input thus far, but i would really like more inputs until that point on! thanks!

and please refrain from commenting on other's grading! instead, submit your own to counter them if you feel it is not correct :)